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This information was taken from the Travis County Poor Farm Ledger “List of Paupers at Poor Farm” at the Austin History Center.

The farms appear to have relocated with the change in population over the years. At one time it was listed as 6 miles north of the city on the Georgetown Road. That would be around 51st St and Guadalupe/Lamar Streets. The last site appears to be near Tarrytown Park at Winstead and Tower.

In the ledgers, some residents were termed inmates and some convicts.

Transcription was done by Kay Boyd. Any information on the Poor Farm will be accepted.

J. C. Giles took charge Dec. 4, 1894
Williams took charge Jan. 1, 1901

??xx Grant    White    
Alexander, Wm1887MTennColoredMay 5, 1891run away at night, violate rules  
Allickzander, Wm/BillAug 7, 189445MTennColored  same as Ellickzanderin census
Anderson, JanieDec 24, 18908yFTexWhiteMay 7, 1891taken by Father  
Anderson, John BDec 24, 189013yMTexWhiteMay 7, 1891taken by Father  
Anderson, John BMar 4, 189214yMTexasWhiteAug 13, 1892   
Anderson, MarthaDec 24, 189010yFTexWhiteMay 7, 1891taken by Father  
Baismore, S ESep 13, 188583FGeorgiaWhiteJul 28, 1896Died  
Bell, CallieApr 13, 190025FTexColoredMay 3, 1900sent to city hospital  
Bell, CatyJun 18, 18961FTexasWhiteOct 1, 1896moved to Austin  
Bell, EmeryJun 18, 189612MTexasWhiteSep 14sent to blind school  
Bell, Fbef Nov 26, 1890xFWhiteNov 28, 1890   
Bell, FloraFeb 11, 1891xFFranceWhiteFeb 18, 1891left without leave  
Bell, J BJul 10, 189640MTexWhiteOct 7moved to Austin  
Bell, LisaApr 13, 19005FTexColoredJul 30, 1900left  
Bell, MarySep 6, 189639FTexasWhiteOct 1, 1896hired to cook  
Bell, MarynJun 18,18968MTexasWhiteOct 1, 1896moved to Austin  
Bell, OrangeApr 13, 190010MTexColoredJul 28, 1900left  
Bell, RoneyJun 18, 18965MTexasWhiteOct 1, 1896moved to Austin  
Bell, RossinaApr 13, 19007FTexColoredJul 28, 1900left  
Blind JoFeb 1, 189232FNYWhite aft 1900  
Boyer, CharlesSep 12, 189547M??ColoredDecDied  
Bradshaw, JohnJun 7, 189822MTexColoredDec 29, 1898runoff ???  
Bradshaw, (John)Jun 7, 189822MTexColoredAug 18, 1900left ???  
Bradshaw, JohnDec 29, 1898xM Colored ???  
Brannon, HenrySep 11, 189775MMississippiWhiteNov 28, 1897left  
Brooks, J MJan 15, 189127 yMIndWhiteFeb 25, 1891to go to workwork without leave 
Brown, HarriettJul 7, 1894        
Brown, HarriettJul 7, 1895xFMissColoredOct 15, 1896Died  
Brown, W HFeb 12, 189955MMissipWhiteMar 5, 1899went to the Home confed  
Burnet, PeatJun 22, 189562MIrelandWhiteSep 12, 1896sent to Temple by comis co  
Burns, JimAug 1, 189865MIrelandWhiteAug 15   
Burns, JimMar 18, 189764MIrelandWhiteApr 11, 1897left  
Bxxx, A WAug 14, 190075MIllwhiteOct 4, 1900went to San Antonio  
Byrnez, JohnApr 22, 189928MEnglandWhiteApr 1, 1899left  
Caine, W JMar 29, 189965MSouth CarWhiteApr 17, 1899left  
Calvin, J MDec 21, 189735MTexWhiteFeb 27, 1898Died  
Canuary, JamesDec 9, 189766MIrelandWhiteFeb 2, 1898went to the Home  
Carter, JohnFeb 18, 189940MIrelandWhiteMar 7, 1899   
Clay, MollieNov 19, 18978FTexWhiteNov 24, 1897by order ???  
Cooper, JohnNov 11, 189654MAlabamaColoredDec 4, 1891ran off  
Cooper, JohnMar 8, 189751MAlabamaColoredMar 18, 1897ran off  
Crane, F RMay, 18891 yFTexasWhite gave away to Mrs. Manfordborn on farm 
Crane, T NOct, 18902 moMTexasWhite given away by motherborn on farm 
Crane, T NOct, 189010 moMTexasWhiteFeb 25, 1892given away by mother  
Crane, T NApr 6, 18921yMTexasWhite    
Crane, T NApr 6, 18923MTexasWhite    
Crane, Theodore N 4MFarmWhiteFeb 27, 1896sent to Fort Worth by ?  
Crane, W BJuly, 18883 yFTexasWhiteAug 27, 1891Taken by mother  
Crane, W BJuly, 18885yFTexasWhiteFeb 29, 1892taken away with mother  
Crane, W BApr 6, 18926yFTexasWhite    
Crane, W B 7FFarm/TXWhiteFeb 27, 1896sent to Fort Worth by ?  
Crane, Z OJuly, 188829 yFMissouriWhiteAug 27, 1891left without leave  
Crane, Z OAug 30, 189x        
Crane, Z OJuly, 188830yFMissouriWhiteFeb 29, 1892left with out leave  
Crane, Z OApr 6, 189231yFMissouriWhite returned  
Crane, Z OApr 6, 189233FMissouriWhiteFeb 27, 1896sent to Fort Worth by ?  
Curley, JohnNov 28, 189871MIrelandWhiteNov 26, 1898   
Daughterty, MikeOct , 189077 yMTennWhiteFeb 10, 1891   
Deen, DoraMay 2, 189819FTexColoredOct 6   
Doyle, JosephineDec 3, 1890FWhiteDec 6, 1890left with out leave  
Driscol, DonnieJun 2, 189771MIrelandWhiteJun 19, 1897left  
Dukart/Dukehart, JohnJun 25, 189856MGermanyWhite    
Edmundson, AndersonJan 4, 189870M ColoredNov 25   
Edmundson, JaneJan 4, 189885FVirginColoredNov 15, 1898Died  
Ellickzander, BillAug 7, 189445MTennColored   in census
Ewing, Daniel188980 yMVaColoredFeb 18, 1891Died, old age  
Farmer, Moe VJul 9, 189135yFKyWhiteJul 23, 1891   
Farren, JohnOct 5, 1897 MIrelandWhiteFeb 4, 1898went to the home  
Fine, ThomasFeb 17, 190062MIrelandWhite   1900 census immig 1853/Na
Foney, JimOct 28, 189586MTennColoredMay 31, 1897Died  
Foney, Jim/JamesNov 19, 189486MN CarColoredMar 25, 1895left on own accord  
German CarpenterMay 13, 189480MEuropeWhiteNov 12, 1894Died  
Gillin, P JNov 10, 189150yMIrelandWhiteNov 27, 1891without leave  
Goodall, JohnAug 1, 189882MGeorgiaWhiteAug 29   
Goodman, MrsAug 14, 189670FIrelandWhiteMay 20, 1899carried to City Hospital  
Graham, LeeFeb 2, 190065MKanColoredMar 8, 1900sent to hospital  
Grant, W GJun 15, 189555MS CarolinaWhiteMay 7, 1896gone to the soldiers Home  
Green, FredDec 1, 189865MGermanyWhiteAug 3, 1900sent to soldier home Austin b Jul 1833, immig 1879
Grigsby, JamesMar 10, 189843MAlabamaWhiteOct 9   
Grimes, Maria L/G/YMay 13, 189471FTennWhiteFeb 9, 1897Died  
Grumbles, MariaJun, 1890FAlabamaColoredApr 15, 1895Died  
Gylfe, JoannaMay 20, 189948FSwedenWhiteOct 9, 1900left James in census b Dec 1850
Hall, H JJun 6, 188356MMaineWhite still there Feb 1900  
Hall, H JJun 6, 188353 yMMainWhite    
Hall, H JJun 6, 188354MMaineWhite   b Oct 1839
Hattie (col woman)Dec 17, 1890FColored aft 1900  
Haynes, MitchelApr 22, 189965MIrelandWhiteJun 5, 1899left  
Haywood, DickApr 15, 189885MMerilandColoredJul 8, 1898Died  
Heifner, AlbertMar 2, 18952MTexWhiteMar 4, 1895taken by father  
Heifner, AnnieMar 2, 189513FTexWhiteMar 4, 1895taken by father  
Heifner, MaggieMar 2, 18955FTexWhiteMar 4, 1895taken by father  
Henderson, JimMay 25, 1899 M WhiteMay 28, 1899left  
Hill, Cora LFeb 18, 18916 moFTexasWhiteApr 15, 1891taken away by mother  
Hill, ElmiraFeb 18, 189128yFTexasWhiteApr 15, 1891taken away by husband  
Hill, LeeMay 17, 189232yMTexasWhiteMay 27, 1892left at night  
Hill, LegrandFeb 18, 189129yMTexasWhiteApr 7, 1891without leave  
Hill, WalterFeb 18, 18915yMTexasWhiteApr 15, 1891taken away by mother  
Holiday, MrJan 21, 189952MMexicoWhiteMar 6, 1899   
Holland, H LNov 26, 189046 yMborn on seaWhiteJan 17, 1891to work in St Louis Hotel  
Holland, H LMay 5, 189146yMborn at seaWhiteJun 14, 1891   
Holland, H LAug 31, 189146yMborn at seaWhiteFeb 15, 1892left to get work  
Holland, H LJul 22, 189547yMsea bornWhite  4 times on farm 
Holland, John JJun 13, 189148yMGeorgiaWhite    
Huse, JohnJul 22, 189675M ColoredNov 5, 1896Died  
Hutchison, JessieAug 17, 189811MTexWhiteSep 7, 1898left to pick cotton  
Hutchison, JessieSep 20, 189811MTexWhiteSep 27, 1898   
Hutchison, JessieOct 7, 189811MTexWhiteNov 10, 1898sent to people  
Hutchison, ThomasAug 17, 18988MTexWhiteSep 7, 1898left to pick cotton  
Hutchison, TomSep 20, 18988MTexWhiteSep 27, 1898   
Hutchison, TomOct 7, 18988MTexWhiteNov 10, 1898sent to people  
Ingram, WalterJul 6, 189217yMTexasWhiteJul 25, 1892by order, to his father  
Jackson, TomDec 21, 189640MTexColoredSep 1897ranoff  
Jackson, TomNov 6, 189740MTexColoredJan 4, 189xDied  
Jenkins, InfantJul 5, 1897?? FTexWhite    
Jenkins, InfantJul 6, 1897 ?? FTexWhiteJan 19, 1899found home  
Jenkins, MollieJul 5, 189726FTexWhiteApr 10   
Jenkins, MollieJan 27, 189729FTexWhiteApr 30, 1897left  
Jenkins, VelaJul 5, 18975FTexWhiteJan 19, 1899found home  
Jenkins, VelaJan 27, 18975FTexWhiteApr 30, 1897left  
Jones, JakeOct 18, 18942MTexasWhiteFeb 28, 1897taken by Mother  
Jones, LizzieOct 18, 189424FTexasWhiteFeb 28, 1897left on own accord  
Jones, PearlOct 18, 18944FTexasWhiteNov 5given away by her Mother  
Kinsly, JohnApr 16, 189763MIrelandWhiteMay 17, 1897   
Lance, JakeOct 19, 18962MTexasWhiteFeb 28, 1897taken away by Mother  
Lance, LizzieOct 19, 189624FTexasWhiteFeb 28, 1897left on own accord  
Lance, PearlOct 19, 18964FTexasWhiteNov 5, 1896fiven away by her Mother  
Lawson, JamesFeb 2, 189140yMEnglandWhiteJul 14, 1891sent to Hot Springs Ark by com court  
Leak, S TSep 3, 189477MVaWhite??returned  
Leak, S TDec 9, 190082MVaM aft 1900  
Leak, Saml T /S TAug 8, 189275MVaWhiteMay 24, 1895refusing to do his work around house  
Leak, SamuelNov 26, 188675 yMVaWhiteSep 14, 1891getting drunk, disobeying rules  
Love, Emma  FMissColored    
Love, EmmaDec 12, 189345FVaColoredDec 17, 1895Died  
Lowery, TimothyDec 8, 189657MIrelandWhiteApr 11on own accord  
Lowery, TimothyDec 8, 189657MIrelandWhiteFeb 22, 1897left on own accord  
Lucy, TimNov 19, 1897 MIrelandWhiteMar 19, 1898   
Lynch, TomJul 13, 189570 IrelandWhiteJul 25, 1895Taken by his daughter  
Lynch, TomMar 9, 189670MIrelandWhiteApr 15, 1896left on his own accord  
Lynch, TomSep 15, 189670MIrelandWhiteApr 11, 1897left  
Lynch, TomAug 6, 189771MIrelandWhiteDec 1897went home  
Lynch, TomJul 1, 189872MIreland     
Mack, OncleNov 23, 190065MTennColored aft 1900  
Mallid, Andrew ???Feb 20, 189276MGermanyWhiteJun 4, 1895Died  
Martin, HenryNov 11, 189157yMGermanyWhiteApr 2, 1892left to get work, without leave  
Martin, HenryOct 26, 189459MEuropeWhite    
Martin, HenryMay 21, 189660MGermanyWhiteMar 20, 1895left on own accord ?????  
Martin, HenryMay 31, 189661MGermanyWhiteJun 1, 1897left  
Martin, HenryNov 8, 189762MGermanyWhiteApr 6, 1898   
MaryOct 28, 1895 FTennColored    
Maryland, MitchaelJul 13, 189776MIrelandWhiteApr 11, 1899left  
Mason, CharleyDec 18, 189479MGermanyWhiteJan 21, 1895carried to hospital order Dr Graves  
Mason, HallieAug 12, 1895 F WhiteJan 9, 1896taken by Mr. Lewis???  
Mason, InfantAug 12, 18959mM WhiteJan 9, 1896sent to Lampasas with ??  
Mason, JessieJan 19, 1896 MTexWhiteJun 7given away by mother to R  
Mason, LettieAug 12, 1895 F WhiteJan 9, 1896sent to Lampasas with ??  
Mason, LettieJan 19, 1896 FTexWhiteSep 13, 1896not obeying rules  
Mason, LottieNov 17, 189725FTexWhiteOct 28, 1898   
Mason, LottieDec 3, 189726FTexWhiteOct 4, 1897sent to hospital  
Mavesley, BillieJan 20, 189975MMisWhite    
McCool, NedJan 18, 1895 MTennColoredMar 7, 1895carried to hospital, sick  
McPearson, MariahDec 1, 1891ColoredDec 4, 1891Died, buried by??? Miller-coffin $3.73
Melasky, AbeMar 5, 1891 M WhiteMay 13, 1891to New Orleanspay pauper p 30 
Mire, AlbertMar 3, 190059MGermanyWhiteJun 9, 1900left  
Mitchel, FrankSep 6, 18988MTexWhiteSep 18, 1898taken by Mother  
Mitchel, JoeSep 6, 18985MTexWhiteSep 18, 1898taken by Mother  
Montassen, HMxx 12, 189230yMIowa Apr 6, 1892left without leave  
Moore, LisabethFeb 1, 189783FAlabamaWhiteApr 13, 1898Died  
Musgrove, EmiliaJan 5, 1891FAlabamaColored    
Neeley, W LFeb 188856yMKyWhiteOct 19, 1894Died Miller-coffin $2.73
Nickles, BobMay 4, 190064MIrelandWhiteJun 8, 1900left  
Nickles, BobJul 5, 190064MIrelandWhiteAug 14 ,1900leftin 1900 census 
Nickles, BobOct 22, 190064MIrelandWhiteDec 12, 1900left  
O’Brien, DanielApr 3, 189971MIrelandWhiteFeb 12, 1899went to Confederate Home  
Ormsby, Billie /WmApr 13, 189471MMissWhiteJul 11, 18xx   
Ormsby, Billie /WmJun 1, 189875MMissWhite left  
Paddleshot, WillieJun 5, 189730MGermanyWhiteJun 10, 1897taken by Sidney Nolen  
Parks, G WMay 13, 189468M??WhiteJun 5, 1894Taken by nephew J P ???  
Pendegrass, CharlesMar 16, 189262yMMaineWhiteApr 1892to get work  
Perry, LucyJun 29, 1896104FTennColoredSep 25, 1899Died  
Foney, MaryFeb 28, 189570FTennColoredJan 15, 1898Died  
Pitman, LissieSep 10, 189818FTexWhiteSep 18, 1898   
Pitman, LissieSep 10, 189818FTexWhiteMar 20by order comis ct  
Price, JohnFeb 13, 190070M ColoredJan 19, 1901taken to hospital in census
Rector, H GMar 5, 188540 yMVaWhite    
Rector, H GMar 5, 188544MVaWhite    
Redmand, AndrewJul 29, 189869MIrelandWhite    
Redmand, AndrewMar 17, 190068MGermanyWhiteAug 24, 1900left  
Reece, R EOct 18, 189930MTexWhiteJan 16, 1900went to San Antonio  
Reed, Mac LDec 2, 189971MS CarolinaWhiteDec 18, 1898sent to city hospital  
Reeves, J MJul 21, 190058M WhiteAug 21 ,1900left  
Reeves, MaryJul 12, 190036FTexWhiteAug 21, 1900left  
Ritten, Johnbef Nov 22, 1890MWhiteDec 1, 1890went  
Ritten, JohnFeb 20, 189113 yMOhioWhiteMar 28,1 891ran away (bad boy)  
Roberts, MatildaJul 12, 19007FTexWhiteAug 21, 1900left  
Robinson, ArthurAug 9, 18960MColoredNov 8, 1896Died  
Robinson, JohnAug 7, 1896 M ColoredNov 8,1896Died  
Rucker, Bill/WmAug 30, 189470MTennColoredJan 16, 1901taken to hospital in census
Rucker, FrancisAug 30, 189460FGeorgia/TennColored aft 1900 in census
SamJun 7, 189822MTexColored fat 1900 in census
Schroeder, CarlApr 20, 18948MTexasWhite taken by mother p33  
Schroeder, FranzApr 20, 18945MTexasWhite taken by mother p33  
Schroeder, WilhelmApr 20, 18943MTexasWhite taken by mother p33  
Scott, Tom/ThomasDec 2, 189568MScotlandWhiteMay 11, 1896left  
Scott, TomApr 30, 1897    Aug 12, 1897   
Seltzer, MollieSep 6, 1894 F  Nov 6, 1894   
Seviena, AnnaAug 17, 189828FTexWhiteSep 7, 1898left to pick cotton  
Seviena, AnnaSep 20, 189828FTexWhiteSep 27, 1898   
Seviena, AnnaOct 7, 189828FTexWhiteNov 10, 1898sent to people  
Seviena, FannieAug 17, 189811 moFTexWhiteSep 7, 1898left to pick cotton  
Seviena, FannieSep 20, 189811 moFTexWhiteSep 27, 1898   
Seviena, FannieOct 7, 189811 moFTexWhiteNov 10, 1898sent to people  
Sharp, LauraApr 6, 189515FTexasWhite    
Sharp, LauraApr 12, 189616FTexWhiteJun 17went to Georgetown  
Sharp, LauraSep 29, 189719FTexWhiteMar 4, 1899   
Sharp, LauraJun 25, 189821FTexWhiteJul 21, 1898   
Sharp, LauraOct 15, 189820FTexWhite    
Sharp, LauraOct 15, 189929FTexWhiteMar 20by order comis ct  
Sharp, LydaDec, 188854yFIllWhiteJul 9, 1895Died  
Sharp, Mrsbef Dec 4, 1894 F WhiteJul 29,???Died  
Sharp, MrsMar 14, 190035FAlabamaWhiteMar 21, 1900left  
Sharp, Sbef18MWhiteJun 30, 1895left on own accord  
Sharp, Solm 18MTXWhiteJul 1895left  
Sharp, SolomanDec, 188813yMTexasWhite    
ShillingMay 23, 1898 F WhiteAug 20   
Shuman, JohnNov 26, 189068MTennColoredJul 9, 1891Died Miller-coffin $2.50
Silvester, Allie LApr 6, 18924yFTexasWhiteMay 19, 1892taken by father  
Silvester, D HApr 6, 18926yMTexasWhiteMay 19, 1892taken by father  
Silvester, F MabelApr 6, 18922 moFTexasWhiteMay 19, 1892taken by father  
Silvester, LydaApr 6, 189231yFTexasWhiteMay 19, 1892taken by her husband  
Silvester, Maud LApr 6, 18922yFTexasWhiteMay 19, 1892taken by father  
Skindland, Carl 4MSwedenWhiteMar 1895taken by Mr. H Pearson Walnut Creek, Sprinkle  
Skindland, Morton 6MSwedenWhiteJan 25, 1895taken by Mr. Hale, Meriltown  
Smithbef Jan 1, 1901 M Colored    
Smith, J CDec 3, 189075yMMissouriWhiteDec 8, 1890left without leave  
Smith, OscarSep 26, 190010MTexWhiteOct 23, 1900taken by B W Giles  
Smith, OscarNov 9, 190010MTexWhite aft 1900  
Socks, AdolphOct 4, 188358MGermanyWhite    
Socks, AdolphOct 11, 188357yMGermanyWhiteMar 3, 1889Died  
Stack, EdwdMay 6, 189160yMIrelandWhiteJun 29, 1891   
Stanton, ElijahNov, 189073 yMN.Y.WhiteJun 27, 1891   
Stockman, GeorgeApr 6, 18951MTexasWhiteJun 28, 1895went to live with Mr Reed  
Stockman, GeorgeApr 12, 18962MTexWhiteJun 17   
Stockman, GeorgeSep 29, 18974MTexWhiteJan 19, 1898found home  
Stockman, LauraApr 6, 189515FTexWhiteJun 28, 1895went to live with Mr Reed on Bull Creek  
Thompson, CharleyNov 29, 189965MTexWhiteMar 10, 1900left  
Thompson, CharleyApr 11, 190065MTexWhiteMay 21, 1900left  
Thompson, Mary ADec 9, 189664FGeorgiaWhiteMar 8, 1897   
Thompson, ODec 9, 189671MNorth CarWhiteMar 8, 1897   
Thompson/Jackson, JohnApr, 190066MAlabamaWhiteNov 15, 1900sent to city hospital  
Thornton, MaryNov 12, 1893  VaColored    
Thornton, MaryOct 28, 1895 F ColoredMar 24, 1895not obeying orders  
TomAug 16, 189771MIrelandWhite    
Turner, AlmelaAug 30, 18998FTexWhiteSep 17sent to Luling  
Turner, CharleyAug 30, 18993MTexWhiteSep 17sent to Luling  
Vanzant, Len         
Vanzant, TomMar 12, 1895MTennColoredMay 29, 1895runaway  
Vanzant, TomDec 17, 189890MTennColoredJan 4, 1899Died  
Wadkins, BelfordAug 6, 189555MMissColoredDec 19, 1895Died coffin $2.48
Wagner, JohnMar 8, 189730MGermanyWhiteMay 19, 1897   
Wallace, MayAug 10, 189814FTexWhiteMay 20, 1899carried to City Hospital  
Wallace, MayAug 27, 189914FTexWhiteNov 4, 1899sent to San Antonio asylum  
Washington, MaryDec 14, 1896 F ColoredFeb 1, 1897ran off  
Washington, MaryJun 7, 189730FTexColoredJun 11, 1897runoff  
Weston, AugustApr 27, 189568MGermanyWhiteFeb 5, 1897time out  
Weston, WestonApr 12, 1897        
Wheelan, MitchaelJul 13, 189776MIrelandWhite    
Whelan, MitchaelJul 17, 1897 MIrelandWhite    
Wheeler, AugustApr 12, 189768MGermanyWhiteJun 16, 1897Western????  
Wilkins, M DDec 3, 189869MTennWhite aft 1900  
Wilky, R JFeb 27, 190072MPolanderWhiteJul 27, 1900left  
Willard, AndrewFeb 20, 189274yMGermanyWhiteJun 4, 1895Died  
Williams, JosieFeb 1, 189230yFNYWhite taken by L. W. Hertz/then returned 1900 census
Wilson, JosephAug 10, 189964MEnglandWhiteOct 7, 1899left  
Woods, W. R.Sep 17, 189253yMMissouriWhiteSep 29, 1892   
Woods, W. R.Nov 14, 189861MMissouriWhite    
Wxxxxby, BillieJan 20, 189975MMissWhiteFeb 18, 1899ranoff