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ARREDONDO, Antonia, Mrs. Antonio Arredondo, 72, a resident of Austin for the past 35 years, died in a local hospital Monday, She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Celia Aguirra; three sons, Rudolpho Arredondo, Constancio Arredondo and Augustine Arredondo, all of Austin. Funeral services are set for Wednesday. Burial in Memorial Park. Austin American, Jan 10, 1950. Submitted by: kb

ATKINS, Funeral services for Ernest T. Atkins were held at the Hyltin-Manor Funeral Home Thursday morning with the Rev. L. R. Cole of the Capitol Heights Baptist Church officiating. Burial was in Memorial Park. Austin American, Nov 25, 1949. Submitted by: ns

BAKER, Private funeral services Miss Julia Baker were Monday with burial in Oakwood Cemetery. Austin Statesman, Jan 9, 1952 p2. Submitted by: kb

BARTLETT, William Bartlett was found dead of heart failure yesterday morning by his negro housekeeper at 504 East Thirteenth street. Bartlett is a porter in the senate chamber. His body was sent to Dallas for burial. Austin Daily Statesman, Mar 26, 1907. Submitted by: kb

BAUMGART, Victor G. Baumgart of 506 East 16th Street died in a local hospital Friday. He has been a resident of Austin for the past five years. Survivors are his widow, Mrs. Elie Baumgart of Austin, three daughters, Mrs. Sterling Adair, Mrs. J. L. Churchwell of Austin, and Mrs. Fred Blazek of Bryan. Funeral services will be held at the Simank Funeral Home in Brehham Sunday at 4 p.m. with the Rev. Theo String officiating. Burial will be in Brenham. Austin American, Nov 26, 1949. Submitted by: ns

BEARD, Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Katherine Beard were held Monday. Burial was in Memorial Park. Austin American, Jan 10, 1950. Submitted by: kb

BEHNKEN, John W. Behnken III died in Houston early Friday. Survivors are his parents, the Rev. and Mrs. John W. Behnken Jr.; a sister, Jayne E. Behnken, all of Houston; his grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. John W. Behnken of Illinois and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Knippa of Austin. Funeral services will be held in Houston Saturday at 10 a.m. The body will then be brought to Austin for graveside services at 4:30 p.m. in Memorial Park with the Rev. Albert F. Jesse officiating. Services will be under the direction of the Cook Funeral Home. Austin American, Nov 26, 1949. Submitted by: ns

BOCK, Mrs. Pina Eva Bock, resident of Austin for more than 50 years, died Sunday afternoon in a local hospital after an illness of several months. Born at Cedar Valley, Mrs. Bock moved to Austin with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mueller, when she was nine years old. She attended the Austin public schools and business college. Surviving are her husband, G. C. Bock, a son Carl Edward Bock, one sister, Mrs. Gus Borner, and three brothers, Carl H. Mueller, Leo O. Mueller and Rudolph G. Muller. Austin paper, Jun 26, 1939. Submitted by: kb

BOWEN, Funeral services for Thomas H. Bowen were held Sunday. Burial was in Memorial Park. Austin American, Mar 22, 1943. Submitted by: kb

BOYD, George Wilson Boyd, 18 years old, the son of a widow, Mrs. Louise Boyd, 4520 Avenue G, Hyde Park, worked in his mother’s grocery store and in large part ran the business. He died as a result of the overturning of a boat Sunday afternoon on Lake Austin at the mouth of Little Bee Creek. He and his friend Andrew Sibley could not be revived by the policemen. Boyd is survived by three brothers and one sister. The funeral was held this afternoon from the family residence with interment at Oakwood. Austin Statesman, May 20, 1916. Submitted by: kb

BOYD, John S. Boyd died at his home in Hyde Park last evening at 2:30 o’clock. J. S. Boyd was born Nov. 20, 1871 and died Jan 22, 1913. He was survived by a wife and five children, four boys and a girl, a father, a mother, two brothers and two sisters and a host of relative and friends. Funeral services will be conducted at his home at 2 o’clock the evening of Jan. 23. Austin American, Jan 23, 1913. Submitted by: kb

BOYD, Mrs. Louise Annie Gustafson Boyd died Monday night. She has been a resident of Austin for many years and was a member of the Methodist Church. Survivors are three sons, T. C. Boyd, John D. Boyd, and Emil F. Boyd, all of Austin. Funeral services will be Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. Burial in Oakwood Cemetery. Austin American, Jan 10, 1950. Submitted by: kb

BRATTON, Henry E. Bratton, 69, city employee and resident of Austin since 1910 died at his home Sunday. He is survived by his wife and three daughters, Mrs. Sibbie Ambler, Mrs. Ona Mae Googan, Mrs. Winnie Helk, and one son, C. P. Bratton. Burial will be in Fiskville cemetery. Austin American, Mar 22, 1943. Submitted by: kb

BULL, The body of R. C. Bull, 90, Confederate veteran who died at the Confederate home early Wednesday was sent to Novice for burial. Austin American, Aug 27, 1931, kb

BURDITT, Mr. Jesse F. Burditt died on December 28, 1862 in Arkansas. He leaves an aged mother, a wife and four children. Tri Weekly Gazette, Jul 21, 1863. Submitted by: kb

CAMPBELL, Arthur B. Campbell, 76, died at his home, 504 San Antonio, Saturday. He is survived by his widow, one daughter, Miss Norine Campbell, one son, Page Campbell, all of Austin and one sister, Mrs. R. C. Pantermuehl of Dallas. Mr. Campbell was born in Austin Nov. 19, 1858 and has been a resident of Austin practically all of his life. The last several years he was bookkeeper for the Waterseal Roof and Tile company. Funeral services will be Sunday at 3 p.m. and burial will be in Oakwood cemetery. Pallbearers will be H. E. Wattinger, D. G. Hewitt, H. H. Dickehut, S. W. Redd, John Woosley and M. C. Cavett. Austin paper, Mar 10, 1935. Submitted by: kb

CAPERTON, Funeral services for the late R. S. Caperton, who died at his home, 1405 Brazos street Sunday night, will be held from the First Baptist church this Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock. Interment will be in Oakwood cemetery under the auspices of Onion Creek Masonic lodge. Pallbearers will be J. H. W. Williams, Tom R. Pierce, S. F. Nolan, Billy Wilson, W. D. Miller and Eck Alley. Austin paper, Mar 23, 1926. Submitted by: kb

CARRUTH, Mrs. Sue B. Carruth of Commerce died yesterday in Commerce and was sent to Austin for burial. The funeral was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Forest Farley and burial took place at Oakwood cemetery. Mrs. Carruth was the stepmother of Mrs. Farley and lived in Austin for many years. Austin paper, Feb 27, 1919. Submitted by: kb

CARTER, State departments were closed Monday afternoon at 3 o’clock for the funeral of Sam H. Carter, secretary of state board of control, who died suddenly Saturday night. The board of control was closed all Monday, and the state flag was at half mast in honor of Mr. Carter, who, as a duty of his office, had often caused it to be lowered out of respect to the passing of other officials. The funeral service was held at the Carter home, 2510 Wichita street and burial was in Oakwood cemetery. Hundreds of prominent officials and Austin people were in the funeral procession. Mr. Carter was a member of Hill City lodge and of Ben Hur Shire. He is survived by his widow and one daughter, Miss Virginia Carter. Pallbearers for the funeral were Sam Sparks, John Payne, W. A. Holland, Hood Pitts, J. M. Edwards and T. M. Scott. Austin paper, Mar 23, 1926. Submitted by: kb

CLINGER, Charles Edgar Clinger, 88, died at his residence 2100 Nueces Wednesday. Mr. Clinger was a pioneer rancher and farmer of Travis county, having moved to this community 70 years ago. He was a former merchant of Clingerville and a trail driver. Survivors include his widow Mrs. Laura Clinger, four daughters, Mrs. Albert Johnson, Mrs. W. J. Alsup, Mrs. P. L. Thomas Jr. and Mrs. E. E. Pittman, three sons N. E. Clinger, R. H. Clinger and Carl E. Clinger. Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery. Austin American Sep 2, 1942. Submitted by: cc

CLINGER, Funeral services for Mrs. Laura Tate Clinger, 74 who died in a local hospital Thursday will be Friday. Burial will be in Oakwood. Pallbearers will be Henry Harklereed, Clay Price, Dr. C. E. Cleveland, John D. Miller, Dan Huebner, and H. D. Drown, Austin American Sep 23, 1943. Submitted by: cc

DAVIS, Edgar E. Davis of 3505 Manchaca Road, died in Temple Monday. Survivors are a sister, Mrs. Ollie Payne of Austin, and three brothers, D. W. Davis, U. S. Davis, and T. C. Davis all of Austin. Funeral services will be Wednesday. Austin American, Jan 10, 1950. Submitted by: kb

DAVIS, John R. Davis died in La Feria Tuesday. He was a former resident of Austin. Funeral services were held in LaFeria Wednesday. , Austin-American, Oct 15, 1932. Submitted by: kb

DEATS, Oliver G. Deats, 61, lifelong resident of Austin, died in a local hospital Saturday at 7:20 a.m. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Florence Deats; one daughter, Miss Katie Deats, and two brothers, E. T. Deats, Jr. and Arnold E. Deats, all of Austin. Funeral services will be held from the Cook Funeral home Sunday at 4 p.m. with the Rev. James S. Allen of St. David’s Episcopal church officiating. Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery. Pallbearers will be Frank PInget, Jake Hirshfeld, Morris Hirshfeld, Pat Johnson, Ernest Raven and Jimmie Pinget. Austin paper, no date. He died Mar 9, 1935. Submitted by: kb

DELUNA, Preciliano DeLuna, aged 3 years died early yesterday at the home his parents, 513 East Second street and the remains were interred yesterday afternoon in Oakwood cemetery. Austin paper, Dec 1, 1907. Submitted by: kb

DI GIACONIO, Funeral services for Mrs. Bertie Lee Di Giaconio, Jr., former resident of Austin, who died in Woerchester, Ohio, were held at Live Oak Cemetery Wednesday. Mrs. Di Giaconio is survived by her husband, Joe Di Giaconio, Jr., her parents, Mrs. And Mrs. J. W. Hector; three sisters, Mrs. Theodore Powell, Mrs. Pat Langston, Miss Lillie Hector; and three brothers, William Hector, Walter Hector and Louis Hector all of Manchaca. Austin American, Aug 27, 1931, kb

DOMINGUEZ, Funeral services for Mrs. Eliza G. Dominguez, 58-year-old wife of the Mexican consul for the central district of Texas, will be Tuesday at 2 p.m. Burial will be in Memorial Park, Austin American, Jan 10, 1950. Submitted by: kb

DONNAN, Yesterday morning at 8 o’clock Nannie Bell Donnan, the 10-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Donnan, died after an illness of several weeks. The funeral services will be conducted from the family residence, No. 1102 Lavaca street this afternoon at 4:30 o’clock. The Statesman joins the friends of the family in extending sympathy to the family in their hour of bereavement. Austin Statesman Apr 22, 1898. Submitted by: kb

DOZIER, The body of Mrs. Jimmie Gay Dozier was taken to Rosenberg by the Cook Funeral Home Thursday. Services and burial will be at Rosenberg. Austin American, Nov 25, 1949. Submitted by: ns

FAGERQUIST, Funeral services for Mr. John Fagerquist will be held Monday. Pallbearers will be Arthur Olson, C. C. Johnson, Nat Erickson, Hugo Tinglow, Andrew Johnson, Carl Pearson. Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery, Austin paper, Aug 2, 1953. Submitted by: kb

HALE, Funeral services for Mrs. W. R. Hale, 72 were Monday with burial in Austin Memorial Park. Pallbearers were V. E. Taylor, Chester Ayers, Norton Bush, A. J. Wright, Clarence Moberg and Bill Deeg. Austin Statesman, Jan 9, 1951 p2. Submitted by: kb

HALL, Funeral services for Wesley Miles, Jr. will be Sunday from Cook Funeral home. Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery. He is survived by his father, Wesley M. Hall, Sr. of Brownwood and his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Clinger. Austin American, Aug 17, 1942. Submitted by: cc

HALL, Mrs. Wesley Miles Hall, aged 17 years, died at a local hospital Sunday. She is survived by her husband Wesley Hall, one little child, her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Clinger, four sisters, Mrs. E. E. Pittman, Mrs. Francis Isherwood, Mrs. Albert Johnson, Miss Hazel Clinger and three brothers R. H. Clinger, N. E. Clinger and Carl E. Clinger. Interment will be in Oakwood cemetery. Austin paper, May 13, 1928. Submitted by: cc

HAMBY, Henry Logan Hamby, 41 of 20 Red River drowned in the Colorado river Monday night when his boat capsized below the Congress Avenue Bridge. Hamby was alone in the boar at the time of the accident and the drowning occurred at the foot of River Street. Hamby’s body was recovered from the river about two hours later. Survivors include his parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Hamby, two brothers Chester Hamby and Ekel Hamby, sister Mrs. F. C. Verrell all of Austin and daughter Laverne Logan Hamby of Galveston, Austin American, May 10, 1941, kb

HARRELL, Funeral services for Edwin R. Harrell, 42, were held from the residence, 113 West 33rd street Friday at 4:30 p.m. Interment was in Oakwood cemetery under auspices of the Hill City lodge No 456, A.F. & A.M. Austin American Oct 15, 1932. Submitted by: kb

HAUSMAN, Louis G. Hausman, Sr. 78, died in a local hospital Wednesday. Surviving are his widow, two sons, Forrest of Austin and Louis G. Jr. with the seabees in the Pacific, three daughters, Mrs. H. L. Honneld of Stockton, Calif, Mrs. Bert Lynn of Knoxville, Tenn, and Mrs. H. E. Huntsmann, Fresno, Calif, three brothers, John, Earnest, and Henry Hausman, all of Austin. His parents moved to Austin with their family in 1883 and for some time occupied the original rock house that was later used as the university tea house. Burial in Oakwood cemetery. Austin paper, Apr 19, 1945. Submitted by: kb

HERTEL, Mrs. Augusta Hertel, aged 90 years, died at an early hour yesterday morning after a lingering illness at the home of her son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. August Ziller, 506 West Fourteenth street. She was born in Germany and came to Texas when quite a young woman, and for the past fifty years has made her home in this city, seeing it grow from a little village. Austin paper, Dec 1, 1907. Submitted by: kb

HIRSHFIELD, Funeral services for Jake Hirshfield were to be held Thursday afternoon at the residence, 303 West Ninth Street. Pallbearers will be Dr. Will E. Watt, William J. Koen, Dennis Macken, George Lacey, Theo David, Victor Bragg. Edward Robinson, William K. Miller, Harry Bickler, Gene Bartholomew, Walter Fisher, Ervin Joseph and Louis Goldberg. Burial in the Beth Israel-Oakwood Cemetery. Austin paper, Apr 20, 1945. Submitted by: kb

HODGE, Gary Hodge, 2, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edde Hodge, 4403 Maybelle Street, died at his home Friday at 10:45 p.m. after a brief illness. The body is at the Weed-Corley Funeral Home. Funeral services are tentatively set for Sunday. Austin American, Nov 26, 1949. Submitted by: ns.

HORNBERGER, Funeral services for Mrs. Ella Hornberger were held from the Cook funeral home Friday at 2 p.m. with the Rev Daniel F. Grieder officiating. Pallbearers were Will H. Folts, W. Gillespie Stacy, A. N. McCallum Jr., Paul Hornberger, Arthur _, and Charles G. Blasell, Interment was in Oakwood cemetery, Austin-American, Oct 15, 1932. Submitted by: kb

HUPPERTZ, Funeral services for Mrs. Agnes Steinle Huppertz, 80 who died in Auburn Ala., last Saturday will be held Tuesday. Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery. Pall bearers will be Howard P. Steinle, J. Henry Steinle, Jr. Charles Trenckmann, Ernest F. Huppertz, Eugene L. Meyer and Theodore P. Meyer, Jr. Austin paper Jan 6, 1941. Submitted by: kb

JACOBSEN, Funeral services for Frederick August Jacobsen, who died here Friday night at the age of 62, will be from his home, 1613 Sabine street. Interment will be in Oakwood cemetery. Pallbearers will be William Ulit, J. Bassett Nitschke, G. A. Gahline, I. C. McIntyre, B. W. Spaeth and Werner Palmquist. Austin paper, no date. He died Dec 16, 1907. Submitted by: kb

JAEGER, William Jaeger, 87, died at his home on the Manchaca Road, Friday. He has made Austin his home for the past 10 years. He is survived by his granddaughter, Mrs. Marvin Arnold of Austin. The body is at the Wilke Funeral Home pending funeral arrangements. Austin American, Nov 25, 1949. Submitted by: ns.

JOHNSON, Funeral services for Mrs. Johanna Johnson, 85, will be held from residence Sunday. Interment will be in Oakwood Cemetery. She is survived by a number of nieces and nephews. Austin Statesman, Dec 8, 1934. kb

JOHNSON, Mrs. Henry Johnson, 87, died at her home, 2404 Lake Austin Boulevard Friday. She was born in Gavale, Sweden, and came to this country at 22. She is survived by six daughters, Mrs. W. W. Hearn, Mrs. C. A. Hearn, Mrs. Bertha Harris, Miss Grace Johnson and Mrs. Clyde Shipp, all of Austin and Mrs. S. E. Golden of Port Arthur; five sons, Frank Johnson, Edward Johnson, Will Johnson, H. C. Johnson Jr. and Travis Johnson, all of Austin. Funeral services will be held at the Weed-Corley Funeral Home Saturday at 3 p.m. with Dr. Frederick E. Brooks officiating. Burial will be in Memorial Park. Austin American, Nov 26, 1949. Submitted by: ns.

JOHNSON, Funeral services were conducted Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock for W. A. Johnson, 80. Interment was in Oakwood Cemetery. Surviving are the widow and eight children and a sister. Austin American, Dec 1926. kb

KRIMME, The funeral cortege for Carl Krimme, who died Wednesday afternoon left Friday afternoon for the Dessau cemetery where services will be held later in the afternoon, Austin Statesman, Apr 23, 1926 p9. Submitted by: kb

LEARY, Mrs. J. C. Leary, formerly Miss Olivia Rector of Manor, died in Fort Worth Wednesday. She had been a resident of Alvarado for a number of years. Surviving Mrs. Leary are her husband J. C Leary of Alvarado; two daughters, four sisters, Mrs. W. M. Koonce of Boyd, Mrs. W. E. Allison and Mrs. W. H. Penland of Austin and Mrs. B. H. Anderson of Manor; two brothers W. R. Rector, of N.M. and J. M. Rector of Manor. Burial will be in the Manor cemetery. Austin American, Aug 28, 1931, kb

LIMBERG, Mrs. Johannah Limberg, aged 86 years, died at her home, 2000 University avenue Friday. She was born in Herford, Germany October 23, 1839. She moved to Austin in 1884. She is survived by seven children, Miss Gertrude Becker and Fred Becker of Austin, Mrs. Carl Grau of Taylor, Carl Becker of Neb., Harry Limberg of El Paso, William and Emelia Limberg of Austin. Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery, Austin paper , Apr 3, kb

LOCKETT, L. M. Lockett, 59, former resident of Hutto, died in Corpus Christi Friday. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Mary Lockett of Corpus Christi, one daughter, Mrs. Herbert Rand and one grandson, Herbert Rand, Jr. of El Paso, four brothers, C. E. Lockett, Kansas, J. H. Lockett, Beaumont, C. D. Lockett, Corpus Christi, two sisters, Mrs. B. D. Ford, Corpus Christi, Mrs. H. A. Farley, Hutto, Mr. Lockett was the son of the late Rev. S. C. Lockett of Austin. Interment was in Oakwood cemetery. Austin paper, Dec 30, 1933. Submitted by: kb

LOVING, Robert Jesse Loving who died in Cleburne Tuesday Nov 26 and whose remains were brought to Austin and interred in Oakwood cemetery beside the grave of his brother was born in Flavanna county, Virginia, May 29, 1848. He married Miss Ella Williams of Missouri who died in 1872, leaving an infant daughter. Austin paper, Dec 1, 1907. Submitted by: kb

LUNDELIUS, A. E. Lundelius, 68, died at his home, 5510 West 33rd street, yesterday afternoon following a lingering illness. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Ida Lundelius& four daughters, Annie, Signe, and Bertha Foster, Austin and Mrs. Olga Seth. Stanford and five sons, Carl and Oscar, Austin& G. R. and Ernest, Round Rock and Roland, Houston. Austin American Sep 19, 1929, kb

MAAS, Mrs. Clara Maas, 94, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Kluge, 1801 San Gabriel, Sunday. Mrs. Maas came to Austin at the age of 8 as an early settler. Her husband, Capt. Max Maas, also moved to Austin many years ago but has been dead more than a quarter of a century She is survived by two sons, Louis Maas of Dallas and Will Maas of Fort Worth; five daughters, Mrs. Charles Kluge, Mrs. C. H. Page and Mrs. Rose Posey of Austin, Mrs. J. E. Farnsworth and Mrs. W. W. Vaughn of Calif.; 12 grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren. Services will be from the Page home and burial in Oakwood cemetery. Austin paper, Oct 23, 1939. Submitted by: kb

MARTIN, Mrs. Martha Martin, wife of Lon Martin, died Wednesday at her home at 907 South Congress Avenue. She is survived by her husband, son Zeno and daughter Johanna. Interment took place at Oakwood Cemetery, Austin paper, Feb 27, 1919. Submitted by: kb

MCDONALD, Mrs. Alice McDonald, 76, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. J. Thompson. Survivors are two daughters, Mrs. W. J. Thompson of Austin and Mrs. Oliver T. Bristow of Joplin, Mo. Private funeral services will be conducted Friday at 3 p.m. at the Week-Corley Funeral Home with Dr. Edmund Heinsohn officiating. Burial will be in Memorial Park. Austin American, Nov 25, 1949. Submitted by: ns

MCDOWELL, Funeral services for Miss Paralee McDowell will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. Interment will be in Oakwood cemetery. Austin-American, Oct 15, 1932. Submitted by: kb

MCKENZIE, Mrs. Fannie Romines McKenzie, 55, died at her home in Elgin Monday. Burial was in the Manor cemetery. Surviving Mrs. McKenzie are her husband, W. M. McKenzie; two daughters, Mrs. Ed Lytle and Miss Elsie McKenzie; four sons, William, Arthur, Dave and Dan McKenzie, all of Elgin. Two sisters, Mrs. M. L. Bowdoin of Austin, and Mrs. James Standfield of Elgin and three brothers Dan Romines of Houston, Charles Romines of Staples and James Romines of Sour Lake, Austin American Aug 27, 1931, kb

MCWHORTER, Mrs. Gracie I. McWhorter, 55, died in a local hospital early Sunday morning. She is survived by her husband, John D. McWhorter, two daughters, Mrs. Joe Fults, and Mrs. Milton Messer, one son Pvt. John D. McWhorter and her mother Mrs. Bean. Burial will be in Iola, Texas. Submitted by: kb

MILLER, Forrest L. Miller, 68, a resident of Austin and an employee of the Austin postoffice for many years, died at his home in Pasadena, Calif, Saturday. He is survived by his widow Eva Miller, seven daughters, one son, and several grandchildren, all of Pasadena, Calif. One son Carl Miller, of Austin, two sisters, Mrs. J. F. Richardson, and Mrs. Frank Vasques, one brother, Liberty F. Miller, all of Austin. Funeral of services will be held in Pasadena Calif. Austin American, Mar 22, 1943. P 2. Submitted by: cc

MILLER, Funeral services for M. K. (Kinney) Miller, 50, who died at his home, will be held Sunday. Interment will be in Oakwood. Surviving Mr. Miller are his widow, a daughter, Clella Miller, four brothers, Charley, Forrest, Buck and L. F. Miller, two sisters, Mrs. Frank Vasquez and Mrs. J. F. Richardson, Austin Statesman, Apr 24, 1926 p2. Submitted by: cc

MILLER, O. L. (Buck) Miller, 65 died at his home Saturday. Survivors are his widow, two daughters, Misses Edna and Erin Miller, three sons, Dee Miller, Belton Miller and David Miller, two sisters, Mrs. J. F. Richardson, and Mrs. Frank Vasquez, two brothers, L. F. Miller and F. L. Miller. Funeral services are Sunday with burial in the Greenwood cemetery on Del Valle road. Austin American-Statesman, Aug 15, 1937 p4. Submited by: cc

MILLER, Paul Miller aged about 27, a clerk in the postoffice, drowned last night after attending a swimming party at Deep Eddy. It is presumed that he was trying to save a friend who also drowned in the river. Mr. Miller lived in Austin all of his life. The body was removed to the residence of his father W. K. Miller where funeral service will be conducted today. Besides his father and mother he is survived by three sisters, Mrs. Fred Richardson, Mrs. Hugh Smith and Mrs. S. Smith, five brothers, Kenneth, Archer, Liberty, Charley and Forest Miller. Austin Statesman, Aug 17, 1913. Submitted by: cc

MILLER, The body of R. T. Miller III, son of Mrs. Virginia Miller and the late R. T. Miller will arrive in Austin Friday. Beside his mother, he is survived by his brother, Alfred (Buddy) Miller. Funeral services will be Sunday and burial will be in Memorial Park. Austin American, Apr 16, 1948. Submitted by: kb

MILLER, The funeral of M. K. Miller, aged 81 years, will be held Sunday morning at 10 o’clock from 822 West Tenth street, from the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Fred Richardson. Burial will be made in Oakwood cemetery under Masonic auspices. The pallbearers are John O. Johnson, Judge David Pickle, P. W. Powell, Fred Sterzing, John Wallace, W. S. Wilson. Austin paper, Mar 1917. Submitted by: kb

MORROW, Funeral services for Louis M. Morrow were held at the Hyltin-Manor Funeral Home Thursday afternoon with Minister Jess Hall of the Northside Church of Christ officiating. Burial was in Memorial Park. Austin American, Nov 25, 1949. Submitted by: ns..

MUSSETT, Funeral services for John S. Mussett, 85, who died at the family home, 1803 South First street, Friday. Services will be Saturday. Interment will be in Rock Church cemetery on Walnut Creek. He is survived by his widow, six sons, Ben, T., John S. Jr., G.B., W.D., Tom and T. C. Mussett of Austin. Four daughters, Mrs. Burton Morris and Mrs. T. B. Scantlin of Dripping Springs, Mrs. J. H. Ayers and Mrs. J. O. Bratton of Austin, two sisters Mrs. Polly Mayfield of Dallas and Mrs. Fred Boutall of Austin, Austin paper, Dec 30, 1933. Submitted by: kb

NELLE, Dora Lohmann Nelle. 9/3/1850-2/20/1915 Mrs. Henry Nelle, 64, died Rose Hill, 3 mi. north of Manor. Survived by daughters, Mrs. Ed. Meier of Manor, Mrs. Ed. Thiele of Austin, Mrs. Fred Nuenschwander of Pflugerville, and Mrs. Otto Reinke, Baylor County; sons, John Nelle of Karnes Co., C.C., Herbert, James F. Nelle of Travis Co., Joe H. Nelle, Caldwell Co., Willie Nelle, La Selle [sic] Co.; sister, Mrs. Earnest Maul, Austin; brothers, Albert Lohman [sic] of Leander, John Lohman of Eldorado, August Lohman of Red Springs, Will Lohman of Pebble, Kerr Co.; and thirty-two grandchildren. Newspaper Feb, 1915. Submitted by: tw

NELSON, Carl A. Nelson died yesterday afternoon at the corner of Fifteenth street and Congress avenue from a tumor of the tongue. The remains will be forwarded by Undertaker Rosengren in the morning to Palm Valley for interment. Austin paper, Mar 31, 1907. Submitted by: kb

NUCKOLS, Funeral services for Mrs. Emma Nuckols will be Sunday and burial will be in Boggy cemetery. Pallbearers will be past patrons of the Eastern Star. American-Statesman, Aug 15, 1937, p4. Submitted by: kb

OLIPHANT, Alfred William Oliphant, 75, life-time resident of Austin and member of an Austin pioneer family, died Friday morning at his home, 1800 Colorado. For many years Oliphant was connected with McKean Eilers Company. Funeral services will be held at the Weed-Corley Funeral Home Sunday at 3 p.m. with the Rev. Charles Summers officiating. Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery. Oliphant was a member of St. David’s Episcopal Church and was a vestryman for several years. He was also a member of Hill City Lodge No. 456 of the Masonic Order. His grandfather, the late William Oliphant, moved to Austin in 1852. Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Susan Elizabeth Askew Oliphant, Austin; one daughter, Miss Elizabeth Ann Oliphant of Kingsville; one son, Lieutenant Commander Alfred W. Oliphant Jr., USNR, Dallas; one brother Lawrence E. Oliphant of Evanston, Ill; and one sister, Mrs. Walter Prescott Webb of Austin. Honorary pallbearers will be the members of Hill City Lodge and faculty men of A&I College at Kingsville. Austin American, Saturday, Nov 22, 1952, pA-13, Submitted by: cwp

OLIPHANT, W. J. Oliphant, 85, who died Tuesday night, will be buried Thursday. Mr. Oliphant came to Austin in 1852 and had lived here ever since. He was born in Indiana Sept. 30, 1845. On Feb. 8, 1877, he married Miss Alice Townsend. At the age of 15 he entered the Confederate Army and served through the Civil War in Company G, Sixth Texas Infantry, Pat Cleburne’s Division. He was an active member of Austin Lodge No. 12, A.. F. & A,. M., for many years and was the oldest past master in the State in point of service. He was employed in the Travis County Tax Assessor’s office for many years. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. W. P. Webb of Austin; three sons, A. W. Oliphant of Austin, L. E. Oliphant of Chicago and W. J. Oliphant of Dallas; a sister, Mrs. Jennie Stuart of Austin, and a brother-in-law, A. W. Townsend of Austin. Dallas Morning News, Electronic,” Nov 13, 1930, Sec I, p 3. Submitted by: cwp

OLIPHANT, W. J. Oliphant, 85. Born Alabama, Sept. 30, 1845, came to Austin from Indiana in 1852. Served CSA throughout war in Co. G, 6th Texas Inf., Pat Cleburnes’ Div. Member, Austin Lodge 12, A.F. & A.M. Survivors: daughter, Mrs. W. P. Webb, Austin; three sons, A. W. of Austin, L.E. of Chicago, W.J. of Dallas; sister, Mrs. Jennie Stuart of Austin; brother-in-law, A.W. Townsend of Austin. Austin American, Nov 12, 1930.Submitted by: cwp

OLIPHANT, William James Oliphant III, 29, formerly of Dallas, died June 25 in Los Angeles, Calif., after a long illness. He was the son of the late W. J. and Valera Oliphant of Dallas. He attended school in Dallas and Grand Prairie and had lived in Los Angeles for the past ten years. He is survived by a sister, Mrs. Jane Street of Dallas; brother, Petty Officer John Robert Oliphant of Norfolk, Va.; five uncles and five aunts, two nephews and a niece. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 10 a.m. from Lamar & Smith Funeral Chapel. The Rev. Jasper Manton of Trinity Presbyterian Church will officiate. Burial will be in Laurel Land Memorial Park. Pallbearers will be B. F. Whitley, John Treveno, J. W. Whitley, BIll Vodiako, C. D. Holland, J. A. Martin, Bob Shipman, and John Abrams. Dallas Morning News, Jun 27, 1952, Sec: I Page 11. Submitted by: cwp

OLIPHANT, -William James Oliphant, age 53, passed away at local hospital Sunday. Survived by wife, one daughter, Jane Oliphant; two sons, William J. Jr., Los Angeles, Calif; John R., United States Navy; one sister, Mrs. W. P. Webb; two brothers, L.E. and Alfred Oliphant. Services 4 p.m. Tuesday Lamar & Smith Chapel, Rev. Jasper Manton Officiating. Interment Laurel Land. Dallas Morning News, “Electronic,” Sep 14, 1943. Sec H, p 10 Submitted by: cwp

OLIPHANT. Mrs. Alice Olive Oliphant, died June 23, 1908. Born Dec.15, 1852, Vienna, Jackson Parish, LA. Daughter of Alfred and Nancy Townsend. Moved to Independence TX, 1867, to Austin in 1874, married W.J. Oliphant, Feb. 8, 1877. Member of Methodist Church since 1883. Survived by husband, four children, Alfred W., Austin; Lawrence E., Indianapolis; Miss Janey and W.J. Jr. of Austin: sisters, Mrs. Charles P. Truslow of New Orleans, and Miss Mildred J. Townsend of Austin; brother, Albert W. Townsend of Austin. N N of P, No date. Submitted by: cwp

OSBURN, William C. Osburn, 72, died at his home near Creedmoor Monday, He is survived by his widow Mrs. Zelma Dillon Osburn, four daughters Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett, Mrs. Agnes McGinnis, Mrs. Vern Stephenson, two sons, Douglas Osburn and Luke Osburn. Arrangements will be announced later. Austin American, Mar 22, 1943. Submitted by: kb

PAGE, C. H. Page, Sr. died at 4:10 a.m. No 710 West Twenty-fourth street at age 63. He leaves two daughters, Mrs. A. B. Campbell of Austin, and Mrs. R. J. Curtsinger of San Angelo; two sons C. H. Page , Jr. and L. C. of Austin. Austin paper, Oct 6, 1957. Submitted by: kb

PATTERSON, Funeral services for James J. (Snack) Patterson life long resident of Austin and Spanish War veteran will be held Monday at 5:30. Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery under the auspices of the Spanish War veterans. Austin paper, Sep 14, 1942. Submitted by: kb

PEARSON, Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Evelyn Pearson will be held in Wilke’s Chapel of the Bell Friday at 9:30 a.m. With the Rev. O. G. Barrow, pastor of the Rosedale Baptist Church, officiating. Burial will be in the Bagdad Cemetery at Leander. Pallbearers will be J. M. Hazelwood, D. C. Perry, B. B. Compton, B. F. Davis, H. H. Helf and A. F. Hunt. Austin American, Nov 25, 1949. Submitted by: ns

PENDLETON, Private funeral services for Mrs. Rebecca N. Pendleton, 75 will be from the residence of her daughter Mrs. Lelia P. Grant Friday. Interment will be in Oakwood cemetery, Austin Statesman, Apr 23, 1926 p9. Submitted by: kb

PESCHKA, Funeral services for August H. Peschka, 65 who died at a local hospital early Friday morning, will be held from the Cook Funeral home at 3 p.m. Sunday. Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery. Pallbearers will be Theo O. Meyer, Sr. Theo P. Meyer, Jr. Eugene Meyer, BN. M. Mayer, Theo Kneip and Alfred Peschka. Austin paper, Dec 14, 1940. Submitted by: kb

RAATZ, Mrs. Emily Raatz wife of Mr. Rudolph H. Raatz died at an early hour Friday morning. Funeral from the family residence 1107 East Thirteenth street this (Sunday) afternoon. Interment Oakwood cemetery. Austin paper, Mar 15, 1908. Submitted by: kb

REESE, A.J. Reese, pioneer resident of Austin and Travis county, died at his home 803 West 21st street. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Mary Ann Reese& three daughters, Mrs. J. E. Murff of Dallas, Mrs. B. C. Sibley and Miss Alva Reese of Austin& four grandchildren. Burial will be in the Masonic cemetery. Austin American, Aug 27, 1931, kb

REESE, Funeral services for T. A. Reese will be held at the Presbyterian Church in Gonzales Friday at 2 p.m. with the Rev. J. Kelley Neal officiating. Burial will be in the Masonic Cemetery under the direction of the Cook Funeral Home. Austin American, Nov 25, 1949. Submitted by: ns

REYNOLDS, William F. Reynolds, a resident of Austin for the past several months, died in a local hospital early Friday. Survivors are a daughter, Mrs. Velma Reynolds of Altus, Okla. The body has been sent to San Saba by the Cook Funeral Home for services there. Austin American, Nov 26, 1949. Submitted by: ns

RICHARDSON, Funeral services for Mrs. Nancy Alice Richardson, 75, will be held from the Cook funeral home Saturday at 10 a.m. with the Rev. C. M. Ashmore and the Rev. H. C. Garrison officiating. Interment will be in Oakwood cemetery. Pallbearers will be F. J. Counts, S. E. Hays, Scott Yeamans, Louis Ramalls, R. C. Wilson and John Rosengren. Austin-American, Oct 15, 1932. Submitted by: kb

RICHARDSON, J. W. Richardson, a well known citizen of Austin for many years died early Sunday morning in Dallas, Texas after an illness of several weeks. He is survived by his wife and four children, also one brother and one sister. The remains will be brought to Austin, arriving at 4 a.m. this Monday, and will be taken to the residence of his son, Fred Richardson, 822 West Tenth street. The funeral party will leave the residence at 1 o’clock p.m. and the funeral and interment will be held at Barton Cemetery, near Buda at 2:30. Austin-American, Jan 10, 1921. Submitted by: kb

RICHARDSON, John Frederick Richardson, 76, of 1707 Alameda Drive died in a local hospital Tuesday night. He was a life long resident of Travis County. Funeral services will be held Thursday. He is survived by one son, Lamar Richardson of Austin, one daughter, Mrs. Lillian Boyd of Austin, two sisters, Mrs. E. F. Huppertz and W. V. Russell of Austin, and four grandchildren and one great grandchild. Burial will in Austin Memorial Park Cemetery. Austin-American, Dec 7, 1955. Submitted by: kb

RICHARDSON, Mrs. Marcia Lucinda Richardson, 66, a lifetime resident of Austin and a member of the South Austin Christian Church, died in a local hospital Thursday afternoon. She is survived by her husband, J. F. Richardson, one son, Lamar Richardson, and one daughter Mrs. Emil Boyd, all of Austin. Funeral services will be held in Wilke’s chapel Saturday with burial in the Memorial Park. Austin- American, Mar 21, 1950. . Submitted by: kb

RIMASSA, Mrs. G. W. Rimassa, 76, 119 Furnish Ave., died Thursday, August 7. Survived by sons George W. and John Weller Rimassa and niece Mrs. D. D. Smith, Sr. Services Friday 10 AM Zizik-Kearns Funeral Home Rev. WIlliam T. Sherwood of Episcopal church officiating. Internment in San Jose Burial Park. San Antonio Express, 1 classifieds, Friday, August 8, 1947.Submitted by: cwp

RODGERS, Charlie Rodgers, 90, died at the Confederate home Monday afternoon. The remains were sent to Moody Monday night for burial. Austin Statesman, Dec 11, 1934, kb

ROWLAND, Robert Andrew Rowland was born November 16, 1853, at Lofus in Cleveland, England. He was licensed to preach in the Primitive Methodist Church in 1877 and continued active in its ministry for twelve years until he came to America. While yet in England he married Miss Eliza Bulmer, of Stokesley, Yorkshire. To them were born six children who together with his widow survive him. They are Mesdames Elizabeth Wallis and E S Garner of Austin; Rev J W Rowland of Comfort, a member of the West Texas annual Conference; P R of Uvalde; A B and A T of Austin. He passed to his heavenly home September 21st in Austin, Texas….. From TX Methodist Centennial yearbook 1894-1934. Submitted by: RS

RUTLEDGE, Mrs. Ettie C. Rutledge, for many years a resident of Austin, died unexpectedly yesterday morning in Chicago, at the age of 72. The body is being brought to Austin for interment, by the decedent’s son, W. S. Carter of Chicago, who is National President of the Brotherhood of Firemen and Enginemen. Mrs. Rutledge came to Austin in the forties of the last century and resided here until the nineties, since which time she has lived in Illinois. She was a daughter of William Oliphant, deceased, and a sister to W. J. Oliphant and Mrs. Jennie Stuart of Austin. W. L. Carter of Austin is a grandson. Austin Daily Statesman, Saturday, Jan 2, 1915.Submitted by: cwp

SANDERS, John W. Sanders, 93, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. M. J. Cox of Coxville. He has been a resident of Coxville for the past 10 years. He married Sallie Elizabeth Terry of Bonham in 1881. Mrs. Sanders died in July, 1940. He was a member of the Church of Christ. Survivors besides Mrs. Cox are Mrs. Blanch Whipple of Arizona and Mrs. Grace McCartney, San Francisco, Calif.; two sons, Claude L. Sanders, Paramount, Calif., and Omer L. Sanders, Santa Paula, Calif. The body is at the Weed-Corley Funeral Home and funeral arrangements are pending the arrival of out-of-town relatives. Burial will be in Denton. Austin American, Nov 25, 1949. Submitted by: ns

SANDERS, Miss Bleuford Sanders aged about 24 drowned last night at Deep Eddy. Her body was recovered at 11:30 and efforts to revive her failed. She was born in Austin and resided with her sister Mrs. Ella Hill. She was well connected with the younger society. Her father was Rev. B. B. Sanders, deceased. Two other sisters Mrs. Cain, Mrs. Moseley and a brother Bradford survive. Burial will be made at Oakwood. Austin Statesman, Aug 17, 1913. Submitted by: kb

SANDERS, The body of John W. Sanders, 92, will be at the Weed-Corley Funeral Home until Saturday when it will be sent to Denton for funeral services Sunday at 4 p.m. Burial will be in the Oddfellows Cemetery at Denton. Austin American, Nov 26, 1949. Submitted by: ns

SCHENCK, August Schenck, confectionery salesman and resident of Austin practically his whole life, died at his home, 1604 West Eighth, Wednesday. Mr. Schenck was a member of W.O.W. and Saengerrunde. Survivors are his widow and four sisters, Mrs. Sophia Wyschetcki of San Antonio, Mrs. E. F. Hertzberg of San Antonio, Mrs. Eleanore Burkhart of Pennsylvania and Mrs. Johnanna Hallman of Comfort. Services will be Thursday with burial in Oakwood cemetery. Austin paper, Apr 4, 1940. Submitted by: kb

SCHUTZE, Funeral services for Mrs. Frieda M. Schutze, age 64, wife of Adolf Schutze, who died at a local hospital at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, will be from the residence, 1907 Colorado at 5 p.m. Thursday. Burial will be in Oakwood. She was born in Austin Sept 29, 1875. Besides her husband, she is survived by two daughters, Miss Louise Schutze and Mrs. Margaret Sharp; one sister, Mrs. J. H. Steinle; two brothers, Theo P. Meyer of Austin and Louis P. Meyer of Kerney, N.J. and one granddaughter, Carolyn Sharp. Austin paper, May 16, 1940. Submitted by: kb

SHEPPARD, Funeral service for James J. Sheppard, 59, who died suddenly at his home Thursday, were held Friday. Interment was in Boggy cemetery. Mrs. Sheppard is survived by his widow, two sons, Joe E. and Jess Sheppard, two sisters, Mrs. J. A. Reece and Mrs. L. Campbell, two brothers, Jess and George Sheppard. Austin Statesman, Apr 23, 1926 p9. Submitted by: kb

SIBLEY, Andrew J. Sibley, 21 years old living at 98 Red River, was a stenographer in the office of C. H. Page and Brother architects. He died as a result of the overturning of a boat on Lake Austin Sunday afternoon. Sibley drowned trying to save George Boyd. He is a son of the late Dr. A. J. Sibley of Creedmoor. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. F. B. Sibley. E. E. Sibley and Clarence Sibley of Austin, brothers; Miss Pearl Sibley and Miss Ruby Sibley of Austin, Mrs. Stephen F. Austin of Del Valle, a sister L. A. Sibley of Dallas and S. S. Sibley of Tulsa, Okla, brothers. The funeral will be held Tuesday. Austin Statesman, May 20, 1916. Submitted by: kb

SMITH, Mrs. Alice Smith died at her residence on State street yesterday morning and the remains were forward for interment to Kosse by Undertaker Rosengren. Austin paper, Mar 31, 1907. Submitted by: kb

SMITH, Funeral services for John Thomas Smith, 52, were held Wednesday. Burial was in the Fitzhugh Cemetery. Mr. Smith was found shot at the edge of Ramsey Nursery in Hyde Park Tuesday at 3 a.m. and died at Brackenridge. Mr. Smith is survived by his widow, two daughters Ethel Smith and Mamie Lynn Smith and one son J. B. Smith, his father Eli Smith of Austin; four sisters, Mrs. Roy Elsey and Mrs. Joe Clayton of Austin, Mrs. D. R. Robertson of Dallas, Mrs. Tom Norman of Bertram and two brothers, Chas E. Smith and A. W. Smith of Austin. Austin American, Aug 27, 1931, kb

SMITH, Ralph Hugh Smith died in a local hospital Monday He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Annie L. Smith, a daughter, Mrs. F. Widerstrom, and his step-father Frank Vasquez, and two brothers, P. H. Smith and C. E. Smith. Services will be Wednesday and burial will be in Oakwood. Austin Statesman, Jan 9, 1951 p2. Submitted by: cc

ST. JOHN, Funeral services for Mrs. Mary St John, 44, were held from the Cook Funeral home Friday at 10 a.m. with the Rev. J. R. Hillard and the Rev. T. N. Barton officiating. Pallbearers were W. H. Hargraves, Joe Byrne, Tom Rabb, Earl Cooper, Buster Cooper and Alfred Dye. Interment was in Oakwood cemetery. Mrs. St. John is survived by her husband, E. A. St John and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Talley of Austin. Austin paper, no date. She died Mar 15, 1933. Submitted by: kb

STECK, Gustav J. Steck, aged 57 years died yesterday at his home in this city, 1006 West Tenth street, after a short illness. He was a resident of this city for the past seventeen years and one of the prominent citizens, a leading member of the Christian church and editor and publisher of the Firm Foundation, a publication of the Christian church. He was widely known and stood high in the esteem of all who knew him. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning from the family residence and interment will be in Oakwood cemetery. All the arrangements for the funeral have not yet been completed. Austin newspaper, Mar 31, 1907. Submitted by: kb

STEELE, Burial services for Jack Steele were held at Capital Memorial Park Thursday under the auspices of the Austin Lodge No. 12 AF&AM. Services were under the direction of the Cook Funeral Home. Austin American, Nov 25, 1949. Submitted by: ns

STROMBERG, Mrs. Adelina Stromberg, 93, prominent Austin resident for more than 73 years, died at the family home, 1605 West Sixth street, Monday. Mrs. Stromberg was born in Asenhoga, Smoland, Sweden, March 4, 1850 and came to Austin, Dec. 10, 1870. June 8, 1872, she was married to Richard E. Stromberg, Austin business man, who preceded her in death March 13, 1908. Survivors are three daughters, Mrs. E. W. Raney of Lockhart, Mrs. Sarah Mogi, of Los Angeles, Cal. and Miss Ingie Stromberg of Austin, one son. H. P. Stromberg of Lockhart; 11 grandchildren and a number of great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be Wednesday at 1 p.m. Burial will be in Oakwood. Austin paper, Jan 11, 1944. Submitted by: kb

STROMBERG, Nele R. Stromberg 65 died at the home of his mother, Mrs. Adeline Stromberg, 1605 West Sixth street, Thursday night. Mr. Stromberg was born in Austin Oct 2, 1874 but moved to Him Wells county 25 years ago where he has been engaged in ranching making his home the last few years in Alice. Survivors are his widow, two daughters, Misses Inge and Louise Stromberg of Alice; his mother Mrs. Adelina Stromberg of Austin; three sisters, Mrs. Sarah Mogi, Van Nuys, Cal., Miss Inge Stromberg of Austin, Mrs. Ada Raney of Lockhart; and one brother H. P. Stromberg of Lockhart. Interment will be in Oakwood cemetery. Austin paper, Mar 6, 1939. Submitted by: kb

STROMBERG, R. E. Stromberg died Friday morning March 13, 8:30 o’clock at his home 1008 East Fourteenth street. He was a native of Sweden where he was born November 4, 1844. He was a druggist by profession and has lived in Austin for years, working for various druggist in the city. He is survived by a number of relatives. Funeral from the Swedish Lutheran church, corner Sixteenth and Congress avenue this (Sunday) afternoon at 2 o’clock. Interment Oakwood cemetery. Austin paper, Mar 15, 1908. Submitted by: kb

STUART, Funeral services for Mrs. Jennie Stuart, pioneer resident of Austin, were held from the Cook Funeral Home Friday with the Rev. Luther Norman officiating. Pallbearers were six of her grandsons. Interment was in Oakwood Cemetery. Mrs. Stuart was born in Indiana in 1842 and came to Austin with her parents at the age of four years. She was the widow of Capt. J. A. Stuart, Justice of the Peace for many years. Mrs. Stuart is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Alice Thompson of Dallas and Mrs. G. W. Rimassa of San Antonio; also, a number of grandchildren, Mrs. Daniel D. Smith and Mrs. Ray Sedwick of Austin, John M. Stuart of Norfolk, Va, Charles Stuart of San Francisco, Everett Stuart who is now in foreign waters, and W. M. Stuart, sergeant of the Austin Motorcycle Police. Austin Statesman, Friday, Apr 10, 1931, p 15. Submitted by: cwp

STUART, Services for Sgt. William M. Stuart, 29, head of the motorcycle squadron of the city police force will be held Tuesday from Cook funeral home at 4:30 with Rev. George Green officiating. Stuart is survived by his widow, two children, Billy Ferne and Joan, one sister Mrs. Daniel D. Smith of Austin and three brothers, C. E. Stuart of Austin, Jno. M. Stuart and E. E. Stuart both in US Navy and unable to be here. The Stuarts who lived at 633 Patterson had just finished a home at 1711 W. Sixth. Austin American Statesman,” 1, 8, Oct 17, 1933, Submitted by: cwp

STUART, W. Murray Weimar, We don’t know when we felt sadder than we did Wednesday morning on receiving a letter from a heart broken father of the death of his little son, and our pet. The following is the announcement: Died, in Austin, Texas, Feb. 24, 1883, of pneumonia, W. Murray, eldest son of J. A. and Jennie Stuart, aged 7 years, 2 months and 9 days. Colorado Citizen, Mar 1, 1883. Submitted by: cwp

SWENSON, Funeral services for Mrs. Annie Marie Swenson, who died at the family home, 1301 East 22nd street, Thursday following a long illness will be held from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Paul Swenson, 1103 East 23rd street, this Saturday morning at 10 o’clock. Interment will be in Oakwood Cemetery. Mrs. Swenson is survived by her husband F. G. Swenson, three daughters: Mrs. Carl Dahlstrom, Mrs. Etta Swenson, and Mrs. Paul Swenson, and five sons, Emil, Theodore, Fred, Arthur and Robert Swenson, as well as 27 grandchildren and three great grand children. Three sisters and one brother also survive her, Mrs. A. Sponberg, Mrs. C. A. Johnson, Mrs. N. Houser and J. C. Sjoberg all of Manor. Austin American Dec 1926, kb

SWENSON, F. G. Swenson 82, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. Dahlstrom, on the Barton Springs road at 7 o’clock. He was born in Sweden Feb 7, 1847, came to Texas in 1870 and has made his home here since that time. He was one of the few who founded the Decker Swedish Methodist church. He is survived by three daughters, Mrs. C. Dahlstrom, Austin; Mrs. Etta Swenson, Austin, Mrs. Paul O. Swenson, Austin; five sons Emil Swenson, San Antonio; F. G. Swenson, Jr., Austin; Fred Swenson, Austin, A. D. Swenson, Kenedy and Robert Swenson, Manor and one adopted son Eugene Sjoberg, Austin and several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Austin American, Sep 9, 1929, kb

SWENSON, Funeral services for Gus Arthur Swenson, 60, were held Monday. Burial was in Memorial Park. Austin American, Jan 10, 1950. Submitted by: kb

SWISHER, John Milton Swisher. Builder of the Austin Street Railway, Colonel Swisher who died last night at 3 o’clock of heart failure, was one of the pioneer citizens of Austin. He was born in Tennessee on the 31st day of May, 1819 and moved to Texas with his family in 1833. On the 1st day of March he joined the army.He participated in the battle of San Jacinto on the 21st April, being not quite seventeen. Later he was appointed secretary of the treasury. Col. Swisher has been married three times. His first wife was Miss Maria Sims, She died in 1870. In 1873 he married Miss Nettie A. Nickerson who died in 1875. In 1878 he married his present wife Mrs. Bella French. Mar 11, 1891. Submitted by: thm.

SWISHER, Mrs. Elizabeth Swisher, whose funeral was celebrated yesterday by a large concourse gathered about her grave , died Sunday at noon, in the seventy-seventh year of her age. She was the widow of Capt. James G. Swisher and mother of our fellow-townsman, Col. Milt. Swisher. She was born in Williamson county, Tennessee, July 27, 1798 and came to Texas with her husband in 1833. Her husband was the leader of the Washington county soldiers of Bexar. He also was a signer on the Declaration of Independence. Older citizens will remember that he died here in Nov, 1862. Apr 27, 1875. Submitted by: thm

TENNENT, Andrew Tennent, infant son of W. M. and Alice Thompson, died Saturday night at the family home, 323 Cadiz street. The funeral was from the residence to Oakland Cemetery at 4 p.m. yesterday. Dallas Morning News, “Electronic,” Nov 01, 1953, Sec Part III, p 3. Submitted by: cwp

THOMPSON, John Arthur Thompson, passed away Saturday. Survived by mother, Mrs. Alice Thompson; brother, W. S. Thompson; sisters, Miss Jean Thompson, Mrs. Lettie Frederick, Mrs. Gladys Sedwick. Arrangements pending. Dallas Morning News, Aug 30, 1909 p 3. Submitted by: cwp

THOMPSON, Mrs. Alice S.,Thompson, 430 N. Denver. Survived by daughters, Mrs. Gladys Sedwick, Miss Jean Thompson, Mrs. Lettie Frederick; son, Walter S. Thompson; five grandchildren, eleven great-grandchildren; nephew, Bill Decker. Chapel services 10 a.m. Monday. Interment Oakland. Dallas Morning News, “Electronic,” Jan 5, 1958, sec 3, p2 Submitted by: cwp

TIDWELL, Funeral services for James Lois Tidwell will be held at the Condra Funeral Home in Granger Friday at 2 p.m. Burial will be in the Granger City Cemetery. The body will be at the Cook Funeral Home until noon Friday. Austin American, Nov 25, 1949. Submitted by: ns

TOWNSLEY, The remains of Web Townsley who died in Virginia last Monday will arrive in Manchaca this morning at 10 o’clock and the remains will be taken from the depot to Live Oak cemetery where they will be interred. Austin paper, Mar 15, 1908. Submitted by: kb

UNDERHILL, Edward M. Underhill, aged 63 years, died this morning at 1 o’clock at his home, 1506 Sabine Street. He was a well known Confederate veteran. Died, Saturday, February 6, Colonel E.M. Underhill, age 63 years. Funeral will take place from his late residence, 1506 Sabine, at 4 o’clock today. Friends and acquaintances invited to attend. Internment in State Cemetery.” Democratic Statesman , Saturday, 6 Feb 1904 p2 col 4; and 7 Feb 1904 p3 col 1. Submitted by: jarm

VASQUEZ. Services for Mrs. Mary M. Vasquez will be held Friday. Survivors include her husband, Frank Vasquez, three sons, Paul Smith, Clarence Smith and Ralph Smith, and one sister, Mrs. J. F. Richardson. Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery, Austin American, Apr 16, 1948 p19. Submitted by: cc

WEHLEMAN, Orphan Boy Killed his Employer. Frank Wehlemann [sic], Well Known Farmer, Shot to Death near Manor by Paul Michaelis. Paul Michaelis, an orphan boy 18 years of age, is a prisoner in the Travis county jail, charged with the murder of his employer, Frank Wehlemann, aged 52 years, one of the best known German farmers in this county. The killing occurred yesterday morning at 7 o’clock at the Wehlemann home, four miles north of Manor and about sixteen miles from this city. Wehlemann was shot with a double barreled shotgun, one load taking effect in the left side of the head. Death was almost instantaneous. Michaelis does not deny killing his employer and says he shot him because Wehlemann had abused him and threatened to take his life at the first opportunity. Austin Statesman, Sunday, October 8, 1905. Submitted by: tw

WOOD, Funeral service for Mrs. H. A. [Katie] Wood, 66, a pioneer resident of Austin was held Friday and interment was in Oakwood cemetery. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Ethel Wood Roberdeau of Austin, two sons, John A. Sample of Houston and Charles D. Sample of Minneapolis, one brother John Hutchings and several grandchildren. Austin paper, she died Apr 10, 1930. Submitted by: kb

WOOD, H. A. Wood, 69, who died at his home, 210 East Third street, will be buried Tuesday morning at Oakwood cemetery. Survivors are two step sons, John R. Sample of Houston and Charles B. Sample of Minneapolis, and one daughter Mrs. Ethel Wood Roberdeau of Austin. Austin paper, Sep 22, 1926. Submitted by: kb

WRIGHT, The remains of Calvin Wright, who died early yesterday morning of injuries received Friday, was forwarded last night over the and Great Northern by Undertaker Rosengren to Lockhart where the interment will take place. Austin paper Mar 31, 1907. Submitted by: kb

WUKASCH, Mrs. Matilda F. Wukasch, 63, wife of Henry Wukasch, died at a local hospital Sunday. A resident of Austin for the past 49 years, Mrs. Wukasch was a charter member of the St. Paul’s Lutheran church. She was born in Serbin, Lee county, Jan 23, 1876 and married Mr. Wukasch on June 9, 1907. Funeral services will be Tuesday with burial in Oakwood cemetery. Survivors are her husband, one daughter, Mrs. J. M. Christal of Memphis, Tenn.; one son, Rudolph Wukasch of Austin; seven sisters, Mrs. Herman Fehr, Mrs. Martha Wolf, Mrs. E. K. Schulz, Miss Louise Kilian, Mrs. Amanda Stein, Mrs. Earnest Kasper and Mrs. Herman Luecke; two brothers Martin N. Kilian and Edwin G. Kilian and one granddaughter, Kirsten Josphene Wukasch., Austin paper, Apr 4, 1939. Submitted by: kb