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The city has been thoroughly canvassed, every home within the corporate limits has been visited and every effort made to get the name, residence and occupation of the head of families and citizens. Doubtless however a few errors and omissions have occurred. Some refuse to give the required information and the difficulty of spelling proper names as pronounced by some our foreign citizens cannot be wondered at if an occasional error or omission is detected. The authorities were not receptive to our suggestion that the houses be given numbers and street labels put on each corner. The directory contains about 1,400 names and it can be assumed that the total population of Austin amounts to about 8,500. Many of the colored population may have been overlooked as their habitation in many instances is a single room and many do not reside in any location for any great length of time.
(Copy available at the Austin History Center)

Abraham, E.grocernortheast corner Pecan st and East av
Abraham, A.with E. Abraham, grocern e cor Pecan st and East av
Abrahams, Ph.tobacco and fruitPecan st b Congress av and Brazos st
Adams, Charlessaloon keeper, Congress av near n e cor Ash stres Colorado st b Mulberry and Ash sts.
Adams, Robertquarrymanres n e cor Cypress and Nueces sts
Addelson, S. E.carpenter with C. F. MillettAsh st near Congress av.
Agus, PaulgrocerPecan st b Trinity and Neches st
Alexander, WilliamAttorney General; Attorney General’s office, Supreme Court building,
first door to the left, Capitol Square
private office and res cor Colorado and Hickory sts, opposite Market
Alexander & SondruggistsCongress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Alexander, Dr. J. T.of Alexander & Son, druggistsres Blind Asylum
Alexander, N. J.of Alexander & Son, druggistsres Congress av b Pine and Cedar sts
Alexander, E. H.clerk with Alexander & Son, druggistsbds City Hotel
Alexander, Samuelclerk with Alexander & Son, druggistsbds cor Hickory and Brazos sts
Algea, Y.tinner, with Caldwell & Riggins, hardware dealerscor Pecan and Neches sts
Aliston, Sheltonmachinistres s w cor Peach and San Antonio sts
Allen, Geo. T.wheelwright at Sawyer, Ficklin & Scott’s shop, cor Bois d’Arc and Trinity
res cor Trinity and Cypress sts
Allen, John (col)porter, with W F Bengener, tinnerCongress av b Hickory and Ash sts
Allen, Malinda (col)washerwomanres Brazos st b. Hickory and Bois d’Arc sts
Alridge, Ned (col) res Red River st b Mesquit and College av
Amsler & Bendratlumber dealerssouth of Freight Depot
Anderson, Col C. D.civil engineerres Mulberry st b Guadalupe and San Antonio sts
Anderson, Washingtonfarmerres s e cor Congress av and Cherry st
Anglemyer, Allencarpenterres Water av b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
Anglemyer, Samcarpenter with C. F. MillettAsh st near Congress av
Anstin, keeperPecan st b Congress av and Brazos st
Anstin, C.tailor with R. RenzCongress av b Hickory and Ash sts
Archer & Meyersaloon keepers, basement of Ziller buildingn e cor Congress av and Pecan st
Archer, W. W.of Archer & Meyer, saloon keepersn e cor Congress av and Pecan st
Arlitt, F. H.draughtsman in Land Officeres Walnut st b Trinity and Neches sts
Arlitt, Maxapprentice, with B. Radkey, tinnerCongress av b Hickory and Ash sts
Arnz, R.tinner, with RadkeyCongress av b Hickory and Ash sts
Artesian Well Capitol Square, north of Capitol
Ashby, V. W.salesman, Sampson & Henricks, merchantss w cor Congress av and Bois d’Arc st
Asher, C.merchant, Pecan st b Congress av and Brazosres cor Hickory and Brazos sts
Austin Collegiate Female InstituteProf B J Smith principaln w cor Pecan and Guadalupe sts
Austin Ice FactoryJ Foutrel, superintendentWater av on river bank near old City Mill
Austin Ice CompanyM. Paggi, superintendentmanufactory on river bank foot of San Jacinto st
Avenue HotelDr T J Moore, proprietorCongress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts
Ayers, E. H.physicianCongress av b Hickory and Ash sts
Bacon, W. N.clerk, Executive office, Capitolbds at Kluge’s restaurant, Congress av near cor Bois d’Arc st
Bacon, J. B.physicianres cor Peach and San Jacinto st
Bahn, A.Jeweler, Congress av near s w cor Bois d’Arc stres n e cor Congress av and Cypress st
Baker, S. W.physicianres Congress av b Water av and Live Oak st
Baker, D. W. C.formerly of Baker & Raymond, druggistsres suburban
Baker, Thomasteacher in Blind Asylumres Blind Asylum
Baker, Lee (col)porter with Stuart & Mair, commission merchantsnear Freight Depot
Banks, Ed (col)barber, with Milton WallacePecan st b Congress av and Brazos st
Banton, George (col)street wagonres West av end of Bois d’Arc st
Baptist Church n e cor Colorado and Mulberry sts
Baptist Church (col.) San Antonio st b Hickory and Ash st.
Barker, Geo., with L W Collins, merchantbds Avenue Hotel
Barnard, J. T.blacksmith at Sawyer, Ficklin & Scott’s shopcor Bois d’Arc and Trinity sts
Barnes, W. and meat markets e cor Hickory st and East av
Barnes, C. W.assistant assessor U S internal revenue Brown’s buildingBrazos st b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Barr, Robert res n w cor Live Oak and Lavaca sts
Barrick, Johnplastererres s e cor Mulberry and Rio Grande sts
Barron, James B.plastererres Pine st b Trinity and San Jacinto sts
Bartholomew, E. C.clerk, office Department of Education, Capitolres Bois d’Arc st b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
Basse, Wm.clerk with Walter Tips & Co hardware merchantsCongress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts
Bastian, F.Bookbinder, Taylor’s building, Congress av b Hickory and Ash stsres s e cor Cherry and Brazos sts
Bastian, Henryclerk, Adjutant General’s office, Capitolres s e cor Cherry and Brazos sts
Bates & O’Nealproprietors City Hoteln w cor Congress av and Cedar st
Bates, N. B.of Bates & O’Neal, City Hotelnw cor Congress av and Cedar st
Battaile, I F & Cocommission merchants and wholesale grocerseast extension Pine st near Freight Depot
Battaile, I. F.of I F Battaile & Co commission merchantsres Cedar st b Neches and Red River sts
Bauer, Johnpainterres s e cor Mesquit and San Jacinto sts
Baughn, J. A. res Pine st b Brazos and San Jacinto st
Baulch, John J.telegraph operatorres Pine st b Lavaca and Guadalupe sts
Baxter, ______stone masonres n w cor Live Oak and Colorado sts
Beales, Wm.carpenter with Byrne & SchubertAsh st b Congress av and Colorado st
Bean, Frankbarber with Harry HawkinsCongress av b Bois d’Arc and Pecan sts
Beckham, B. W.clerk, Postoffice, Swenson buildingHickory st near Congress av
Bell, Wm. H.Wholesale GrocerCongress av and Pecan st
Bell, C. C.clerk with Wm H Bell, grocerCongress av near Pecan st
Bell, Rufus (col) res Cedar st b San Jacinto and Nueces sts
Belmontes, Juanrestaurant keeperPecan st b Congress av and Colorado st
Beman, Chas A.printer, Gazette office, Congress av b Pecan and Pinebds s w cor Mulberry and San Jacinto sts
Bendrat, H.of Amsler & Bendrat lumber dealers near Freight Depotres s w cor Congress av and Linden st
Bengener, W. F.tinner, Congress b Hickory and Ash stsres Trinity st b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Bengener, H. C.shoemakerres s w cor Cedar and Lavaca sts
Bennett, W. B.tinner, with B RadkeyCongress av b Hickory and Ash sts
Bennett, J. M.Blacksmith, sw cor Colorado and Pecan stsres North Av b Colorado av and Lavaca st
Bennett, B. C.boarding houses e cor Live Oak and San Antonio sts
Bernd, FritzcarpenterWalnut st b Trinity and Neches sts
Berryman, C. W.general merchandise, Congress av b Hickory and Ash stsres s e cor Hickory and Lavaca sts
Berryman, R. L.clerk with C W Berryman, merchantCongress av b Hickory and Ash sts
Berrerra, Johnapprentice with W H Gaynor, painterCongress av b Ash and Mulberry sts
Bertram, R.Grocer, ne cor Cherry and Guadalupe stsres n w cor Cherry and Lavaca sts.
Besserer, C. W.of Buaas & Besserer, music dealersPecan st b Congress av and Brazos st
Best, Ph.stone masonres cor Ash and Red River sts
Bettetino, Wm.general merchandise, Congress av b Hickory and AshPecan st b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
Betton, Juliandealer in boots and shoes, Congress avb Pecan and Bois d’Arc stsbds s w cor Congress av and Bois d’Arc st
Biberstein, in dry goods, Congress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc stsres s e cor Walnut and San Antonio sts
Bickler, Prof Philipprincipal of German Schoolres San Jacinto st b North and Walnut sts
Billeisen & Blocksaloon keepersPecan st b San Jacinto and Trinity sts
Billeisen, J Bof Billeisen & BlackPecan st b San Jacinto and Trinity sts
Billups, W Slawyer, Congress av b Hickory and Bois d’Arc stsbds with R S Rust, College av east of Capitol
Binford, Maj R Aof Ford & Co commission merchantsres s e cor Bois d’Arc and San Antonio sts
Birkner, G Sbrick masonres s w cor Mulberry st and East av
Birnbaum, Bcotton buyer, with Hellman & GansEast av near Freight Depot
Birzendine, J Rmachinist with Loomis & ChristianCongress av near Capitol Square
Bishop, Mrs Lucy H res Hickory st b Red River and Neches sts
Bitter, Josephcity policeman 
Blackburn, W Aof Robarts & Blackburn, lawyersn w cor Congress av and Bois d’Arc st
Blake, Rudolphprinter, Lone Star Ranger officeres Mulberry st opposite State Journal office
Blanchard, Thomasmerchantres suburban
Blandford, R AInsurance Agent (see advertisement) 
Bley, C HUpholsterer and Carriage TrimmerNorth av b Colorado and Lavaca sts
Blessington, J Psalesman with Sampson & Henricks, merchantsPecan st b Colorado and Lavaca sts
Bledsoe, AComptroller of Public Accounts, Treasury buildingres mile and one-half north of Capitol
Bledsoe, W Aclerk, Comptroller’s Department, Treasury buildingres suburban
Blind AlyumDr J T Alexander, superintendentn e cor Chestnut and Sabine sts
Block, Cof Billeisen & Block saloon keepersPecan st b San Jacinto and Trinity sts
Blocker, Lee (col) res Bois d ‘Arc st b Sabine st and East av
Blomeke, Adry goods and groceriesCongress av b Pine and Cedar sts, adjoining City Hotel
Blount, Louis (col)barber, with Milton WallacePecan st near Congress av
Blumentritt, LouisgrocerEast av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Bluhm, Rudolphbar keeper at Esser’s saloonCongress av near Ash st
Blunn, Josephcarriage trimmer with Jones & Stelfox, s w cor Pine and Colorado stsres two miles south of Colorado river
Boardman, G Tdentist nw cor Congress av and Bois d’Arc stres Ash st b Rio Grande and Nueces sts
Bock, Edwardpatent clerk, Land Officeres cor North av and Lavaca st lot A block 89 division E
Boerner, Louisshoemaker with A HeilemanCongress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts
Bomfort, Lfruit dealers w cor Congress av and Hickory st
Bonnett, Mrs P res n e cor North av and Sabine st
Bothe, G Jclerk, Anstin’s restaurantPecan st b Congress av and Brazos st
Bothe, Charles AbarberPecan st b Congress av and Brazos st
Bowers, J Aclerk, Comptroller’s office, Treasury buildingres cor North and West avs
Bowers, Mrs M H res s e cor Cherry st and West av
Bowers, Ed (col)draymanres Bois d’Arc st b Trinity and Neches sts
Bowles, Tom res Peach st b Colorado and Lavaca sts
Bowles, P J Ssaddler with Hull Bros, Congress av near nw cor Hickory stres Peach st b Colorado and Lavaca sts
Boyd, Rev John (col) res Chestnut st b Guadalupe and San Antonio sts
Bozeth, Charles Srstone masonres n e cor Live Oak and San Antonio sts
Bozeth, Charles Jrstone masonres n e cor Live Oak and San Antonio sts
Brady, Jamessaloon keepern e cor Pecan st and East av
Brahl, MtobacconistCongress av near n e cor Bois d’Arc st
Branshaw, Aclerk, with B Radkey, tinnerCongress av b Hickory and Ash sts
Brass, Pfeed storePecan st b Trinity and Neches
Bratton, Peter (col)blacksmithres Colorado st b Cedar and Cypress sts
Bremond, Eugenebanker and dealer in exchange, Pecan st b Congress av and Brazos stres s w cor Hickory and Guadalupe sts
Bremond, JohnWholesale Merchant, Pecan st b Congress av and Brazosres n w cor Bois d’Arc and Guadalupe sts
Brennan, Wmbar keeper, Mitchell’s saloonCongress av near n e cor Bois d’Arc st
Brewster, Nellie (col)washer-womanBrazos st b Pecan and Pine sts
Bridge and FerryMetropolitan Pontoon (new), over Colorado rivernear foot of West av Cunningham & Thomspon proprietors
Bridge, Pontoonover Colorado riverfoot of Brazos st, J M Swisher, proprietor
Bridge over Shoal creek Pecan st near West av
Bridge over Waller creek Pecan st neat Sabine st
Bridge over Waller creek (railroad and foot), east Pine st
Bridge over Waller creek east Cedar st
Bridge over Waller creek cor Live Oak and Red River sts
Brinckman, Alexcarpenterres n e cor Colorado and Ash sts
Brisentine, _______carpenterres s e cor Mesquit and Nueces sts
Britton, Frank LGovernor’s private secretary, Executive office, Capitolres Governor’s Mansion
Brooks, J Hbilliard keeper, Mitchell’s saloonCongress av near n e cor Bois d’Arc sts
BROOKS & EMMERSONDealers in Lumbereast extension Cypress st near Freight Depot
Brooks, J KBrooks & Emmerson, dealers in lumbernear Freight Depot
Brotze, Richardassistant draughtsman, Land Officeres cor Linden and Trinity sts
Brower, FBrower & Kane, blacksmithsColorado st b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Brown, Leander res Brazos st b Water av and Live Oak st
Brown, FrankDeputy Clerk District Court; office Court Houseres west side West av b Cherry st and North av
Brown, Mrs Melissa res Neches st b College av and Peach st
Brown, Jamesclerk, Comptroller’s office, Treasury building, Capitol Squareres s w cor Magnolia av and San Jacinto st
Brown, Martin (col)cook, City Hoteln w cor Congress av and Cedar st
Brown, Wmwith Radcliffe Platt, livery-stable keeperPecan st b Trinity and San Jacinto sts
Brown, B (col)cook, Kluge’s restaurantCongress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Brown, J Sbutcher, with A G Buddington stall No 1, City Market 
Brown, Nelson (col)butcher, with A G Buddington, stall No 1, City Market 
Browne, Rev G W G res Lavaca st b Hickory and Bois d’Arc sts
Bruchonneau, _______carpenterres Water av b Congress av and Brazos st
BRUEGGERHOFF, WMGrocer, Miller’s old corner, ne cor Congress av and Bois d’Arc stres Mulberry st b Congress av and Brazos sts
Brush, S Bgeneral merchandise, Congress av b Pecan and Pine stsres cor Pecan and Trinity sts
Brush, Wm Bclerk, with S B Brush, Congress av b Pecan and Pine stsres cor Pecan and Trinity sts
BUASS & BESSERERMusic StorePecan st b Congress av and Brazos st
Buaas, J Lof Buaas & Besserer, music dealersPecan st b Congress av and Brazos st
Buckner & Robinson (col)barbersPecan st b Congress av and Colorado st
Buddington, A Gbutcher stall No 1, City Market 
Burden, Henry (col)porter with W H BellCongress av near s w cor Pecan st
Burgess, L Aclerk, with T W English, lumber dealernear Freight Depot
Burgess, B Bclerk, with T W English, lumber dealernear Freight Depot
Burland, M Gbar keeper, Air Line SaloonPecan st near Congress av
Burnham, Mrs S res s e cor Ash and Guadalupe sts
Burnham, Horaceapprentice, with John Headspeth, carpenters w cor Colorado and Walnut sts
Burns, John H res n e cor College av and Guadalupe st
Burns, Petersaloon keepereast extension Pine st near Freight Depot
Burroughs, L Kclerk, with W H Bell, grocerCongress av near s w cor Pecan st
Burtine, Johnforeman Miller’s livery stableBois d’Arc near Congress av
Burton, J Lcarpenter, with C F MillettAsh st near Congress av
Bush, C Mclerkres north of Freight Depot
Butler, Geo J res cor Walnut and Trinity sts
Butler, Simon (col)street wagonres s w cor Brazos st and North av
Byles, W Sof Fields & Byles, brick masonsres Hickory st b Colorado and Lavaca sts
Byrne & SchubertcarpentersAsh st b Congress av and Colorado st
Byrne, Milesof Byrne & Schubert, carpentersres s w cor College av and Nueces st
Caifassi, Signorsculptoroffice and res Colorado st b Cedar and Cypress sts
Caldwell, Mrs Milly P res College av b Neches and Trinity sts
Caldwell, O B res cor College av and Guadalupe st
Caldwell & Rigginshardware dealerscor Pecan and Neches sts
Caldwell, A Wof Caldwell & Riggins, hardware dealerscor Pecan and Neches sts
Calhoun, _______carpenterres Walnut st b Sabine st and East av
Callaway, Charles Mcorresponding clerk Land Officeres cor College av and San Jacinto st
Cameron, H Ccarpenterres cor Mulberry and Trinity sts
Cameron, HgrocerEast av b Pecan and Pine sts
Camp, Johnclerk with W A Martin, lumber dealercor Pecan and Sabine sts
Campbell, C Jcarpenterres n w cor Ash and Rio Grande sts
Campbell, Peter Hcarpenter, with Loomis & ChristianCongress ave near Capitol Square
Campbell, T Jcarpenter, with C F MillettAsh st near Congress av
Campbell, Samuelbrick masonres se cor Cypress and Guadalupe sts
Cannon, L Wclerk with T W English, lumber dealer, near freight depotres n w cor Pine st and East av
Cardenas, Jose Mariasilver smithPecan st b Colorado and Lavaca sts
Cardwell, Johnof Statesman Publishing Company, editor Democratic Statesmanres Mrs. Raymond’s one mile north of city
Carleton, Fred Wlawyer of Hurd, Chandler & Carleton; office Pine st, first door west
of Congress av
res n e cor Mulberry and San Antonio sts
Carleton, Mrs E M res cor Trinity and Hickory sts
Carleton, Mrs M Jmilliner and dress makerPecan st b Brazos st and Congress av
Carleton, Ernestsalesman with Th H Philipson & Co wholesale merchantsPecan st near Congress av
Carlson, C res s e cor Linden and Neches sts
Carmichael, Thos PAtlantic Gardencor Pecan and Trinity sts
Carmody, Johncity policeman 
Carpenter, W Eclerk with W B Smith, merchantCongress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Carr, Mrs K G res North av b Neches and Red River sts
Carrel, John Gclerk with L W Collins, merchantAvenue Hotel building
Carrington, Rev W H D res s w cor Mulberry and Lavaca sts
Carrington, L D & Cogeneral merchantsCongress av b Ash and Hickory sts
Carrington, R Eof L D Carrington & Co, merchantsres cor College av and Neches st
Carrington, L D Srof L D Carrington & Co, merchantsres cor College av and Neches st
Carrington, L D Jrclerk with L D Carrington & Co, merchants, Congress av b Hickory and
Ash sts
res cor College av and Neches st
Carrington, E Hgrocercor Pecan and Red River sts
Carrington, A (col)blacksmith with Wm E RisherPecan st b Sabine st and East av
Carritte, T Wphysician, opposite Raymond Houseres Mesquit st b Trinity and Neches sts
Carson, Jbootmaker, Pecan st b Congress av and Brazos stbds Rock’s restaurant, Pecan st b Congress av and Brazos st
Carter, Jo (col)restaurantPecan st b Congress av and Colorado st
Carter W E & Cosewing machine agency, B C Wells’ storeCongress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts
Cassidy, J Blawyerres Hickory st b Neches and Trinity sts
Castleman, R Mdealer in dry goods, Congressav b Pecan and Bois d’Arc stsres cor Bois d’Arc and Trinity sts
Cater, Thos Edealer in general merchandise, Swenson building, Congress b Bois d’Arc
and Hickory
res with Mrs . McCall s w cor Congress av and Walnut st
Chadwick, R Abook-keeper with C R Johns & Co, bankersres Live Oak st b Trinity and Neches sts
Chalmers, Alex (col) res cor Water av and San Jacinto st
Chandler, F Wlawyer of Hurd Chandler & Charleton, Pine st west of Congressres n e cor Linden st and West av
Chandler, Wm Mclerkres with F W Chandler ne cor Linden st and West av
Chandler, Jacob res with F W Chandler ne cor Linden st and West av
Chapman, E Oclerk, Department of Education, Capitolres cor Chestnut and Neches sts
Christian, Edof Loomis & Christian, contractors and builders, Congress av near Capitol
res n w cor Peach and Guadalupe sts
Christian, J Wilhelmapprentice, with Loomis & Christian, carpentersCongress av near Capitol Square
Christian Church n w cor Hickory and Colorado sts
Churchill, John Stinner with W F Bengener, Congress av b Hickory and Ash stsres Ash st b Sabine st and East av
City BreweryF W Sutor proprietors e cor Live Oak and Guadalupe sts
City Cemetery near n e cor of city corporate limits, east of Blind Asylum
City Hall over Market House, n e cor Colorado and Hickory sts
City Hotel n w cor Congress av and Cedar st
Clarke, W Fof Lawrence & Clarke, land agents, room No 24, Avenue Hotel buildingover Thomspon & Fox’s drug store
Clarke, Bbar keeper with Metz & MusgrovePecan st b San Jacinto and Trinity sts
Clarke, NpainterBrazos st b Pecan and Pine sts
Clarkson, Matthewcarpenter with Loomis & ChristianCongress av near Capitol Square
Clay, Delilah (col) res Peach st b Neches and Red River sts
Clements, F (col)blacksmith with Jones & Stelfoxres cor Mulberry and Red River sts
Cleveland, Alice (col)seamstressres Live Oak st b San Jacinto and Trinity sts
Cloud, John W res Mulberry st b Congress av and Colorado st
Cloud, D Rof Long & Cloud, dollar storeCongress av b Bois d’Arc and Pecan sts
Cluff, Dr P Poffice Cook’s building, cor Pecan st and Congress avres s w cor Cypress and Colorado sts
Coffey, Jstone masonres with James Hickey, Lavacast b Pecan and Pine sts
Cohen, Sampson & Co.general merchandise, Ziller buildingn e cor Congress av and Pecan st
Cohen, Eug Sof Cohen, Sampson & Co., merchantsn e cor Congress av and Pecan st
Collens, T Msalesman, with Sampson & Henrickss w cor Congress av and Bois d’Arc st
COLLINS, L WDealer in general merchandise, Congress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory
res cor Hickory and Red River sts
COLLINS & POWERSDealers in Fine Boots, Shoes etc and Family Grocerieswest side Congress av near n w cor Bois d’Arc st
Collins, Dennisof Collins & PowersCongress av near Bois d’Arc st
Collson, J Hhostler, at Kluge’s restaurantCongress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Conio, SonigrocerPecan st b Congress av and Brazos sts
Conley, Patrick res cor Pecan and Sabine sts
Conner, Capt John H res cor Pecan and Sabine sts
Conner, D H res with Capt John H. Conner
Cooley, A Olawyerres n w corner North av and Red River st
Coonie, Charlesgrocern w cor Cypress and Nueces sts
Cook, A H & Soncontractors and buildersoffice cor Congress av and Pecan st
Cook, Abner H Srof A H Cook & Sonres s e cor College av and Lavaca st, west of Capitol
Cook, Abner H Jrof A H Cook & Sonres s w cor Mesquit and Guadalupe sts
Cooke, Jas Rphysician, Glasscock building, Congress av b Ash and Mulberry stsres Peach st b Nueces and Rio Grande sts
Cooper, Samuelcarriage and sign painter, old Gazette buildingBois d’Arc street near Congress av
Cope, James Pplastererres Cypress st b Neches and Red River sts
Copeland, W D res s w cor Linden and Neches sts
Corwin, Denniscivil engineerres West av b Hickory and Bois d’Arc sts
Costa, Josephclerk, with B Melasky, merchantCongress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Costa, John Blawyer, office n w cor Pine st and Congress avres cor Trinity and Hickory sts
Cotton, B F res San Jacinto st b Bois d’Arc and Pecan sts
Cotton, W D res San Jacinto st b Bois d’Arc and Pecan sts
Cotton, Bud res San Jacinto st b Bois d’Arc and Pecan sts
Courtade, Mrs Mmeat marketPecan st west of bridge over Shoal creek
Court House and Jail s w cor Cedar and Guadalupe sts
Cox & Cogeneral merchandisecor Red River and Ash sts
Cox, A Hof Cox & Cocor Red River and Ash sts
Coyle, Mrs Mboarding housePine st b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
Craft, Perry (col)carriage driver, Miller’s livery stableBois d’Arc st near Congress av
Crane, E Wcarpenter, with C F MillettAsh st near Congress av
Cramer, T Emarket gardener, city marketres Pecan st near iron bridge on Shoal creek
Crank, J Magent Houston Direct Navigation CompanyRaymond House
Cron, Philiphair dresser and wig makerPecan st near s w cor San Jacinto st
Cron, Cbarber with Chas A BothePecan st b Congress av and Brazos st
Crosby, J Flawyerres s e cor Hickory and San Antonio sts
Criser, C W res Peach st b San Jacinto and Trinity sts
Cruz, EsperidionshoemakerPecan st b Congress av and Colorado st
Crystal Oil Company Pecan st b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
Culberson, Jo (col)hostler, Long’s livery stablen e cor Congress av and Ash st
Cullen & Dentonlawyers, Smith buildingCongress av b Pecan and Pine sts
Cullen, O Hof Cullen & Denton, lawyersres block No 22, s e cor Cypress and San Antonio sts
Culmore, Charles res Glasscock place, West av end of Walnut st
Cumberland Presbyterian Church ne cor Bois d’Arc and Lavaca sts
Cummings, Jphysician, office Hickory st b Congress av and Colorado stres cor Red River and Walnut sts
Cummings, J Rgrocer, Pecan st b Neches and Trinity stsres cor Red River and Walnut sts
Cummings, Stephenprinterres Walnut st b Red River and Sabine sts
CUNNINGHAM, L C & SONDealers in Lumbereast extension Cedar st near Freight Depot
Cunningham, L Cof L C Cunningham & Son, lumber dealers near Freight Depotres Canterbury Square
Cunningham, J Lof L C Cunningham & Son, lumber dealers near Freight Depotres Canterbury Square
Cunningham, J HlawyerRoom No 32 Avenue Hotel
Cunningham & ThompsonMetropolitan Pontoon Bridgenear foot of West av
Cunningham, J Aof Cunningham & Thompson, pontoon bridge keepersres Live Oak st b San Antonio and Nueces sts
Cunningham, Dcarpenter with Loomis & ChristianCongress av near Capitol Square
Cunningham, R Dwheelwright with Wm E RisherPecan st near East av
Curtis, Mrs A F res s w cor Hickory and Colorado sts
Cushman, Esq F E cor Colorado and Hickory sts opposite the Market House
Dalton, Mrs Carrie Lmilliner and dress maker, Glasscock buildingCongress av b Ash and Mulberry sts
Daniel, O P res cor Ash and Brazos sts
Daniel, Elager beer saloon, near Freight Depotres with O P Daniel, cor Ash and Brazos sts
Dappenschmidt, Philip res n e cor Live Oak and Nueces sts
Darter, E Hbrick masonres s e cor Pine and Rio Grande sts
Davidson, JamesAdjutant General of the State, office at Capitolres at the Harney place, north of the city
Davis, Glawyer, Smith’s building, Congress av b Pecan and Pine stsres Lavaca st b Hickory and Bois d’Arc sts
Davis, Maddox & Cocommission merchantseast extension Pine st near Freight Depot
Davis, Wm Bagent for Harris, Dudley & Co, lumber dealersres near U S Arsenal
Davis, Jonathon res Pecan st b Lavaca and Guadalupe sts
Davis, Jameswaiter, City Hoteln w cor Congress av and Cedar st
Davis, Tom (col)floor boy, Miller’s livery stableBois d’Arc st near Congress av
Davis, F Wclerk Department of Stateres s e cor North av and San Jacinto st
Davis, B Hlawyer, office Hickory st b Congress av and Colorado stsres cor Walnut and Brazos sts
Davis, Edmund JGovernor of Texas, Executive office at Capitolres Governor’s Mansion, Colorado st b Mulberry and Mesquit sts
Day, John Wplaning machine, near Freight Depotres East av b Pine and Cedar sts
Deats, E Tof Phillips & Deats, carpentersHickory st b Lavaca and Guadalupe sts
De CORDOVA & WITHERSLand AgencyCongress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts opposite Avenue Hotel
De Cordova, Pof De Corodova & Withers, land agentsres cor Chesnut and San Antonio sts
Deffenbaugh, Anthonyprinter, of Statesman Publishing Companyres cor Mesquit st and East av
Deffenbaugh, Chas Hprinter, of Statesman Publishing Companyres East av b Mesquit st and College av
DeGress, J CSuperintendent Public Instructionoffice at Capitol
Dei, Philliphack driverres n w cor Cypress and Nueces sts
Deitrich, AmerchantPecan st b Congress av and Brazos st
De LEON, VFurniture Manufactorys w cor Cypress and Colorado sts
Delfs, Johnlager beer saloonSan Jacinto st b Pecan and Pine sts
DEMOCRACTIC STATESMANTri-weekly and Weekly Newspaper, by Statesman Publishing Companyoffice Congress av b Hickory and Ash sts
Denier, C Mwagon maker, with M. Parker s w cor Colorado and Pecan stsres Red River st b Live Oak and Cypress sts
Dennison, W Eof C. T. Sisson & Co., music dealersCongress av b Pecan and Pine sts
Denny, W Gbook keeper with Sawyer, Ficklin & Scott, state proprietors, office
Avenue Hotel
res s w cor Hickory and Lavaca sts
DeNormandie, W Pclerk Supreme Court, office in Supreme Court buildingbds with Mrs Goodrich, n w cor Cedar and Colorado sts
Denton, J Mof Cullen & Denton, lawyersres Lavaca st b Hickory and Bois d’Arc sts
Dewan, A Gwatchmaker with A BahnCongress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Dewane, Jbootmaker with Westin & NelsonCongress av b Ash and Hickory sts
DeWitt, Abar keeper at Favorite SaloonCongress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts
Diamond, Jordanblacksmithcor Bois d’Arc and Red River sts
Diercks, Augustbarkeeper, Pressler’s saloonCongress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts
Dietrich, Emerchant tailor, Congress av b Hickory and Bois d’Arc stsres suburban
Dignan, Mrs H res Bois d’Arc st b Red River and Sabine sts
Dignan, John Fprinterres Bois d’Arc st b Red River and Sabine sts
Dirrencamp, Henrycarpenter and joiner, with Loomis & ChristianCongress av near Capitol Square
Dixon, D Cforeman Cement and Brick ManufactoryWest av near the river
Dobert, Charlesclerk, Rock’s restaurantPecan st b Congress av and Brazos st
Dodge, C Ebook keeper and director Saving’s Bank of Austinres Congress av b Walnut st and North av
Dodge, Rev res San Jacinto st b Peach and Walnut sts
Doe, E Sagent Texas Ice Companycor Pecan and San Jacinto sts
Doenicke, Robertpatenting clerk, Land Office 
Dohme, Fcontractor and builderres n e cor Colorado and Cherry sts
Dohme, Aprinter, of Statesman Publishing Companyres s w cor Magnolia av and San Antonio st
Domschke, Charles Srblacksmith, Hickory st b Brazos st and Congress avres Brazos st b Hickory and Ash sts
Domschke, Charles JrblacksmithHickory st b Brazos st and Congress av
DONNAN, A S & COClaim and Land AgentsCongress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts opposite Avenue Hotel
Doolittle, Geocity recorder, assessor and collector, Mayor’s officeres suburban
Doubt, Mrs _____ res s w cor Live Oak and San Antonio sts
Douglass, J Tclerk, with Stuart & Mair, commission merchants, near Freight Deportbds n w cor Pine st and East av
Dowell, Johnof Miller & Dowell, lawyersres City Hotel
Downs, Georgetinner, with W. F. BengenerCongress av b Hickory and Ash sts
Dowty, S Jday clerk, Raymond House 
Doyle, Mrs _______ res Hickory st b Neches and Trinity sts
Driskill, J Lstock traderres cor Live Oak and Brazos sts
Driskill, Wm res cor Live Oak and Brazos sts
Driskill, Orlando res cor Live Oak and Brazos sts
Duffau, Mrs _________ res Hickory st b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
Duffau, Robertclerk, with Thompson & Fox, druggistscor Congress av and Hickory st
Dukey, Charles Jclerk, with A. S. Roberts, grocerCongress av b Hickory and Ash sts
Dunbar, John Tspecial agent internal revenueBremond’s building, Pecan st
Dunlap, T Tsalesman, with I Malevinsky, merchantres Lavaca st b Hickory and Bois d’Arc sts
Dunlap, M Jsalesman with W. E. Carter & Co., sewing machine agency, Well’s jewelry
Congress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts
Dunn, M Sdeputy clerk District Courtres San Jacinto st b Mulberry and Mesquit sts
Dunn, J Psalesman with W. E. Carter & Co, sewing machine agency, Well’s jewelry
Congress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts
Durham, Mrs C res s w cor Pecan and Guadalupe sts
Durham, Walterclerk, with Jos A. Nagle, booksellerres s w cor Pecan and Guadalupe sts
Durland, Louiscarpenter, with C. F. Millett, Ash stres Brazos st b Live Oak and Cypress sts
Durland, Wmcarpenter, with C. F. Millett, Ash stres Brazos st b Live Oak and Cypress sts
Durst, Mrs M J res Brazos st b Hickory and Ash sts
Durst, Jamesmessenger, W. U. Telegraph Company offices w cor Congress ave and Pecan st
DuTour, A Gpatenting clerk, Land Officeroom 73 Avenue Hotel
Dutton, H Jpawnbroker and auctioneer, Cook’s buildingn w cor Congress av and Pecan st
Duval, Hon. Thomas HJudge United States District Courtres south of Military Institute
Duval, Jim (col)waiter, Kluge’s restaurantCongress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Dwyer, Mshoemakerres Bois d’Arc st
Eanes, Alexsexton City Cemeteryres s w cor Linden and Sabine sts
Eanes, Hughpainter, with C. F. Millettres East av b Linden and Cherry sts
Eanes, Frankstudent of medicineres s w cor Linden and Sabine sts
ECKERLY, WM ADealer in GroceriesPecan st b Neches and Trinity sts
Eckman, J Pcarpenter, with C. F. MillettAsh st near Congress av
Eckman,Tcarpenter, with C. F. MillettAsh st
Edwards, L Eland and collecting agent, Hickory st b Congress av and Colorado stres City Hotel
EGGLERSTON, E TFire Insurance Agency, Bremond Building, Pecan st b Congress av and
Brazos st
res cor Ash and Trinity sts
Eickman, ________ res Linden st b Lavaca and Colorado sts
Eisenach, Johntailor, Alhambra buildingCongress av near Capitol Square
Ekstron, August res Cherry st b Red River and Neches sts
Elliott, Col John Deditor and publisher of State Gazetteres Live Oak st b Trinity and Neches sts
Elliott, L Cclerk, Gazette officeCongress av b Pecan and Pine sts
Elliott, J D Jrapprentice, Gazette officeCongress av b Pecan and Pine sts
Emmerson, A Dof Brooks & Emmerson, lumber dealersnear Freight Depot
Englehardt, Theocarpenter, with C. F. MillettAsh st
English, T Wlumber yard, East av near cor Pecan st; office East av b Pecan and
Pine sts
res City Hotel
Enquist, Edtailorres Peach st b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
Ernest, Mrs F res n e cor Mesquit and Guadalupe
Erwin, C W res San Jacinto st b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Eshenfelder, Johnwaiter, Kluge’s restaurantCongress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Esser, Wsaloon keeperCongress av b Hickory and Ash sts
Evans, Hon. Lemuel DPresiding Judge Supreme Courtrooms Supreme Court building
Evans, W Ecity marshal, office Mayor’s officeres Pine st b Congress av and Colorado st
Evans, Alfredclerk with C R Johns & Co, bankersCongress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts
Evans, Mrs S J res Cypress st b Guadalupe and San Antonio sts
Everett, Fof C R Johns & Co, bankersres s w cor Bois d’Arc and Colorado sts
Ezell, R Hclerk, with John Kirkpatrick, grocercor Pecan and San Jacinto sts
Ezell, ______butcherres East av b Peach and Walnut sts
Fahey, C res Pecan st b Red River and Sabine sts
Farrall, J Kbarkeeper, Stuarts’ saloon, Congress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arcbds City Hotel
Faust, Josephof Walter Tips & Co, hardware merchants 
FAVORITE SALOONM C Hawes, proprietorCongress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts
Feltin, Rev N res St Mary’s Church, cor Ash and Brazos sts
Ferrell, H T res Ash st b Red River and Sabine sts
Ferrill & Lackeyplaning machine and grist millsouth of Freight Depot
Ferrill, ________of Ferrill & Lackeyres near Freight Depot
Ferris, Peter (col)porter, with C R Johns & Co, bankersCongress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts
Fielding, Henrycarpenterres Red River st b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Fields & Bylerbrick masonsHickory st b Colorado and Lavaca sts
Fields, D Aof Fields & Byles, brick masonsres Hickory st b Colorado and Lavaca sts
Finnin, Edauctioneer, Congress av b Hickory and Bois d’Arc stsres n w cor Pine and Lavaca sts
Finucane, T Daccommodation hack line to San Antoniostable on Cypress st
Fire Alarm Bellrear of Washington Steam Fire Engine HousePecan st
Fischer, Fboarding house and lager beer saloonn w cor Pine and East av
Fisher, Rev O res basement Methodist Church
Fisher, Christiancity policeman 
Fisher, Capt. Rhodes res College av b Lavaca and Guadalupe sts
Fisher, Charles Wlaborer, with Loomis & Christian, carpentersCongress av near Capitol Square
Fisher, C W res s w cor Magnolia av and Lavaca st
Fitch, Jamesof Stuart & Fitch, saloon keepersCongress av b Bois d’Arc and Pecan sts
Fitz Gerald, Jconfectioners e cor Congress av and Bois d’Arc st
Fitzhugh, Maj Johnsalesman, with Sampson & Henricks, merchantsres n w cor Bois d’Arc and Colorado sts
Fitzpatrick & WoolbrightpaintersPine st near Congress av
Fitzpatrick, J Sof Fitzpatrick & Woolbright, paintersres cor water av and Colorado st
Flack, J AmerchantCongress av b Pecan and Pine sts
Flattery, J Esign painter, with A. W. OrrCongress av b Hickory and Ash sts
Fleming, G. policemanres near jail
Fletcher, Wmcounty jailerres s w cor Pecan and Guadalupe sts
Flores, Patricioporter, with J B Gildart, commission merchantcor Pecan st and East av
Ford & Cocommission merchantsPecan st b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
Ford, W Fof Ford & Cores Pecan st b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
Ford, Reuben Wland surveyor and civil engineerPine st b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
Ford, Frankpressman, Journal officeres Pine st b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
Forcke, Charlesclerk, with Thompson & Fox, druggistscor Congress av and Hickory st
Forsander, S Gwith N. Hanson, soda water manufacturercor College av and Red River sts
Forster & Kuehnecommission merchantsCongress av b Bois d’Arc and Pecan sts
Forster, Francis Bof Forster & Kuehne, commission merchantsres Cedar st b Congress av and Brazos st
Foster, T res Colorado st b Mulberry and Ash sts
Foster, T Wclerk, with B. Schumann, jewelerres cor Mesquit and Trinity sts
Foster, Edmundcook, Rock’s restaurantPecan st b Congress and Brazos st
Foutrel, Jsuperintendent Austin Ice FactoryWater av near old City Mill
Fowler, S Fsaloon keeper, Congress av below Avenue Hotelres cor Peach and Trinity sts
Fox, Dr J Mof Thompson & Fox, druggistcor Congress av and Hickory st
Fox, B F res San Antonio st b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Fox, Aof Harris, Dudley & Co, lumber dealersres near Arsenal
Fox, C HsaddlerCongress av b Pecan and Pine sts
Fox, H Tsalesman, with Wm Brueggerhoff, cor Congress av and Bois d’Arcres Raymond House
Franklin, L (col) res Peach st b Red River and Sabine sts
Frazier, Andrewcarpenter, with C F Millett, Ash st near Congressres Ash b Rio Grande st and West av
Frazier, Wmcarpenter, with C F Millett, Ash st near Congressres Ash b Rio Grande st and West av
Freeman, C Lsalesman, with I Stein, merchantCongress av be Pecan and Pine sts
Freeman, G Rlawyer, office cor Congress av and Bois d’Arc stbds cor Brazos st and College av
French, Asacarpenterres n w cor Mesquit and San Antonio sts
Freth, John res Walnut st b Lavaca and Guadalupe sts
Freytag, Juliusporter, with Hellman & Gans, merchantsres Red River st b Cypress and Cedar sts
Friedberger, Samuelof Friedberger & Bro, merchantsres Live Oak st b San Jacinto and Trinity sts
Fritz, Henryboarding houseBois d’Arc st b Trinity and San Jacinto sts
Fues, Emilreceiver, Land Officeres block No 173 n w cor Walnut and Guadalupe sts
Fugitt, Charles res cor Colorado and Pine sts
FULMORE,WALLACE & WOOLDRIDGEAttorneys at Law and Land Agentsoffice up stairs, cor Congress av and Bois d’Arc st
Fulmore, Z Tlawyer of Fulmore, Wallace & Wooldridgeres Lavaca st b Hickory and Bois d’Arc sts
Gaeideweis, Fblacksmith and wheelwrightBois d’Arc st b Congress and Brazos st
Gaelpf, Fritzwaiter, Kluge’s restaurantCongress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Gage, Geo Fsaddler and harness maker, Pecan st b Congress av and Brazos and Brazos
st b Pecan and Pine st
res Willow st b Trinity and Neches sts
Gans, Morrisof Hellman & Gans, commission merchantscor Pecan st and East av
Gans, Maxclerk, with Hellman & Gans, commission merchantscor Pecan st and East av
Garrety, Thomascarriage driver, with J T Miller & SonsBois d’Arc st near Congress av
GAYNOR, W HHouse and Sign PainterCongress av b Ash and Mulberry sts
Gerhardt, Wilhelmapprentice with B. Radney, tinnerCongress av b Hickory and Ash sts
Gerson, JosephgrocerPecan st b Neches and Trinity sts
Gerson, Mclerk with E Moses, merchant Congress av b Ash and Hickory stsbds City Hotel
GILDART, J BCommission Merchant and Grocer and Dealer in Feed n w cor Pecan and
East av
res east extension of Bois d’Arc st
Gildart, Rclerk, with J B Gildartres west of West av near brick yard
Gilleland, Wm Mexamining clerk, Land Officeres lots 7 and 8 block 52 cor Pecan and San Antonio sts
Gillespie, Chas Sclerk Land Officebds Avenue Hotel
Givins, Thos Wcarpenterres n e cor Chestnut and San Jacinto sts
Glasscock, W Lsaloon keeperHickory st below Market House
Glasscock, F Bclerk with R Potoski, tobacconistCongress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts
Glasscock, Mrs Mary P res cor Bois d’Arc and Brazos sts
Glenn, John Wcivil engineerres n w cor Pecan and Nueces sts
Gliddon, J Tsewing machine agentres s e cor Ash and Sabine sts
Goldbeck, Theoclerk in Land Officeres s w cor Peach and San Antonio sts
Goldman, Maxclerk with C Asher, merchantPecan st b Congress av and Brazos st
Goldman, Aagent, German Prescription StoreCongress av b Ash and Hickory sts
Goodale, F Oboarding houseeast extension Pine st near Freight Depot
Goode, Watt res n w cor Pecan and Colorado sts
Goode, Capt W Sbar keeper, Favorite SaloonCongress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts
Goodman, John (col)city policemanres Water av b Trinity and Neches sts
Goodrich, Mrs res n w cor Cedar and Colorado sts
Goodrich, Edgrocernear Barton’s Springs
Graham, Charles Gbar keeper, Mitchell’s SaloonCongress av near n e cor Bois d’Arc st
Graham, Dr BState Treasurer, office Treasury Buildingres northern suburbs, one mile from Capitol
Graham, G Tclerk with J C Raymond druggist, Congress av b Hickory and Ash stsres northern suburbs
Graham, J Wclerk with J C Raymond, druggistCongress av b Hickory and Ash sts
Graham, Harry Bcarpenter, with John Headspethcor Colorado and Walnut sts
Granberry, Collier res cor Ash and Brazos sts
Grant, J Jstone masonres n w cor Congress av and Chestnut st
Grant, Dr R Edentist, over Wayman’s storeCongress av b Hickory and Ash sts
Grant, Capt M Mprinterres with L. W. Collins, cor Hickory and Red River sts
Gray, S Abook and job printer, Journal buildingres s w cor Water av and San Jacinto sts
Gray, J W (col)confectionerCongress av b Pecan and Pine sts
Gray, Hannah (col) res Ash st b Congress and Brazos st
Gray, Judge George H res Congress av b North av and Walnut st
Gray, Ed res Congress av b North av and Walnut st
Green, Hbook keeper and salesman, with Loomis & Christian, carpentersres Cypress st first door west of Congress av
Green, John Alawyer, of Walton & Green, office Pecan st one door west of Congress
res sw cor Pecan and Nueces sts
Green, Lewisboot and shoe makerPecan st b Congress av and Colorado sts
Green, W Hsteward, Lunatic Asylum 
Green, Levi (col)draymanres Bois d’Arc st b Neches and Red River sts
Gregory, Rev_____(col) res near M E Church (col)
Griffin, W Hof Griffin & ParkerCongress ave b Hickory and Bois d’Arc sts
Griffin, Josephcabinet maker, with J W HannigPecan st b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
Guast, ______beer saloonPecan st b Neches and Trinity sts
Guice, Jacoblawyerres at Mrs. Durst’s, Brazos st
Guinn, Patrickshoeing smith and farrier, with Jones & Stelfoxcor Pine and Colorado sts
Guttman, Josephclerk, with Long & Cloud, dollar storeCongress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Gwynn, F Gchief operator Western Union Telegraphoffice s w cor Congress av and Pecan st
HADEN, MATTHEWS & COCommission Merchantsone block south of Freight Depot
Haden, J Wof Haden, Matthews & Co.res (not listed)
Hadra, Bphysicianoffice and res Mulberry st b Congress av and Colorado st
Hagerlund, John Wclerk, with A B Palm, merchantCongress av b Hickory and Bois d’Arc sts
Hahn, Carlclerk, with T C Hoffman, confectionern w cor Congress av and Mulberry st
Haines, Jameslawyer, Congress av b Mulberry and Ash stsres Pine st b Lavaca and Guadalupe sts
Hall, Elisha res cor San Jacinto and Willow sts
Hall, Marion Pcarpenterres Chestnut st b San Jacinto and Trinity sts
Hall, Col C K res Pecan st b Colorado and Lavaca sts
Ham, Wmclerk, Railroad Housen e cor Pine and Neches sts
Hamilton, Hon A Jlawyer, Hickory st b Congress av and Colorado stres suburban
Hamilton, Frankclerk, with Raymond & Whitis, bankerss w cor Congress av and Pecan st
Hamilton, R Hclerk, Internal Revenue office, Brown’s building, Brazos st near cor
Bois d’Arc st
res Cherry st b Colorado and Lavaca sts
Hamilton, Alex (col)well diggerres North av b Trinity and Neches sts
Hamilton, Sam (col)blacksmith with F Gaeideweis, Bois d’Arc st b Congress av and Brazos
res cor Ash and Neches sts
Hamilton, Jeremiah (col)carpenterres Walnut st b Red River and Sabine sts
Hamilton, J (col)grocercor Mesquit and Red River sts
Hamilton, J Mboarding houseEast av b Pecan and Pine sts
Hancock & Westlawyersn w cor Congress av and Pine st
Hancock, Hon JohnM C and lawyer of Hancock & Westres three miles north of city
Hancock, Georgelawyer, office over Austin Savings Bankres s e cor Congress and North aves
Hancock, Jamesbook keeper, Comptroller’s officeres suburban
Hancock, Horacecarpenterbds at n w cor Cedar st and East av
Hancock, Thos (col)barber, Congress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory stsres s e cor Linden and Nueces sts
Hankin, Claibkeeper Pontoon Bridge, foot of Brazos stres cor San Jacinto and Willow sts
Hannig, J Wfurniture dealer, Pecan st b Brazos and San Jacinto stsres Pine st b Neches and Red River sts
Hanson, G Bcarpenter with C F Millettres Water av b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
Hanson, John Mbar keeper Mitchell’s Saloon, Congress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory
res s w cor Congress av and Mulberry st
Hanson, Nsoda water manufacturer, cor College av and Red River stres Cherry st b Red River and Neches sts
Haralson, High Atraveling agent of Evans, Gardner & Co., New Yorkres s w cor Hickory and Guadalupe sts
Haralson R Lclerk, with T E Cater, merchantCongress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts
Hardeman, __________butcherres n e cor Colorado and Walnut sts
Hardy, Abar keeper, Woodlief & Wilson’s saloonCongress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Harrell A J res n w cor Cedar and Rio Grande sts
Harrell, Joseph res Lavaca st b Mesquit and Mulberry sts
Harris, Dudley & Columber dealersoffice cor Water and Lumber sts near Freight Depot
Harris, Samuel res College av b Lavaca and Guadalupe sts
Harris, J Pgrocery storecor Congress av and Mulberry st opposite Journal office
Harrison, G W (col)blacksmith, with Wm E Risher, Pecan st near East avres Sabine st b North av and Cherry st
Harrison, Robert (col)barber, with Harry HawkinsCongress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Harrison R Sbook keeper, Treasury Departmentres cor Bois d’Arc and San Jacinto sts
Harrison, ______ (col)carpenterres Red River st b Mesquit and Mulberry sts
Harrison & Caruthers (col)wagon makersLinden st b Guadalupe and Lavaca sts
Hart, James Pclerkres cor Bois d’Arc and Brazos sts
Hart, Theoprinter, Journal officebds with Mrs. Smith, cor Mesquite and San Jacinto sts
Hartson, John res Live Oak st b San Antonio and Nueces sts
Harvey, H Mof Prouse & Harvey, marble cuttersres cor Pecan and Colorado sts
Harvey, Thos Csalesman, with M K Ryan & Son, merchantsCongress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Hathaway, Hcandy manufacturerres Brazos st b Cedar and Cypress sts
Hauke, Henrycarpenterres s e cor North av and Trinity st
Hausman, Alfredclerk in Educational Department, Capitolres Chestnut st b San Jacinto and Trinity sts
Hawes, M Cproprietor of “Favorite Saloon”, Congress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory
bds with J T Miller, cor Brazos and Bois d’Arc sts
Hawk, W Csalesman, with R M Castleman, merchantCongress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Hawkins, Henrybarber, Congress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc stsres cor Colorado and Ash sts
Hayden Martinhostler, Long’s livery stablecor Congress av and Ash st
Haynie, S Gphysicianoffice and residence n e cor Mulberry and San Jacinto sts
Haynie, Hughtraveling agentres n e cor Pecan and San Antonio sts
Haynie, Eugenemessenger, Western Union Telegraph offices w cor Congress av and Pecan st
Hays, Timof Hays & Seekatz, butchersstall No 7 City Marker
Hay ScalesR Bertram weighern e cor Cherry and Guadalupe st
Hay ScalesJ A Webb weigherPecan st b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
HAZZARD & RAYMONDrestaurantn e cor Congress av and Hickory st
Hazzard, H Hof Hazzard & Raymondcor Congress av and Hickory st
Headspeth, Johncarpenters w cor Colorado and Walnut sts
Headspeth, Green (col)carpenter, with C F Millettres s w cor College av and Sabine st
Heffter, H Obusiness manager State Journalres n w cor Cherry and Colorado sts
Heiderich, Fritzshoemaker with A HeilemanCongress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts
Heileman, Aboot and shoe maker, Congress av b Hickory and Bois d’Arc stsres cor East av and Hickory st
Hellman, G & Ganswholesale merchants, s e cor Pecan st and East avres east extension of Pecan st
Hemphill, S Ghouse builderres Pecan st near Red River st
Hemphill, John (col)blacksmithres Colorado st b Cedar and Cypress sts
Henricks, Benj Fof Sampson & Henricks, merchantsres cor Pecan and Red River sts
Henry, Josephprinter, Gazette officeCongress av b Pecan and Pine sts
Henry, Tomdraymanres Congress av b Cypress and Live Oak
Henstreet, Albertcarpenter, with J Headspeths w cor Colorado and Walnut sts
Herback, JuliusbakerEast av below Cedar st
Hertel, H res Walnut st b Guadalupe and San Antonio sts
Hertzog, Geoof Schneider & Hertzogcor Pecan and Trinity sts
Hickey, Jamesstone masonres Lavaca st b Pecan and Pine sts
Hicks, E Aprinterbds with W W McLaughlin, Congress av b Pine and Cedar sts
Higby, Elawyerbds with Mrs McCall s e cor Congress av and Walnut st
Hill, Jas Aof Lancaster & Hill, Ranger officeHickory st near Postoffice
Hill, Capt Wash res Live Oak st b Guadalupe and San Antonio sts
Hill, Tom (col)stone masonres Cedar st b Colorado and Lavaca sts
Hillebrand, Louisclerk with J H Robinson & SonCongress av b Pecan and Pine sts
Hillebrand, Johnclerk with J H Robinson & SonCongress av b Pecan and Pine sts
Hillyer, H Bphotographer, Hickory st near the Market Houseres Trinity st b Cedar and Cypress sts
Hinrichs, Wmcoach stand at Scholz HallSan Jacinto st b Cherry and Linden sts
Hipp & Cosaloon keepersCongress av b Hickory and Ash sts
Hipp, Edwardof Hipp & Cores n w cor Hickory and Guadalupe sts
Hirsch, Adolphsalesman with Nathan Myer, cor Congress av and Pine stres Raymond House
Hirshfeld, Hdry goodscor Congress av and Pecan st
Hoeik, Fclerk with A DeitrichPecan st b Congress av and Brazos st
Hoffman, T Cconfectioner, Krohn’s building, cor Congress av and Mulberry stres cor Peach and San Jacinto sts
Hofheint, Henry res Cypress st b Red River and Sabine sts
Holder, Gabriel (col)grocerRed River st b Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts
Holland, W Wsaddlerres cor Cypress and Brazos sts
Holland, Thomas res Brazos st b Live Oak and Cypress sts
Holland, John (col)barber, Pecan st b Congress av and Colorado stres Brazos st b Cedar and Pine sts
Hollingsworth, S Ppresident Savings Bank of Austin, Pecan st b Congress av and Colorado
res s w cor Bois d’Arc and Guadalupe sts
Hollingsworth, J Ecashier Savings Bank of AustinPecan st b Congress av and Colorado st
Hollingsworth, Henry (col)draymanres cor Bois d’Arc and Trinity sts
Holm, M Bmusicianres near Capitol
Holman, Mrs Sarah Tboarding houseColorado st b Hickory and Bois d’Arc sts
Holman, Robert Fpainter with W H Sharp, Cook’s building, n w cor Congress av and Pecan
res with Mrs Sarah T Holman, Colorado st b Hickory and Bois d’Arc sts
Holmes, C Mfeed store, Pecan st west of Congress avres Live Oak st b San Jacinto and Trinity sts
Holmes, J Ccarpenterres Live Oak st b San Jacinto and Trinity sts
Holmes, Jamesclerk, with F M Noble, lumber dealers w cor Cedar st and East av
Homath, Fritzmeat marketEast av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
HONNET, BENdealer in Cigars, Snuff and Tobacco, Avenue Hotel building, Congress
bds at Kluge’s restaurant
Hook and Ladder Company No 1 Congress av b Ash and Mulberry sts
Hook and Ladder Company No 2 n e cor Colorado and Linden sts
Hooke, Petermasonres Cedar st b Neches and Red River sts
Hooper, R Lsalesman with W B Smith, Congress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc stsres Raymond House
Hopkins, Presclerkres suburban
Hopkins, Matthewclerk, United States District Court, Krohn Hall, cor Congress av and
Mulberry st
res s w of Military Institute
Hopkins, Frank Wclerk, United States District Court, Krohn Hall, cor Congress av and
Mulberry st
res s w of Military Institute
Hopkins, Johnbook binder, with E Raven, Congress av b Mulberry and Mesquit stsres with J L Driskill cor Live Oak and Brazos sts
Hoppe, Georgecarriage maker with Jones & Stelfoxcor Pine and Colorado sts
Horan, John res s e cor Mulberry and Nueces sts
Horan, Mrs C A res Brazos st b Cypress and Live Oak sts
Hornberger, Ctailorres s w cor Pine and Lavaca sts
Hornbrook, Georgeboot maker with J CarsonPecan st b Congress av and Brazos st
Horne, A O Sr res Cypress st b Colorado and Lavaca sts
Horne, A O Jrclerk, Comptroller’s officeres n e cor Cypress and Lavaca sts
Horne, W Tphysicianres n w cor Cypress and Colorado sts
Horst, L res north of Magnolia av near head of Brazos st
Horst C & Brobutchersstall No 6 City Market
Horst, Cbutcher of C Horst & Brores north of Magnolia av near head of Brazos st
Horst, Jamesbutcher of C Horst & Brores north of Magnolia av near head of Brazos st
Horstman, Alfredclerk, office Department of EducationCapitol
Hotchkiss, W Sclerk, with C R Johns & Co, bankersres Peach st b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
Hottensen, Fritzwith B Schumann, Pecan st b Congress av and Brazos stres cor Linden and Trinity sts
Houghton, John Hof Turner & Houghton, saloon keeperscor Pecan and Neches sts
Houser, James res Peach st b Trinity and Neches sts
HOUSTON AND TEXAS CENTRAL RAILWAYPassenger depot cor Pine and Neches sts e of Raymond HouseFreight Depot east extension of Pine st East av
Howard, T Wclerk with A B Palm, merchant, Congress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickorybds Avenue Hotel
Howard, Harryclerk, Land Officeres Ash st b Neches and Red River sts
Howard, J Wbook keeper with A B Palm, merchant, Congress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickoryres Bois d’Arc st b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
Howard, W Hlawyeroffice Supreme Court building
Howill, Thomasstone masonres s w cor Walnut and Trinity sts
Huberich, Mrs FranzesmillinerPine st near Congress av opposite Raymond House
Huberich, Charlesclerk, Mayor’s officeres Pine st near Congress av opposite Raymond House
Hudson, W Lclerk, with J A Webb & BroPecan st b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
Huffman, B Fforeman Murchison’s livery stable, cor Pine and Colorado stsbds Raymond House
Hughes, Lstone masonbds cor Bois d’Arc and Nueces sts
Hughes, John (col)blacksmith, Guadalupe st b Magnolia av and Chestnut stres n w cor Chestnut and Guadalupe sts
Hulbert, Wmcarpenterres n e cor Chestnut and San Jacinto sts
Hull Brossaddle and harness manufactory, Taylor’s buildingCongress av b Ash and Hickory sts
Hull, E Mof Hull Brosres near Freight Depot
Hull, W Wof Hull Brosres near Freight Depot
Humphreys, Edwardtailor, with Meeks & McFarlandCongress av opposite City Hotel
Hunt, J Ssalesman with W E Carter & Co, sewing machine agency, Well’s jewelry
Congress av opposite Avenue Hotel
Hunter, Cgrocers w cor Pecan and Colorado sts
Hunter, Rufus res n w cor Live Oak and Lavaca sts
Huppertz, Edwardclerk, U S Marshal’s office, Krohn Halln w cor Congress av and Mulberry st
Huppertz, Charlesassistant assessor internal revenue, 3d District of Texasoffice Bremond building, Pecan st
Hurd, Chandler & Carletonland and collecting agentsPine st first door west of Congress av
Hurd, J Bof Hurd, Chandler & Carleton, land agentsres one mile and a half northwest of city
Hurley, P Hprinterbds Kluge’s restaurant, Congress av near cor Bois d’Arc st
Hussey, Jamesbill poster, Ed Finnin’s Auction roomsCongress av opposite Avenue Hotel
Hutchins, A Htraveling agent for J J McClelland, wholesale liquor dealerPecan st b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
Hutchins, B Ctraveling agent for J J McClelland, wholesale liquor dealerPecan st b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
Illingsworth, Mrs L C res Guadalupe st b Mesquit st and College av
Irvin, Gabrielclerk, with I F Battaile & Co, commission merchantsnear Freight Depot
Isaacs, Ashoe makerPecan st b Congress and Colorado st
Jackson, A M SrLawyer, Room No 24, Avenue Hotel building up stairss e cor Congress
av and Hickory st
res cor Live Oak and Red River sts
Jackson, A M Jrlaw student, with A M Jackson Srres cor Live Oak and Red River sts
Jackson, J Tcarpenterres n w cor Ash st and East av
Jackson, N Pof Shands & Jackson, land agents, office Cook’s building, cor Congress
and Pecan
res cor Live Oak and Red River sts
Jackson, O M res San Antonio st b Hickory and Bois d’Arc sts
Jackson, Andrew (col)porter, Statesman officeres cor Brazos st and North av
Jackson, Peter (col) res Cedar st b Nueces and San Antonio sts
JAMES, DANIEL ACarpenter and Painterres cor Live Oak and San Antonio sts
James, F Wlawyer of Smith & Jamesres Military Institute
James, John res Live Oak st b San Antonio sts
James, W Bteamsterres s e cor North av and Red River st
James, Martha (col)washerwomanres n w cor Peach and Rio Grande sts
Jaqua, S Eof Austin Ice Cores cor Willow and Neches sts
Jarrett, Bristow (col) res n w cor Mesquit and Sabine sts
Jenkins, Alfred (col)laborer, with Loomis & Christianres Peach st b Trinity and Neches sts
Jenkins, H Gpeddlerres Linden st b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
Jenks, Geo Wprinterbds with Mrs Smith, s w cor Mesquite and San Jacinto sts
Jerdone, Wm Mdeputy clerk U S District Court, Krohn Hallcor Congress av and Mulberry st
Jessen, Amilitary store keeper, U S Arsenalres s e cor College av and Sabine st
Job, E Dclerk, with P Thompson & Co, merchantsnear Freight Depot
JOBE & ROBINSONproprietors Raymond House, cor Congress av and Pine stalso Iron Front Saloon, Congress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Jobe, Phillipof Jobe & Robinsonres Brazos st b Cypress and Cedar sts
Johns, C R Srbankers and land agentsres s w cor Pine and Rio Grande sts
Johns, C R Jrclerk, with C R Johns & Co, bankersres s w cor Pine and Rio Grande sts
Johns, Robt Bclerk, office Department of Education, Capitolres s w cor Pine and Rio Grande sts
Johns, Sam (col)barber with Tom HancockCongress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts
Johnson, Mrs Ben res Rio Grande st b Mulberry and Mesquite sts
Johnson, James Rclerk, with Raymond & Whitis, s w cor Congress and Peachres Rio Grande st b Mulberry and mesquite sts
Johnson, Col F M res San Antonio st b Cedar and Pine sts
Johnson, John Oclerk, with A S Roberts, grocerres s e cor Pecan and Guadalupe sts
Johnson, Gustavuscarpenterres n w cor Mesquit and Lavaca
Johnson, J Kcarpenter with C F MillettAsh st near Congress av
Johnson, Johncarpenter with C F MillettAsh st near Congress av
Johnson, Andrewwaiter, Kluge’s restaurantCongress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Johnson, Squire (col)barber, with Harry HawkinsCongress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Johnson, R (col)boot and shoemaker, with H B WillisPecan st b Congress av and Brazos st
Johnson, Joshua (col)white washerres s we cor Walnut st and West av
Johnson, Robert (col)shoemakerres Linden st b Guadalupe and San Antonio sts
Johnson, Hector (col)hostler, Murchison’s stablecor Pine and Colorado sts
Johnson, Jim (col)barber, with Harry HawkinsCongress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Johnson, Ebin (col)waiter, City Hotelcor Congress av and Cedar st
Jones, Dr. res College av b Lavaca and Guadalupe sts
Jones & Stelfoxcarriage manufactorys w cor Pine and Colorado sts
Jones, Johnblacksmith, of Jones & Stelfoxres n w cor Pine and Colorado sts
Jones, I V res Live Oak st b Neches and Red River sts
Jones, W Jinsurance agentres Mrs. Durst’s Brazos st b Hickory and Ash sts
Junecke, Georgebook keeper and treasurer, Lunatic Asylumres Cherry st b Congress av and Colorado st
Junck, Aclerk, with Ben Walker, grocerCongress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Junck, Edward Aclerk, with Wm EckerlyPecan st b Trinity and Neches sts
Jurgensen, H N Srpainterres Brazos st b Walnut st and North av
Jurgensen, H N Jrsaddler at Sawyer, Ficklin & Scott’s shop cor Bois d’Arc and Trinityres Brazos st b Walnut st and North av
Kane, F Mblacksmith of Brower & Kaneres Cedar st b Guadalupe and Lavaca sts
Kash, Wmlocksmith, with Wm RaatzCongress av b Ash and Mulberry sts
Keaton, Mrs Josephine res Rio Grande st b Walnut and Peach sts
Keller, Mrs ____ res Mesquite st b Rio Grande and Nueces sts
Keller, GgrocerPine st b Congress av and Colorado st
Kellner, Cclerk, with Hellman & Gans, commission merchantscor Pecan st and East av
Kellner, L E EChief Clerk Land Officeres block 156, Guadalupe st
Kellner, Eugeneapprentice, with E Raven, bookbinderCongress av b Mulberry and Mesquit sts
Kellon, Frank res Bois d’Arc st b Congress av and Colorado st
Kelsey, W Bprinter, Journal officebds with Mrs Ramsdale, Hickory st b Colorado and Lavaca sts
Kempen, Aof Stirzing & Kempen, cabinet makersCongress av b Pine and Cedar sts
Kempfer, Johnporter, Adjutant General’s OfficeCapitol
Kendall, Tony (col)hostler, Long’s livery stablecor Congress av and Ash st
Kennedy, Rcarpenterres east of East av near Freight Depot
Kerner & HomathMagnolia salooneast extension Pine st near Freight Depot
Kerner, Theo Fof Kerner & Homath, saloon keeperseast extension Pine st near Freight Depot
Kerr, J Bbook keeper with P Thomson & Conear Freight Depot
Keys, David (col)porter with Stuart & Mairnear Freight Depot
Keys, Wm (col)shoe makerRed River st b Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts
Kibbles, Josephcarpenter with C F MillettAsh st near Congress av
King, Tom (col) res s w cor Sabine and Peach sts
Kingsbury, S G res cor Pine and Colorado sts
Kinney, Henry B res n e cor Pine and Rio Grande sts
Kirk, JohnCity Laundryn w cor Water av and Guadalupe st
Kirk, C T res Live Oak st b San Jacinto and Trinity sts
Kirkpatrick, Johngrocercor Pecan and San Jacinto sts
Kirschvink, Lbook and shoe maker, Congress av b Bois d’Arc and Pecan stsres n e cor Walnut and Guadalupe sts
Kirschvink, Johnapprentice with L Kirschvink, shoe makerres n e cor Walnut and Guadalupe sts
Klappenbach, Louisdraftsman, Land Officeres Brazos st block 96, opposite Catholic Church
Kleabe, Mrs Marymidwiferes Red River st b Hickory and Ash sts
Kleibe, Paulwatch maker with A BahnCongress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Klenert, HenryWaco Housen w cor Linden and Guadalupe sts
Kluge, Wmsaloon and restaurant, Congress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arcres Bois d’Arc st b Congress av and Colorado sts
Knight, E C bds Rock’s restaurant Pecan st b Congress av and Brazos st
Knopple, Chaswaiter, City Hotelcor Congress av and Cedar st
Koch, Htailorres Cherry st b Trinity and Neches sts
Koch, Martinclerk, with L C Cunningham & Son, lumber dealersnear Freight Depot
Koenerikz, Frank res Walnut st b Guadalupe and San Antonio sts
Kooney, A Srfruit and tobacco dealerPecan st b Congress av and Brazos st
Kooney, A Jrfeed storecor Pine and Lavaca sts
Kramer, Wm Pteacherres with Mrs Bishop, Hickory st b Red River and Neches sts
Kraust, Rudolph res s e cor Colorado and Linden sts
Krisch, Abutcher with E Krohnstall No 5, City Market
Krohn, Ernestbutcherstall No 5, City Market
Krohn, Carl res Mulberry st near n w cor Congress av
Krohn HallCarl Krohn propreitornw cor Congress ave and Mulberry st
Kuechler, JacobCommissioner Land Officeres Land Office
Kuehne, F Bof Forster & Kuehne, commission merchants, Congress b Pecan and Bois
res two miles east of city
Kuepfer, T Sphysicianres cor Ash and Red River sts
Kumpel, Georg res Cherry st b Congress av and Colorado st
Kuse, Charles Ashoe maker with A HeilmanCongress av b Hickory and Bois d’Arc sts
Kuss, Augblacksmith of Brower & KaneNorth av b Colorado and Lavaca sts
Kyle, D R res Pine st b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
Laake, Frankwheelwright with C DomschkeHickory st b Congress av and Brazos st
Labarthe, J Aof Crystal Oil Company, Pecan st b Brazos and San Jacintores San Jacinto st b Pecan and Pine sts
Lacoste, LconfectionerCongress av b Pecan and Pine sts
Lancaster & Hilleditors and pubishers Lone Star RangerHickory st, near the Postoffice
Lancaster, Josephof Lancaster & Hill, editors and publishers Lone Star Rangeroffice Hickory st near the Postoffice
Land Office east side of Capitol Square, cor Mesquit and Brazos sts
Lane, Anthony (col) res cor Mesquit and Red River sts
Lane & Mancourtcommission merchantsPecan st b San Jacinto and Brazos sts
Lane, Dr _______ res Bois d’Arc b Sabine st and East av
Langden, M Jclerk, Fitz Gerald’s confectionerycor Congress av and Bois d’Arc st
Langford, ______carpenterres n e cor Peach st and West av
Larmour, Jarchitect, Cook’s buildingn w cor Congress av and Pecan st
Lawes, Wmcarpenter, with C F MillettAsh st near Congress av
LAWRENCE & CLARKLawyers and Real Estate Agents, room No 24Avenue Hotel building, cor Hickory st and Congress av
Lawrence, J Wof Lawrence & Clarkres Avenue Hotel
Lawrence, W Rbaggage master, at Miller & Son’s livery stableBois d’Arc st near Congress av
Lea, Chasprinter, Gazette officeCongress av b Pecan and Pine sts
Lee, H Gclerk, with Geo L. Robertson, grocern e cor Bois d’Arc st and East av
Leibner, Josefbarkeeper, Scholz’s HallSan Jacinto st b Cherry and Linden sts
Lenneker, H Aphysician, Room No 3 Brown’s building, Bois d’Arc stres Congress av b Water av and Live Oak st
Leonard, T JtailorWater av b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
Levy, Jsalesman, with Phillipson & Levy, dry goods merchantsCongress av near Pecan st
Levy, J Lof Phillipson & Levy, dry goods merchantsCongress av near Pecan st
Levy, Hclerk, with Phillipson & Levy, dry goods merchantsCongress av near Pecan st
Levyson, Georgeof Th H Phillipson & Co, clothing merchantsPecan st near Congress av
Lewis, Matthewbar keeper City Hotel sample roomscor Congress av and Cedar st
Lewis, Claib (col)poultry and vegetable peddlerres s e cor Hickory and Sabine sts
Lindeman, Bmachinist, with Chas Pecht, Red River st b Hickory and Ash stsres near Freight Depot
Lindenberger, Cclerk, Comptroller’s Officebds at Mrs. Tumey’s s e cor Ash and Lavaca sts
Link, Mrs Elizabethboarding housen e cor Cedar st and West av
Litten, J Mphysicianoffice and res n e cor Colorado and Bois d’Arc sts
Lock, L CState policemanres Ash st b Nueces and San Antonio sts
Logan, Alonzo T res n w cor Peach and Lavaca sts
Logan, G W res n w cor Cherry and Nueces sts
Lohmuller, Martiasshoe makercor Ash and Red River sts
Long, J Jsaloon keepers w cor Magnolia av and Guadalupe st
Long, M Mlivery and sale stable, n e cor Congress av and Ash stres Bois d’Arc st b Colorado and Lavaca sts
Long, R C res City Hotel
Long & Oatmanlawyers, room No 4, Brown’s buildingcor Bois d’Arc and Brazos sts
Long, M Alawyer, of Long & Oatmanres City Hotel
Long, J Jof Long & Cloudres Pine st b Congress av and Brazos st
Longley, A Hgrocernear Freight Depot
Loomis & Christiancontractors and buildersn e cor Congress av and Capitol Square
Loomis, Simonof Loomis & Christianres n w cor Ash and Lavaca sts
Lorenz, Wbakers w cor Congress av and Pine st
Lorsen, N P res Red River st b Walnut and Peach sts
Loury, J B res n e cor Chestnut and Trinity sts
Lowdy, C Lclerk, with Stuart & Mair, commission merchants, near Freight Depotres near State Cemetery
Lucas, A Lassistant draughtsman, land officeres Raymond Plateau
Luck, Adolph Gclerk with C R Johns & Co, bankersres n e cor Colorado and Live Oak sts
Lucksinger, Jobutcher, stall No 2City Market
Lumsden, F Aboot and shoe storePecan st b Brazos st and Congress av
Lundberg, CconfectionerCongress av b Pecan and Pine sts
Lundell, S Ablacksmith, with Jones & Stelfoxs w cor Colorado and Pine sts
Lundghren, G Ashoe maker with A HeilemanCongress av b Hickory and Bois d’Arc sts
Lundin, Mporter with A B Palm, merchantsres North av b San Jacinto and Trinity sts
Lungden, Alfredshoe makerres Mesquit st b Guadalupe and San Antonio sts
Lungkwitz, M Happrentice with Jo Petmecky, gunsmithCongress av b Pine and Cedar sts
Lunghwitz, Hermanphotographer, Land Officeres s e cor Colorado and Chestnuts sts, opposite Turner’s Hall
Lungren, Gcarpenter, with C F MillettAsh st near Congress av
Lungren, Jcarpenter with C F MillettAsh st near Congress av
Lynn, Mrs _______ res n w cor Peach and San Antonio sts
Maas, M & CoLand and Collection Agents over Kluge’s RestaurantCongress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Maas, Maxof M Maas & Co, land agentsres s w cor Linden and San Antonio sts
Maas, Louis res with Wm Kluge, Bois d’Arc st b Congress av and Colorado st
Mabin, Mrs ______ res East av b Peach and Walnut sts
MacCormack, Hclerk, Department of Stateres at Mrs. Durst’s on Brazos st
Maddox, H Cof Davis, Maddox & Co, commission merchantsnear Freight Depot
Madison, Henry G (col)shoemakerPecan st b Congress av and Colorado st
Madison, Charles (col)stone masonres cor Walnut and Neches sts
Mahon, S Agrocer, Congress av b Pecan and Pine stsres City Hotel
Maillot, Charlesgrocer, with T E Cater, Congress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory stsres Mrs Dursts on Brazos st
Mair, A Sof Stuart & Mair, commission merchantsres East av near Arsenal
Malevinsky, ImerchantCongress av b Pecan and Pine sts
Mancourt, J Wof Lane & Mancourt, commission merchantsres Red River st b Cedar and Pine sts
Mann, W Lclerk, with Thompson & Fox druggistcor Congress av and Hickory st
Mansfield, J Mcarpenterres n w cor Cedar st and East av
Marchal, Alfpainterres Ash st b San Antonio and Nueces sts
Marchildon, A W bds at A C Fougeu’s restaurant, Pecan st b Trinity and San Jacinto
Market House n e cor Colorado and Hickory sts
Marks, H Rphotographer, Congress av b Pecan and Pine stsres with C K Hall, Pecan st b Colorado and Lavaca sts
Marshall, Charles (col)barber with Tom HancockCongress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts
Martin, J Hteller, with C R Johns & Co, bankersres with C K Hall, Pecan st b Colorado and Lavaca sts
Martin, JamesAustin boot and shoe storeCongress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Martin, Josephclerk with James MartinCongress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Martin, W Alumber yardcor Pecan and Sabine sts
Martin, Augusttinner, with B RadkeyCongress av b Hickory and Ash sts
Marzoni, Louigibutcher, stall No 11City Market
Mason, Rayfordstone masonres near Freight Depot
Mason, Sam Sr (col)stone masonres cor Neches st and Water av
Mason, Sam Jr (col)stone masonres near Freight Depot
Massman, J Pclerk, with A Bahn, jewelerres Lavaca st b Walnut and Peach sts
Mather, M Dof Reed & Mather, furniture stores e cor Congress av and Ash st
Matson, J Bsaddler and harness maker with George F. Gage, Brazos b Pecan and Pineres below Freight Depot
Matthews, Frankof Haden, Matthews & Co, commission merchants, near Freight Depotres s w cor Pecan and Lavaca sts
Mauthe, Rplastererres Guadalupe st b Walnut st and North av
Maxwell, W Rauditing clerk, Department of Education, Capitolres College av
Maywether, Peter (col)hostler, Murchison’s stablecor Pine and Colorado sts
McArthur, John T res cor Pine and Red River sts
McBride, John res Cedar st b Colorado and Lavaca sts
McCall, Mrs A P res s e cor Congress av and Walnut st
McCall, John Dclerk Comptroller’s officeres s w cor Congress av and Walnut st
McCarty, Martinof McDannell & Co, wholesale liquors dealersres North av b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
McCarty, Thosbarber, with Tom HancockCongress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts
McCashin, Neillsalesman, with J Bremond, wholesale merchant, Pecan stres Linden st b Congress av and Brazos st
McCleery, J Dtraveling agentres with B J Smith, n w cor Pecan and Rio Grande sts
McCLELLAND, J JCommission Merchant and Wholesale Liquor Dealer, Pecan st b Brazos
and San Jacinto
res with W G Denny, s w cor Hickory and Lavaca sts
McClure, Mrs Jane res n w cor Cypress and San Antonio sts
McClure, Mrs Mary EgrocerCongress av b Hickory and Bois d’Arc sts
McCormick, Thosof Townsend & McCormick, cotton and hide brokersnear Freight Depot
McCormick, B Bclerk, with Davis, Maddox & Co, commission merchantsnear Freight Depot
McCoy, Columbusbar keeper, Palace SaloonCongress av b Hickory and Ash sts
McCraven, Vince (col) res cor Red River st and College av
McCullough, Jamesauctioneer, Cook’s building, n w cor Congress and Pecanres cor Mesquit and Neches sts
McDannell & Cowholesale liquor dealersn w cor Pecan and Brazos sts
McDannell, Pageof McDannell & Cores n e cor Mulberry and West av
McEwen, John Sprinter, of Statesman Publishing Companyres Mesquit st b Trinity and Neches st
McFarland, David res n e cor Cherry and Sabine sts
McFarland, Juliusclerk with John Stelfox, merchantCongress av b Pecan and Pine sts
McFarland, R Wof Meek & McFarland, merchant tailor, opposite City Hotelres City Hotel
McFarland, M DeLsaloon keeper, cor Pecan and Neches stsres s w cor Mesquit and San Antonio sts
McGahn, W Jsaloon keepercor Pecan and Brazos sts
McGahn, Csaloon keepercor Pecan and Brazos sts
McGehee, T G & Cocement and brick manufactoryWest av near Colorado river
McGehee, C Wof T G McGehee & Cores Pecan st west of Shoal creek
McGehee, T Gof T G McGehee & Cores with C R Johns s w cor Pine and Rio Grande sts
McGill, A Bof Spence & McGill, land agentsres one mile and a half up Colorado river
McGowan, Jlivery and sale stableCongress av b Pine and Cedar sts
McGuire, Jasclerk, Adjutant General’s office, Capitolres n e cor Peach and Nueces sts
McInnis, M Msalesman, with R M Castleman, Congress b Bois d’Arc and Pecanres Bois d’Arc st b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
McKaig, Mrs H Mboarding housecor Pine and Trinity sts
McKay, Robertbar keeper at Favorite SaloonCongress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts
McKenzie, L res Red River st b Ash and Hickory sts
McKibbin, Robert Pclerk, Department of Education, Capitolbds with Dr Haynie, ne cor Mulberry and San Jacinto sts
McKinney, Jas P Srcashier, with Raymond & Whitis, bankerss w cor Congress av and Pecan st
McKinney, Jas P Jrclerk, with Raymond & Whitis, bankerss w cor Congress av and Pecan st
McLaughlin, C Nprinterbds with E McLaughlin, Peach st b Lavaca and Guadalupe sts
McLaughlin, Eboarding housePeach st b Lavaca and Guadalupe sts
McLaughlin, Dr J Wof Morris & McLaughlin, office Alexander’s drug store, Congress av
b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
res n w cor Mesquit and Guadalupe sts
McLaughlin, W W res Congress av b Pine and Cedar sts
McMillan, J Acivil engineerRaymond House
McMillan, J Wsalesman, with Friedberger & Bro, merchantsCongress av b Pecan and Pine sts
McMillion, Mrs H L res cor Cypress and San Jacinto sts
McVeigh, T J res Pine st b Rio Grande and Nueces sts
McZapp, Rblacksmith, with Jones & Stelfoxcor Pine and Colorado sts
Meek & McFarlandmerchant tailorsCongress av b Pine and Cedar sts
Meek, Wm Ftailor of Meek & McFarlandCongress av b Pine and Cedar sts
Meies, Wmrailroad car repairerres Pecan st
Melasky, Bgeneral merchandise, Congress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc stsres s e cor College av and San Antonio st
Melasky, Hclerk, with B Melasky, Congress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc stsres s e cor College av and San Antonio st
Melasky, Davidclerk, with B MelaskyCongress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Messer, Asalesman, with Geo Susmann, n w cor Colorado and North avres North av b Lavaca and Guadalupe sts
Messer, Wmclerkres cor Cherry and Trinity sts
Methodist Church n e cor Mulberry and Brazos sts
Methodist Church (col) cor Ash and Neches sts
Metz, Mrs res Bois d’Arc st b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
Metz & Musgrovesaloon keepersPecan st b San jacinto and Trinity sts
Metz, N Bof Metz & Musgroveres Congress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts
Metz, H M res Bois d’Arc st near Presbyterian Church
Metz, Mrs Nancy res Congress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts
Meyer, Henrybook binder, with E RavenCongress av b Mulberry and Mesquit sts
Meyer, P Lof Archer & Meyern e cor Congress av and Pecan st, basement
Meyers, Mrs Mary res s w cor Walnut and Lavaca sts
Milde, Fcarpenter, with C F MillettAsh st near Congress av
Miley, H Ccarriage painter, with Jones & Stelfoxs w cor Pine and Colorado sts
Miller, T Jforeman Murchison’s livery stablen e cor Pecan and Colorado sts
Miller, J T & Sonslivery and sale stableBois d’Arc st b Congress av and Brazos st
Miller, J Tof J T Miller & Sonsres cor Brazos and Bois d’Arc sts
Miller, Milasof J T Miller & Sonsres cor Brazos and Bois d’Arc sts
Miller, Monroeof J T Miller & Sonsres cor Brazos and Bois d’Arc sts
Miller, Mrs ______ res s w cor Cypress and Guadalupe sts
Miller, JohnPlatt’s livery stablePecan st b Trinity and San Jacinto sts
Miller, T Mclerk, with Stuart & Mairn e cor Pine st and East av
Miller & DowelllawyersCongress av b Hickory and Bois d’Arc sts
Miller, W A Hlawyer, of Miller & Dowellres City Hotel
Miller, Albert (col)porter, State Journal officecor Congress av and Mulberry st
Millett, C Fcontractor and builder, Ash st b Congress av and Brazosres cor Ash and San Jacinto sts
Millett, Emorycarpenter, with C F MillettAsh st b Congress av and Brazos st
MILLICAN, O HDealer in Agricultural Implements, Steam Engines, Machinery, etc, near
Freight Depot
res n w cor Congress av and Hickory st
Millican, Wm Hbook keeper and salesman, with C F Millettres Brazos st b Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts
Millican, E Bsalesmanres northern suburbs
Milton, N Ahide dealern w cor Pecan and East av
Minter, J Cof Montgomery, Wheeler & Cores with G W G Browne, Lavaca st b Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts
Mitchell, Andystone masonres North av b Neches and Trinity sts
Mitchell, Brownstone masonres s w cor Walnut and Trinity sts
Mitchell, Jamescarpenter, with C F MillettAsh st b Congress av and Brazos st
MITCHELL’S SALOONBilliard Tables, Fine Liquors, etcCongress av near Bois d’Arc st
Mitchell, N Bsaloon keeper, Congress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory stsres s w cor Pine and Lavaca sts
Mitchell, R Dbar keeper, Iron Front saloon, Congress b Pecan and Bois d’Arcres Water av b Trinity and Neches sts
Mitchell, S Tclerk with W R Thompson, booksellerAvenue Hotel building, Congress av
Mitchell, T Fmerchant 
Mitchell, Wmsalesman, with Friedberger & Bro, merchantsCongress av b Pecan and Pine sts
Mitchell, Allen (col)blacksmith, with Jones & Stelfoxs w cor Pine and Colorado sts
Mitchell, Duke (col)barber, Dohme’s buildingcor Congress av and Ash st
Mitchell, Fannie (col)sick nurseres Brazos st b Pecan and Pine sts
Montague, P Pcook, City Hotelcor Congress av and Cedar st
Montgomery, Harryclerk, Long’s livery stable, cor Congress av and Ash stbds with O H Millican cor Congress av and Hickory st
MONTGOMERY, WHEELER & COLawyers and Land Agentsn w cor Congress av and Bois d’Arc st upstairs
Montgomery, W Jof Montgomery, Wheeler & Co, lawyers and land agentsn w cor Congress av and Bois d’Arc st
Moore, E Tlawyer, Pecan st near Congress avres Pine st b Nueces and Rio Grande sts
Moore, Fred Wof Rust & Moore, merchantsres n w cor Mulberry and Lavaca sts
Moore & Shelleylawyersn w cor Congress av and Bois d’Arc sts
Moore, Geo Fof Moore & Shelley, lawyersres s w cor Ash and Rio Grande sts
Moore, Nof Cox & Co, merchantscor Ash and Red River sts
Moore, Dr T Jproprietor of Avenue HotelCongress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts
Moore, Thosclerk, with Cox & Cocor Ash and Red River sts
Moore, W Dprinterbds with Mrs Smith, s w cor Mesquit and San Jacinto sts
Moore, Albert (col)driver with C F MillettAsh st near Congress av
Morehead, C Stinner, with S B BrushCongress av b Pecan and Pine sts
Morphis, J Mlawyer, Glasscock buildingCongress av near cor Mulberry st
Morrill, W Cclerk, Department of Education, Capitolbds with Dr. Haynie, n e cor Mulberry and San Jacinto sts
Morris, A RClerk District Court, office at Court House s w cor Cedar and Guadaluperes on Walnut creek, five miles north east of city
Morris & McLaughlinphysicians, office Alexander & Son’s drug storeCongress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Morris, W Aphysician, of Morris & McLaughlinres n w cor Peach and Red River st
Morris, J BlawyerCongress av
Morrison, Wade Bprescription clerk, Tobin’s drug storePecan st b Congress av and Brazos st
Morrow, J Hphotographer 
Moseley, T Dlawyeroffice and res n w cor Colorado and Cedar sts
Moseley, Sid Elawyer, Hickory st b Congress av and Colorado stres n w cor Colorado and Cedar sts
Moses, Edealer in dry goods and clothing, Congress av b Ash and Hickory stsres City Hotel
Mouliere, Julescook, Kluge’s restaurantCongress av near cor Bois d’Arc st
Muhlbach, H Rcarpenter with Loomis & Christianres Mesquit st b Lavaca and Guadalupe sts
Murchison, D Jlivery and sale stables, n e cor Colorado and Pecan sts and n w cor
Pine and Colorado sts
res Colorado st b Pecan and Pine sts
Murrah, Tomagent Texas Express Company, Pecan st b Congress av and Brazos stres Bois d’Arc st b Red River and Sabine sts
Murray, B Cprinter, of Statesman Publishing Company, Congress b Hickory and Ashres Mrs. Curtis s w cor Hickory and Trinity sts
Musgrove, Alof Metz & Musgrove, saloon keepersres Pecan st b San Jacinto and Trinity sts
Mussina, Esq Simoncor Colorado and Hickory sts opposite Market Houseres near U S Arsenal
Myer, Hhack driver, Murchison’s stablecor Pine and Colorado
Myer, Nathangeneral furnishing store, s e cor Congress av and Pine stres Raymond House
Myers, Mme Augusta res Live Oak st b Lavaca and Guadalupe sts
Nagle, Joseph ABook Seller and StationerCongress av b Pecan and Pine sts
Nalle, Thomas Hof T W Parr & Co, lumber dealersnear Freight Depot
Nalle, Josephof T W Parr & Co, lumber dealers, near Freight Depotres Live Oak st b Trinity and Neches sts
Nalley, J Acarpenterres Bois d’Arc st b San Jacinto and Trinity sts
Nance, P Hwith W E Carter & CoCongress av b Hickory and Bois d’Arc sts
Nau, Henrysaloon keeper, Cook’s buildingcor Pecan st and Congress av
Naumann, C Ftailorres Cedar st b Trinity and Neches sts
Needman, J res Colorado st b Cypress and Live Oak sts
Neill, Jbook keeper, with McDannell & Cocor Pecan and Brazos sts
Nelson, Hof Westin & Nelson, boot and shoe makersCongress av b Ash and Hickory sts
Nettison, Awaiter, City Hotelcor Congress av and Cedar st
NEUMANN, A BSaddle and Harness MakerCongress av b Pecan and Pine sts
Neumann, O Jsaddler, with A B NeumannCongress av b Pecan and Pine sts
Nevill, C Lgrocer, s e cor Pecan and Lavaca stsres Pecan st b Colorado and Lavaca sts
Nevill, Z L res Pecan st b Colorado and Lavaca sts
Newcomb, Hon J PSecretary of State, office at Capitol 
Newsham, _____(col) res Neches st b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Nichols, Mrs Mmilliners e cor Pecan and Brazos sts
Nicks, Johncarpenter with C F MillettAsh st near Congress
NITSCHKE, C LMattress Makers e cor Cherry and Sabine sts
Nitschke, W L. & Broscabinet makersCongress av b Hickory and Bois d’Arc sts
Nitschke, W Lof W L Nitschke & Bros, cabinet makersres s e cor Cherry and Sabine sts
Nitschke, O Eof W L Nitschke & Bros, cabinet makersres s e cor Cherry and Sabine sts
Nitschke, J Hof W L Nitschke & Bros, cabinet makersres East av near Blind Asylum
Noble, Frank Mlumber yard and dealer in sash, doors, blinds, etcs w cor Cedar st and East av
Noble, E Scarpenterres east extension of Pecan st near Freight Depot
Noble, J Hdealer in and repairer of furniture, etccor Congress av and Mulberry st
Norris, Andrewshoe makerres Mulberry st b San Antonio and Nueces sts
North, Wm Flawyer, office n w cor Congress av and Pine stres s e cor Cherry and Rio Grande sts
Norton, W N Astage agent for Sawyer, Ficklin & Scottoffice Avenue Hotel
Oatman, J Fof Long & Oatman, lawyersres with Major Fitzhugh, Bois d’Arc st b Colorado and Lavaca sts
Obbering, Ginseppewith M Paggin e cor Pecan and Brazos sts
Oden, C Cclerk, with T W Parr & Co, lumber dealersnear Freight Depot
Odom, B Mof T G McGehee & Co, cement and brick manufacturersres cor Pine and Brazos sts
Ogden, WesleyJudge Supreme Courtrooms in Supreme Court building
Oldright, J Echief clerk Department of Stateres Peach st b Rio Grande and Nueces sts
Oldright, Georgepattern makerres cor Congress av and Cypress st
Oliphant, Wwatchmaker and engraverPecan st b Congress av and Brazos st
OLIPHANT, WM JPhotographerPecan st b Congress av and Brazos st
O’Malley, Blawyer, office Congress av b Pecan and Pine sts 
O’Neal, J Wof Bates & O’Neal, proprietors City Hotelcor Congress av and Cedar st
O’Neal, Jamesshoemaker, with L KirschvinkCongress av b Bois d’Arc and Pecan sts
O’Neal, Wwaiter, City Hotelcor Congress av and Cedar st
O’Neal, Bwaiter, City Hotelcor Congress av and Cedar st
Opera HouseF Dohme, proprietorcor Congress av and Ash st
Orhrendorff, Mrs Julia res Live Oak st b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
Orhrendorff, C Wclerk with Wm Brueggerhoff, grocer, n e cor Congress and Bois d’Arcres with Mrs. Julia Orhrendorff, Live Oak st b Brazos and San Jacinto
Orr, A Whouse and sign painter, Congress b Ash and Hickory stsres with E McLaughlin, Peach st b Lavaca and Guadalupe sts
Orsay, Henrychief clerk Adjutant General’s officeres s e cor Walnut and Trinity sts
Otto, Aug Ffile and application clerk, Land Officeres block 13, lots 1 and 2, cor Red River and Live Oak sts
Ousley, C Bclerk, Department of Educationbds with Rev J W Phillips cor Mulberry and San Jacinto sts
Overwetter, H Pgardener at Deaf and Dumb Asylumres Sabine st b North av and Cherry sts
Pace, J RCounty Surveyor, office at Court House sw cor Cedar and Guadalupe stsres seven miles southwest of city
Page, J Rcarpenterres s w cor Peach and San Antonio sts
Page, Mrs Susan res s w cor Peach and San Antonio sts
Paggi, Msoda water and syrup manufacturern e cor Pecan and Brazos sts
PALM, A BGeneral merchandise, Congress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory stsres Ash st near Catholic Church
Palm, Carl Gclerk with A B Palmres cor Cedar and San Jacinto sts
Palm, C S res with Gustaf Palm, cor Walnut and San Jacinto sts
Palm, Gustafwatch maker with B C Wells, Congress av opposite Avenue Hotelres cor Walnut and San Jacinto sts
Palm, Swante res Ash st b Congress av and Colorado st
Palm, S Wclerk with A B Palmres with A B Palm, Ash st near Catholic Church
Palm, Wm res cor San Jacinto and Hickory sts
Parker, Mwagon maker with J M Bennett, cor Pecan and Colorado stsres Red River st b Live Oak and Cypress sts
Parker, Barnesof Griffin & Parker, lawyersres with O H Millican, cor Congress av and Hickory st
Parker, Alfred (col)engineer, with C F MillettAsh st near Congress av
Parks, Wm (col)porter with Sampson & Henrickscor Congress av and Bois d’Arc sts
Parr, T W & Columber yardeast extension Cypress st south of Freight Depot
Parr, Smithsalesman with J W Wayman, merchantCongress av b Hickory and Ash sts
PARRISH, A HPhysician, office Pecan st one door west of Congress avres n w cor Pecan and Lavaca sts
Parsons, A RAssistant Assessor United States Internal Revenue, office Brazos st
b Bois d’Arc and Pecan
bds at Raymond House
Paschal, Ridgelawyer, office Hickory st b Congress av and Colorado stres Red River st b Cedar and Pine sts
Patterson, Wm res s w cor Cedar and Nueces sts
Patterson, Henry (col)barber, with Milton WallacePecan st b Congress av and Brazos st
Patterson, Walter, (col)barber, with Tom HancockCongress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts
Payne, John (col)driver with C F MillettAsh st near Congress av
Peacock & Veresewing machine agentsCongress av b Pecan and Pine sts
Peacock, J Manningof Peacock & Vere, sewing machine agents 
Pealore, Josephcabinet maker, with John Headspethres cor Linden and San Jacinto sts
Pearce, Frankcarpenter, with C F MillettAhs st near Congress av
Pease & Turnerlawyers, Glasscock buildingCongress av b Ash and Mulberry sts
Pease, ex-Governor E Mof Pease & Turner, lawyersres suburban
Pecht, Charlesmachine shop and brass foundryRed River st b Hickory and Ash sts
Peck, H Mof Van Dusen & Co, dealers in flour and feedPecan st b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
Peck, AlbertcarpenterWest av b Hickory and Bois d’Arc sts
Peck, Freddeputy sheriffres Court House, s w cor Cedar and Guadalupe sts
Pendley, T Tdeputy sheriffres Court House, s w cor Cedar and Guadalupe sts
PENN, J SBook Seller and Stationer, Congress av b Pecan and Pine stsres cor Water av and Brazos st
Pennington, A (col)blacksmith, San Jacinto st b Bois d’Arc and Pecan stsres cor North av and Brazos st
Perkins, Joseph Adeliverer, with Texas Express CompanyPecan st b Congress av and Brazos st
Perkins, Henrylaborer, with L C Cunningham & Son, lumber dealersnear Freight Depot
Perry, Eclerk, Comptroller’s office, Treasury buildingres Rio Grande st b Cherry and Linden sts
Perry, Miltonmachinistres with B J Smith, n w cor Pecan and Rio Grande sts
Perry, Eengineer, Washington Steam Fire Engine CompanyPecan st b Congress av and Brazos st
Persinger, Harveybrick masonres with John M Young, n w for Congress av and Cherry st
Peterson, Mrs L res Pecan st b San Jacinto and Trinity sts
Peterson, S Abar keeper, Raymond Housecor Congress av and Pine st
Petmecky, F Wblacksmith, with Jones & Stelfoxs w cor Pine and Colorado sts
Petmecky, Alfredapprentice, with Jones & Stelfoxs w cor Pine and Colorado sts
PETMECKY, JOS CGunsmithCongress av b Pecan and Pine sts
PHILIPE, EWatch maker and JewelerCongress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Philips, W Cchief clerk Comptroller’s Office, Treasury buildingres one mile and a half northwest of Capitol
Philipson & Levydry goodsCongress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Philipson, T H & Coclothing emporiumPecan st b Congress av and Brazos st
Phillips, E Pdeputy clerk U S District Court, office Krohn Hallcor Congress av and Mulberry st
Phillips, Rev J W res s e cor Mulberry and San Jacinto sts
Phillips & DeatscarpenterHickory st b Lavaca and Guadalupe
Phillips, J Sof Phillips & Deats carpentersres n w cor Hickory and Lavaca sts
Phillips, Dowell (col)stone masonres Congress av b Chestnut and Linden sts
Pickle, John Scarpenterres Peach st b San Jacinto and Trinity sts
Pierson, R Rcoachsmith, with Jones & Stelfoxs w cor Pine and Colorado sts
Piper, H P res Sabine st b Walnut st and North av
Pitman, Sam (col)hostler, Murchison’s stablecor Pine and Colorado sts
Pitts, Wm A res suburban
Platt, Radcliffelivery stablePecan st b Trinity and San Jacinto sts
Plumb, P Jsuperintendent, Sawyer, Ficklin & Scott’s shopcor Bois d’Arc and Trinity sts
Plumber, Tom (col)shoe makerres Peach st b Red River and Sabine sts
Pnoppe, J res Linden st b Congress av and Brazos st
Poinier, J HAssistant Assessor Internal Revenue, Brown’s buildingBrazos st b Pecan and Bois d’Arc
Politzer, Louisof Th H Philipson & Co, dealers in clothingPecan st b Congress av and Brazos st
Pollard, Jo (col)blacksmith, Walnut st b Red River and Sabine stsres Sabine st b North av and Cherry st
Pompee, Acarriage maker, with Jones & Stelfox, cor Pine and Colorado stsres cor Hickory and Brazos sts
Pope, John H res n w cor College av and Guadalupe sts
Porter, Rev Dr res s w cor Bois d’Arc and Lavaca sts
Porter, ______carpenterres n w cor College av and Sabine st
Porter, F Ldraymanres s w cor Bois d’Arc and Lavaca sts
PostofficeSwenson buildingHickory st b Congress av and Brazos st
Poteet, C Eclerk with T E Cater, merchantCongress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts
Poteet, A Nsalesman, with Sampson & Hendickscor Congress av and Bois d’Arc sts
Potosky, Ecigars and tobacco, Congress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory stsres Water av b Congress av and Brazos sts
Potosky, H Jdealer in cigars and tobacco, Congress av b Pecan and Pine stsres Water av b Congress av and Brazos sts
Powers, Jamesof Collins & PowersCongress av near Bois d’Arc st
Pratt, J Mbar keeper, Iron Front saloonCongress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Presbyterian Church s w cor Bois d’Arc st b Mulberry and Ash sts
Pressler, Franksaloon keeper, Congress av b Hickory and Bois d’Arc stsres Bois d’Arc st b Mulberry and Ash sts
Pressler, Rudolphwheelwright, with Jones & Stelfoxcor Pine and Colorado sts
Pressler, Chas Wdraughtsman, Land Officeres Colorado st b Cypress and Live Oak sts
Price, Andreassaddler and harness makerBois d’Arc st b Congress av and Colorado sts
Price, LesliegrocerCongress av b Pine and Pecan sts
Price, W DUnited States Commissioner and Registrar in Bankruptcy, office Krohn
Hall, cor Congress av and Mulberry st
res cor Red River and Hickory sts
Price, W Blawyer, room No 5, Brown’s buildingcor Bois d’Arc and Brazos sts
Price, John (col)porter, United States District Court, Krohn Hallcor Congress av and Mulberry st
PROWSE & HARVEYMarble YardHickory st b Congress av and Brazos st
Prowse, G Wof Prowse & Harveyres College av b Neches and Red River sts
Public Well Hickory st b Congress av and Brazos st, front of Postoffice
Public Well Ash st near Waller creek
Puckett, W Wgrocer, Wilson’s buildingcor Colorado and Cedar sts
Pulaski, BgrocerPecan st b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
Pulaski, Mclerk, with B Pulaski, grocerPecan st b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
Purnell, Major Thomas FUnited States Marshal, office Krohn Hall, cor Congress av and Mulberry
res Raymond House
Quick, Ed Hassociate editor and proprietor State Journal, office Mulberry st near
Congress av
res cor Ash and San Jacinto sts
Raatz, WmlocksmithCongress av b Mulberry and Ash sts
Raatz, Juliuscarpenterres n w cor Walnut and Nueces sts
Radkey, Btin, sheet iron and copper worksCongress av b Ash and Hickory sts
RAILROAD HOUSEJ L Warren, ProprietorPine st b Neches and Red River sts
Ramey, Jacob (col)porter, Supreme Court buildingres west of Capitol
Randall, A G res s e cor Ash and Rio Grande sts
Randall, Mrs J Wdry goods merchant, Pecan st b Congress av and Brazos stres Live Oak st near San Jacinto
Randolph, C H res Linden st b San Jacinto and Trinity sts
Randolph, Mrs res n e cor Mesquit and Rio Grande sts
Ransom, Alex (col)blacksmithres Mulberry st b San Antonio and Nueces sts
Ransom, Louis (col)blacksmithres on San Antonio st block No 138
RAVEN, EBook Binder, Congress av b Mulberry and Mesquit stsres Walnut st b Colorado and Lavaca sts
Rawles, J J res Kluge’s restaurant, Congress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Ray, John Wupholstererres cor Linden and San Jacinto sts
RAYMOND, JOHN CDruggist, successor to Baker & Raymond, Steiner Building Congress av
b Hickory and Ash sts
res n w for Mulberry and San Jacinto sts
RAYMOND & WHITISBankerssw cor Congress av and Pecan st
Raymond, James Hof Raymond & Whitis, bankersres Pecan st west of bridge over Shoal creek
RAYMOND HOUSEJobe & Robinson, Proprietorscor Congress av and Pine st
Raymond, Chas Pprinter, Statesman officeres with Mrs N C Raymond, one mile north of Capitol
Raymond, E Bof Hazzard & Raymondn e cor Congress av and Hickory st
Raymond, Jake (col) res College av b San Jacinto and Trinity sts
Rector, A Dlocal reporter, Texas Land Register officeCongress av b Hickory and Ash sts
RECTOR, J ETexas Land AgencyCongress av b Hickory and Bois d’Arc sts
Rector, N Sof Montgomery, Wheeler & Co, lawyers and land agentsres two miles n e of city
Redding, _____brick masonres Brazos st b Walnut and Peach sts
Reed & Matherfurniture wareroomss e cor Congress av and Ash st
Reichman, Fclerk with Walter Tips & Co, hardware merchantsCongress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts
Reichow, Frederick Srwheelwrightres Walnut b Lavaca and Guadalupe sts
Reichow, Frederick Jrcarpenterres San Jacinto st b Mesquite and Mulberry sts
Reimann, Gustavcarpenter, with Loomis & Christianres cor Cherry and Neches sts
Reineke, Fdeputy sheriff, office Court Houses w cor Cedar and Guadalupe sts
Renz, Rmerchant tailor, Dr Taylor’s buildingCongress av b Ash and Hickory sts
Richardson, Johndraughtsman, Land Officeres Raymond Plateau, west Pecan st cor Bowie st
Riggins, N Bof Caldwell & Riggins, hardware dealersres cor Pecan and Neches sts
Ringolsky, Amerchantres n w cor Walnut and Sabine sts
Risher, Col B A res Neches st b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Risher, W E (col)blacksmith, Pecan st b Sabine st and East avres Bois d’Arc st near East av
Rister, Casparcabinet maker, Noble’s furniturerooms cor Congress av and Mulberry st
Robards & Blackburnlawyers, Glasscock building, Congress av b Ash and Mulberry stsn w cor Congress av and Bois d’Arc st
Robards, W Lof Robards & Blackburn, lawyersres Avenue Hotel
ROBERTS, A SWholesale and Retail Grocer, Congress av b Hickory and Ash stsres Bois d’Arc st b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
Roberts, Eliascabinet maker, Noble’s furniture roomscor Congress av and Mulberry st
Roberts, Mrs Virginia Lboarding houses e cor Pine and Guadalupe sts
Roberts, Bess (col)porter, Executive office, Capitol 
Robertson, Geo Lgrocer, feed store and wagon years, n e cor Bois d’Arc st and East
res out lot No 1 division B
Robertson, John Wlawyeroffice Pine st first foor west of Congress av
Robinson, John H & Songeneral merchandiseCongress av b Pecan and Pine sts
Robinson, John H Srof John H Robinson & Sonres n w cor Bois d’Arc and Rio Grande sts
Robinson, Alfred Hof John H Robinson & Sonres s w cor Hickory and Rio Grande sts
Robinson, John H Jrbook keeper, with J BremondPecan st b Congress av and Brazos st
Robinson, J Hof Jobe & Robinson, proprietors Raymond House 
Robinson, DeWitt res Raymond House
Robinson, W Rten pin alley keeper, Avenue SaloonCongress av b Bois d’Arc and Trinity sts
Robinson, Jack (col)blacksmith, at Sawyer, Ficklin & Scott’s shopcor Bois d’Arc and Trinity sts
Robinson, John (col)with Prowse & Harvey, marble cuttersHickory st b Congress av and Brazos st
ROCK, WMRestaurantPecan st b Congress av and Brazos st
Rogers, Agrocery and feed storePecan st b Congress av and Colorado st
Rogers, Frankclerk, City Hoteln w cor Congress av and Cedar st
Rogers, H OgrocerPecan st b San Jacinto and Trinity sts
Rogers, Jsteward, Raymond Housecor Congress av and Pine st
Rogers, Sim H res cor Pine and Trinity sts
Rogers, W M res Bois d’Arc st b San Jacinto and Trinity sts
Rollins, Hendersonporter, Comptroller’s Office, Treasury buildingres Water st b San Jacinto and Trinity sts
Rosenberg, Jwaiter, Kluge’s restaurantCongress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Rosengren, Johncarpenterres Pine st b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
Rosenthal, SAtlantic Gardencor Pecan and Trinity sts
Rosenzweig, Hr Hjunk shopPecan st b Neches and Red River sts
Rost, Ottoof Witteman & Rost, dealers in leatherCongress av b Hickory and Ash sts
Rowand, Major WestonUnited States Commissionerres s w cor Pecan and Rio Grande sts
Royston, Jashackmanres Colorado st b Hickory and Ash sts
Rumsey, _______carpenterres s e cor Ash and Nueces sts
Russell, Wm J res n w cor Walnut and Colorado sts
Russell, R Mclerk, Land Officeres North av b Neches and Red River sts
Rust & Mooregeneral merchandisecor Congress av and Bois d’Arc st
Rust, R Sof Rust & Mooreres cor College av and San Jacinto st, east of Capitol
Ryan, D Smanager, Western Union Telegraph offices w cor Congress av and Pecan st
Ryan, M K & Songeneral merchandiseCongress av b Bois d’Arc and Pecan sts
Ryan, M Kof M K Ryan & Sonres cor Pine and San Jacinto sts
Ryan, W Aof M K Ryan & Sonres cor Pine and San Jacinto sts
Rypinski, Hgrocern e cor Red River and Peach st
SAMPSON & HENRICKSgeneral merchandises w cor Congress av and Bois d’Arc st
Sampson, Geo Wof Sampson & Henricks, merchantsres Mesquit st b Guadalupe and Lavaca sts
Sampson, Alexassistant book keeper with Sampson & Henricks, merchantsres with Maj Fitzhugh, Bois d’Arc st b Colorado and Lavaca sts
Sampson, Henryof Cohen, Samson & Co, merchantsn e cor Congress av and Pecan st
Sampson, Sam (col) res n e cor Chestnut and San Antonio sts
Sandahl, Ottocabinet maker, with J W HannigPecan st b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
Sandel, D Cmattress makerres n e cor Bois d’Arc and San Antonio sts
Sanders, Vina (col)washerwomanMulberry st b Trinity and Neches sts
Sauers, Henrysaloon keeper, Alhambra building, Congress av b Mulberry and Mesquit
res cor Peach and Red River sts
Sauers, Jacob res cor College av and Red River st
Sauers, Wm res Pine st b Congress av and Colorado st
Sauvignet, ________carpenterres Willow st near Colorado river
Savage, A Bbutcher, with A G Buddingtonstall No 1, City Market
Savage, John Bpainterres on Shoal creek
Savings Bank of Austin Pecan st b Congress av and Colorado st
Sawyer, Ficklin & Scottstage proprietors, office Avenue Hotelstable cor Bois d’Arc and Trinity sts
Schaffer, Charlesclerk, with Charles Wolf , merchantCongress av b Pecan and Pine sts
Schaffer, Charlescarpenterres Cedar st b San Jacinto and Trinity sts
Schenck, F s w cor of block No 21, West av
Schieffer, Rclerk, with A Biberstein, merchantCongress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Schlinger, Leopoldgrocer, Cook’s buildingCongress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Schmidt, ______grocerres s e cor Pecan and Nueces sts
Schneider, Albertcabinet makerres n w cor Live Oak and Guadalupe sts
Schneider & HertzogAtlantic Gardencor Pecan and Trinity sts
Schneider, Johnmusician, of Schneider & Hertzog, Atlantic Gardencor Pecan and Trinity sts
Schneider, Prof John H res n w cor Mulberry and Guadalupe sts
Schneider, Mcarpenterres with R Bertram, n w cor Cherry and Lavaca sts
Schnelle, P Aprinterbds with R Black, Mulberry st, opposite Journal office
Schoenert, Wmcarpenter with Byrne & SchubertAsh st b Congress av and Colorado st
Scholz, August res cor Cherry and San Jacinto sts
Scholz HallAugust Scholz, proprietorSan Jacinto st b Cherry and Linden sts
Schoolherr, Louiswith L Seligmann & Co, liquor dealersCongress av b Pecan and Pine sts
Schotte, Carl res n w cor Chestnut and Trinity sts
Schroeder, Wmgrocer, Congress av b Bois d’Arc and Pecan stsres s e cor San Antonio st and North av
Schroeder, P Wclerk, with Wm Schroeder, grocerCongress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Schuber, Josephcarpenterres s e cor North av and Rio Grande sts
Schubert, Josephof Byrne & Schubert, carpentersres North av b Rio Grande and Nueces sts
Schuetze, Adolfrecording clerk, Land Officeres division D, block No 1, out lot No 54
Schultz, Leopoldclerk, Land Officeres s w cor Linden and Sabine sts
Schulze, Hlager beer saloons e cor Colorado and Pine st
SCHUMANN, BJeweler, Pecan st b Congress av and Brazos stres Mesquit st b San Jacinto and Trinity sts
Schurr, Mrs Catherine res cor Mulberry and Trinity sts
Schutz & BrobakersPecan st b San Jacinto and Brazos sts
Schutze, Albertapprentice, with Wm Raats, locksmithCongress av b Ash and Mulberry sts
Schutze, Edwardassistant draughtsman, Land Officeres s w cor Linden and Sabine sts
Schutze, Juliuseditor and Proprietor Vorwartzoffice San Jacinto st b Pecan and Pine sts
Schwerin, Hsalesman, with H Hirshfield, merchants e cor Congress av and Pecan st
Sclomber, Victorclerkres Chestnut st b San Jacinto and Trinity sts
Scobell, W J Spublisher Texas Land Register, Congress av b Hickory and Ash stsbds Hazzard & Raymond’s restaurant, cor Congress av and Hickory st
Scott, Sam Tof Sawyer, Ficklin & Scott, stage proprietorsoffice Avenue Hotel
Scott, Henry (col)carpenter, with C F MillettAsh st near Congress av
Scott, Sandy, (col) res Hickory st near Nueces st
Scott, Henry (col)teamsterres Congress av b Chestnut and Linden sts
Searcy, J G res s w cor Walnut and San Jacinto sts
Sedden, Johnturner, with C F MillettAsh st near Congress av
Seligmann, L & Coliquor dealersCongress av b Pecan and Pine sts
Settegast, Hwith N Hansoncor College av and Red River st
Seveis, John Dtinner, with Caldwell & Rigginscor Pecan and Neches sts
Seviers, Jacobcarpenter, with C F MillettAsh st near Congress av
Shade, Johnbarber, with Harry HawkinsCongress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Shafter, J MSupervisor Public Instruction, office in W R Thompson’s book storeAvenue Hotel building
SHANDS & JACKSONLawyers and Land Agents, Cook’s buildingn w cor Congress av and Pecan st up stairs
Shands, E Wof Shands & Jackson, notary publicoffice n w cor Congress av and Pecan st
Shank, Frederickclerk, Land Officeres n e cor Cherry and Rio Grande sts
Sharp, W Hpainter, Cook’s buildingcor Congress av and Pecan st
Shaw, Henry (col)blacksmith, at Sawyer, Ficklin & Scott’s shopcor Bois d’Arc and Trinity sts
Sheehan, Jeremiahcontractor and builderres n w cor Bois d’Arc and Nueces sts
Sheehan, Wm res with J Sheehan, n w cor Bois d’Arc and Nueces sts
Sheehan, John Aclerk, with Peter Smith, grocerCongress av b Hickory and Ash sts
Sheeks & Sneedlawyersoffice Pecan st one door west of Congress av
Sheeks, Davidof Sheeks & Sneed, lawyersoffice Pecan st one door west of Congress av
Shelley, Henrybrick maker and contractorres with F W Chandler, n e cor Linden st and West av
Shelley, N Gof Moore & Shelley, lawyersoffice n w cor Congress av and Bois d’Arc st
Shenken, Mrs Mary res Peach st b Lavaca and Guadalupe sts
Shepherd, Josephjoiner, with Loomis & Christianres n e cor Ash and Nueces sts
Shepherd, Mrs J M res Congress av b Walnut st and North av
Sheppard, J Bphysician and surgeon, office Congress av b Pecan and Pine stsres s e cor Mesquit and Guadalupe sts
Shields, Edwardgrocercor Red River and Cypress sts
Shirk, Aassistant physicianLunatic Asylum
Shumake, J Rboarding housePine st b Congress av and Brazos st
Siegmund, Josephstone cutterres east av b Pecan and Pine sts
Sikes, ______ res San Antonio st b Chestnut and Linden sts
Simpson, Wm res Pine st b San Jacinto and Trinity sts
Simpson, Henryjewelerres cor Pine and Trinity sts
Simpson, S res cor Pine and Trinity sts
Simms, James Mcontractor and builderres Cypress st b Guadalupe and Lavaca sts
Sinclair, Mme Georgia res s w cor Live Oak and Lavaca sts
Sink, James Abook keeper, with J J McClelland, liquor merchantPecan st b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
Sisson, C T & Comusic storeCongress av b Pecan and Pine sts
Sjoberg, H Sclerk, Department of Education, Capitolres cor Cherry and Neches sts
Smith, Prof B Jprincipal of Austin Collegiate Female Institutere n w cor Pecan and Rio Grande sts
Smith, Mrs Elizabeth res Pecan st b Lavaca and Guadalupe sts
Smith & Johnsongroceries and dry goodsPecan st west of bridge over Shoal creek
Smith, Rpainterbds with J S Phillips, cor Hickory and Lavaca sts
Smith, J Bcarpenterres n w cor Linden and Neches sts
Smith, Robertlawyerres Hickory st b Colorado and Lavaca sts
Smith, J Fof Haden, Matthews & Co, commission merchantssouth of Freight Depot
Smith, Mrs E S res s w cor Mesquit and San Jacinto sts
Smith, Theoapprentice, with C F Millett, carpenterAsh st near Congress av
SMITH, PETERDealer in Groceries and Dry GoodsCongress av b Hickory and Ash sts
Smith, W Bgeneral merchandise, Congress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc stsres cor Mulberry and Trinity sts
Smith, James Wnotary public, Smith’s building, Congress av b Pecan and Pine stsres on block No 119, cor Mesquit and Neches sts
Smith & Jameslawyersoffice Congress av b Pecan and Pine sts
Smith, R Aof Smith & James, lawyersres Bois d’Arc st b Trinity and Neches sts
Smith, Wm Cwheelwrightres Cherry st b Sabine and East av
Smith, Geo Sprinterres Mrs. E S Smith, s w cor Mesquit and San Jacinto sts
Smith, Mr ______ res Ash st b Congress av and Brazos st
Smith, Charlesdealer in paste board and ivoryCongress av
Smitz, Wm res Cypress st b Lavaca and Guadalupe sts
Smyth, Wmchief clerk, Treasury Departmentres northern suburbs
Sneed, Thos Eof Sheeks & Sneed, lawyers, office Pecan st first door west of Congress
res Live Oak st b Guadalupe and San Antonio sts
Sneed, S Gteacher, Austin Normal Schoolres cor Cypress and Colorado sts
Sneed, John (col)porter, with John StelfoxCongress av b Pecan and Pine sts
SoRELLE, C OAttorney at Law and Counsellor, Congress av b Pecan and Pine stsres City Hotel
Spalding, C res College av near Land Office
Speer, L Nmerchant, n e cor Congress av and Pine stres n e cor Colorado st and Water av
Speer, M Wclerk, with L N Speerres n e cor Colorado st and Water av
Speer, D Aclerk, with L N Speerres n e cor Colorado st and Water av
Speer, J Aclerk, with L N Speerres n e cor Colorado st and Water av
Spence & McGillland and collecting agentsPecan st first door west of Congress av
Spence, Josephof Spence & McGillres two miles and a half down Colorado river
Spence, Wm res cor Pecan and Red River sts
Sprinkle, W Bclerk, with P Thompson & Co, commission merchantsnear Freight Depot
Springer, T Wpainter, with W H GaynorCongress av b Ash and Mulberry sts
Stakeman, Maxassistant draughtsman, Land Officeres n w cor block No 89
Stallings, W Jprinter, Journal officebds with O H Millican n w cor Congress av and Hickory st
Stalnaker, J Wphysician, Brown’s building cor Bois d’Arc and Brazos stsres Raymond House
STATE GAZETTETri-weekly and Weekly Democratic Newspaper, Col John D Elliott, Editor
and Proprietor
east side av b Pecan and Pine sts
STATE JOURNALDailey and Weekly Republican Newspaper, by State Journal Publishing
n e cor Congress av and Mulberry st
St David’s Church (Epsicopal) Bois d’Arc st b Trinity and San Jacinto sts
St Mary’s Church (Catholic) cor Ash and Brazos sts
Steam Fire Engine House south side Pecan st b Congress av and Brazos st
Steen, L Cagent for Loomis & Christian, lumber dealerscor Wall and Lumber sts near Freight Depot
Stein, Crestaurant keeper, stall No 14, City Marketres Colorado st b Ash and Mulberry sts
Stein, L res Water av b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
Stein, Ihouse furnishing goods, Congress av b Pecan and Pine stsres Water av b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
Stelfox, Johngeneral merchandise, Congress av b Pecan and Pine stsres cor Pine and Brazos sts
Stelfox, Wmclerk, with John Stelfoxres cor Pine and Brazos sts
Stelfox, Wmof Jones & Stelfox, carriage manufacturersres n w for Pine and Colorado sts
Steusy, F & Sonlumber dealersnear Freight Depot
Stevens, John Jclerk, Department of State, Capitolres at Mrs. Durst’s, Brazos st
Steveson, George (col)hostler, at Murchison’s stablecor Pine and Colorado sts
Stewart & Tullisland agents, Brown’s buildingcor Bois d’Arc and Brazos sts
Stewart, Dr J Sof Stewart & Tullisres cor Live Oak and Brazos sts
Stiles, Wmdentist, Pecan st b Congress av and Colorado stres two miles east of city
Stiner, Edward res s w cor Magnolia av and Neches st
Stirzing & Kempencabinet makersCongress av opposite City Hotel
Stirzing, C Tof Stirzing & Kempenres near Military Institute
Stoddard, H Sclerk, Department of Education, Capitolbds with Dr Haynie, n e cor Mulberry and San Jacinto sts
Stokes, John Fdeputy sheriff, office at Court Houseres San Antonio st b Cedar and Cypress sts near Court House
Stone, Dr Lclerk, with I F Battaile & Conear Freight Depot
Strayhorn, J Dclerk, with W B SmithCongress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Stremme, C Cchief draughtsman, Land Officeres s e cor Mulberry and Red River sts, block No 115
Stroehmer, Lturner, with C F Millettres Cedar st b Trinity and Neches sts
Stroehmer, Ctailor, with R Renz, Congress av b Hickory and Ash stsres Live Oak st b Guadalupe and San Antonio
Stroemberg, R Eprescription clerk, Thompson & Fox’s drug storecor Congress av and Hickory st
Strohmer, Frankturner, with Loomis & Christianres N e cor Sabine and Peach sts
Strong, H Mprinter, Journal officeres cor Chestnut and Neches sts
Strouder, Harrison (col)teamsterres Live Oak st b Lavaca and Guadalupe sts
Strueting, Bcarpenter, with Byrne & SchubertAsh st b Congress av and Colorado st
Stuart & Fitchsaloon keepersCongress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Stuart, John Aof Stuart & Fitchres Brazos st b Pine and Pecan sts
Stuart & Maircommission and exchange merchantsn e cor Pine st and East av
Stuart, R Cof Stuart & Mairres Bois d’Arc st b Red River and Neches sts
Stucy, H & Columber dealerss w cor Cherry and Colorado sts
Stucy, Hof H Stucy & Cores n w cor North av and San Antonio st
Stucy, Jof H Stucy & Cores s w cor Cherry and San Antonio sts
Stump, Alfred Davidjoiner, with Loomis & ChristianCongress av near Capitol Square
Sublett, Theoapprentice, with A W Orr, painterCongress av b Hickory and Ash sts
Sumners, Jamescarpenter with C F Millett,Ash st near Congress av
Surghnor, H Cclerk, Ed Finnin’s auction rooms, Congress av opposite Avenue Hotelres cor Bois d’Arc and San Jacinto sts
Susman, Georgedealer in dry goods and groceries, n w cor North av and Colorado stres s w cor North av and Lavaca sts
Sutor, F Wgeneral merchandiseCongress av b Cedar and Cypress sts
Swan, E Jcarpenterres Cherry st b Neches and Red River sts
Sweeney, __________ res Cedar st b Neches and Red River sts
Swenson, Augcarpenter, with C F Millettres s w cor Linden and Colorado sts
Swenson, F Oporter, with A S Roberts, grocerCongress av b Hickory and Ash sts
Swisher, J M Srclerk Auditorial Board, office Comptroller’s Department, Treasury buildingres San Antonio st b Pine and Cedar sts
Swisher, J M Jrclerk, Department of Education, Capitolres San Antonio st b Pine and Cedar sts
Taliaferro, Rev R H res cor Congress and North avenues
Tamplet, F Hbook keeper, with Sampson & Henricks, cor Congress av and Bois d’Arc
res City Hotel
Taylor, M Aphysician, Hickory st b Congress av and Colorado stres s w cor College av and Guadalupe st
Taylor, H MU S Assessor Internal Revenue 3d District of Texas, Brown’s building,
Brazos st b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
res Raymond House
Taylor, P Clime depotColorado st b Pine and Cedar sts
Taylor, W Tcarriage painter, with Jones & Stelfox, cor Pine and Colorado stsres s w cor Cedar and San Antonio st
TERRELL & WALKERLawyers, Swenson BuildingHickory st b Congress av and Brazos st
Terrell, A Wlawyer, of Terrell & Walkerres one mile and a half north of city
Texas Express CompanyTom Murrah, agentPecan st b Congress av and Brazos st
TEXAS LAND REGISTERWeekly Gratuitous Newspaper, W J S Scobell, publisherCongress av b Hickory and Ash sts
Texas Lone Star Rangerweekly Democratic newspaper, Lancaster & Hill, publishersHickory st b Congress av and Brazos st
Thiele, Cshoe maker, with A HeilemanCongress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts
Thiele, Wmbutcher, with W S Barnescor Hickory st and East av
Thielepape, Geo Jclerk, Land Officeres Peach st b Lavaca and Guadalupe sts
Thomas, Eddieclerk, with B C Wells, jewelerCongress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts
THOMPSON, P & COCommission Merchants and dealers in General Merchandisenear Freight Depot
Thompson, Pof P Thompson & Cores Red River st b Water av and Live Oak st
Thompson, Hof Cunningham & Thompson, pontoon bridge and ferry keepersres cor College av and Red River st
THOMPSON, W RBookseller and Stationer, Avenue Hotel building, Congress avres with L W Collins, cor Hickory and Red River st
THOMPSON & FOXDruggistscor Congress av and Hickory sts
Thompson, Ben Hof Thompson & Fox, druggistsres Mesquit st b San Jacinto and Trinity sts
Thompson, Ben res Willow st b San Jacinto and Trinity sts
Thompson, Docbar keeper, Stuart’s saloonres Congress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Thompson, Laithebar keeper, Raymond Houseres Mulberry st b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
Thompson, M V res Mulberry st b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
Thompson, Wm R res Mulberry st b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
Tibaut, J Mcarpenterres n w cor Mesquite and San Jacinto sts
Tillman, Edwardvariety storeCongress av b Hickory and Ash sts
Timme, Miss Louisemillinerres with E Raven, Walnut st b Colorado and Lavaca sts
Timmerman, Alager beer saloneast extension of Cedar st near Freight Depot
Tips, Walter & Cohardware merchantsCongress av b Hickory and Bois d’Arc sts
Tips, Mrs Ed res North av b San Antonio and Guadalupe st
Tobin, Drs J J & W HdruggistPecan st b Congress av and Brazos st
Tobin, J Jphysician and druggistres cor Bois d’Arc and Red River sts
Tobin, W Hphysician and druggist, Pecan st b Congress av and Brazos stres Congress av b Water av and Live Oak st
Tomlinson, W Rclerk, with Stuart & Mair, commission merchantsn e cor Pine st and East av
Tomlinson, Albertpainterres se cor Linden st and East av
Townsend & McCormickhide and cotton brokerseast extension of Pine st, near Freight Depot
Townsend, Martin Wof Townsend & McCormickres ne cor Ash and Lavaca sts
Traynham, John Hdeputy U S Marshal, office Krohn Hallnw cor Congress av and Mulberry st
Trowser, Geo (col)hostler, at Miller’s livery stableBois d’Arc st near Congress av
Truehart, H Mclerk in PostofficeHickory st b Congress av and Brazos st
Trull, Hclerk with W S Barnes, grocerse cor Hickory st and East av
Tucker, Mrs M A res Pecan st b Colorado and Lavaca sts
Tullis, T Eof Stewart & Tullis, land agentsres cor Trinity and Mesquit sts
Tumey, Mrs E J res se cor Ash and Lavaca sts
Tumey, A Cclerk in PostofficeAvenue Hotel building, Hickory st
Turner, E Blawyer, of Pease & Turneroffice Congress av b Ash and Mulberry sts
Turner, Mrs E Aboarding housePine st b Trinity and San Jacinto st
Turner & Houghtonbowling salooncor Pecan and Neches sts
Turner, W Bof Turner & Houghtoncor Pecan and Neches sts
TURNER HALL s e cor Chestnut and Lavaca sts
Tyler, Mrs Elizabethteacher in Austin Collegiate Female Instituteres Guadalupe st b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Uashee, JCommercial College, Bremond buildingsPecan st (upstairs)
Ulmer, John res n e cor Pecan st and East av
Umstead, Danielcarpenter, with John Headspeths w cor Colorado and Walnut sts
Upton, R Aof Hipps & Co, saloon keepersres n w cor Hickory & Guadalupe sts
U S Arsenal south of Central R R Freight Depot, near river
Valdez, Juan Manuelblacksmith, with Brower & KaneColorado st b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Vance, Charley (col)carpenterres s w cor North av and Guadalupe sts
Van Dusen & Coflour and feed storecor Pecan and San Jacinto sts
Van Dusen, S Cof Van Dusen & Co, flour and feed storeres cor Bois d’Arc and Brazos sts
Vaughan, H Tcontractor and builderres Hickory st b Trinity and Neches sts
Vaughan, V Eharness maker, at Gage’s shopBrazos st b Pecan and Pine sts
Veit, E res n e cor Pecan st and East av
Vere, Chas Dof Peacock & Vere, sewing machine agentsCongress av b Pecan and Pine sts
Vestrom, Chasboot maker, with J CarsonPecan st near Congress av
Villarel, Rbarber, with Charles A BothePecan st b Congress av and Brazos st
Vitman, _____peddlerres Linden st b San Jacinto and Trinity sts
Voelcker, Fclerk, W U Telegraph offices w cor Congress av and Pecan st
Vogt, Henry Lassistant postmasterAvenue Hotel building, Hickory st
Von Boeckmann, Eugeneprinter, Vorwaerts officeSan Jacinto st b Pecan and Pine sts
Von Rosenberg, Wof C R Johns & Co, bankersres s w cor Cherry and Guadalupe sts
Von Rosenberg, Agrocern w cor North av and Guadalupe st
Von Rosenberg, Eclerk, with C R Johns & Co, bankersCongress av Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts
Von Trenk, F Pclerk, with R Bertram, grocern e cor Cherry and Guadalupe sts
Vorwaertsweekly German newspaper, Julius Schutze, publisheroffice San Jacinto st b Pecan and Pine sts
Wachter, Bstone masonres n e cor Walnut and Rio Grande sts
Wadsworth, Johntinner, with Caldwell & Rigginscor Pecan and Neches sts
Wahrmann, Augblacksmith, shop on Walnut st b Lavaca and Guadalupe stsres near of shop
Walker, A Slawyer, of Terrell & Walkerres s w cor North av and Rio Grande st
Walker, BengrocerCongress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Walker, Josephclerk, with Ben WalkerCongress av b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Walker, Joprinter, Vorwaerts officeres n w cor Pine and Guadalupe sts
Walker, Moses BJudge Supreme Courtres north of Capitol
Walker, John H res n e cor Pine and Guadalupe sts
Walker, John T JphysicianPecan st b Congress av and Brazos st
Walker, Davidnight clerk, Raymond Housecor Congress av and Pine st
Walker, W Bof P Thompson & Co, commission merchantsnear Freight Depot
Walker, E Dgrocerres cor Cypress and Trinity sts
Wallace, Milton (col)barber, Pecan st b Congress av and Brazos stres East av
Wallin, Johnboot maker, with A Heilemanres con Cherry and Neches sts
Walter, Johnhackmanbds Avenue Hotel
Walton & GreeblawyersPecan st b Congress av and Colorado st
Walton, Wm Mlawyer, of Walton & Greenres cor Live Oak and Brazos st
Ward, Col Thos Wm res Avenue Hotel
Ward, Simon res s e cor Colorado and Bois d’Arc sts
Ward, Mrsmilliner and dress makers e cor Colorado and Bois d’Arc sts
Ward, Tom (col)musicianres Mesquit st near Land Office
Ward, Henry (col)blacksmith, with J M Bennettres cor Mulberry and Lavaca sts
Ware, Ambrose (col)porter, with Raymond & Whitis, bankerscor Congress av and Pecan st
Warren, J Lproprietor Railroad HousePine st b Neches and Red River sts
Washington, T Pfarmerres cor Peach and Trinity sts
Washington, John res Mulberry st b San Jacinto and Trinity
Washington, Luther (col)carpenterres Hickory st b Nueces and Rio Grande sts
Washington, G H (col)waiter, Kluge’s restaurantCongress av near Bois d’Arc st
Washington, George (col)porter, with John H Robinson & SonCongress av b Pecan and Pine sts
Washington, George (col)porter, State Department, Capitolres cor Peach and Red River sts
Watkins, Thos Aphysician, n w cor Congress av and Bois d’Arc stres with Wm M Walton, cor Live Oak and Brazos sts
Wayman, E Fsalesman, with J W Wayman & Co, Congress av near Ash stbds with R S Rust, near Land Office
Wayman, N Bclerk, with I F Battaile & Co, commission merchantsnear Freight Depot
Webb, Josephof J A Webb & Bro, hardware merchantsPecan st b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
Webb, Chas Hof A S Donnan & Co, claim agentsCongress av opposite Avenue Hotel
Weber, Louisbds Rock’s restaurantPecan st b Congress av and Brazos st
Weilbacher, AugGerman teacherres Trinity st b Pecan and Bois d’Arc
Weinert, E Aclerk, with F W SutorCongress av b Cedar and Cypress sts
Weir, Benclerk, with Brooks & Emmerson, lumber dealers, near Freight Depotres Guadalupe st b Cedar and Cypress sts
Weise, Carlcarpenterres Mesquit st b Trinity and Neches sts
Welch, Stanleyclerk, Department of Education, Capitol 
Weller, Bfeed and sale stablecor Pecan and San Jacinto sts
Wellmer, Wmclerkres Cherry st b Red River and Neches sts
WELLS, B CJewelerCongress av opposite Avenue Hotel
Wells J Hgun and lock smithPecan st near cor Brazos st
Wends, Paul Dtobacconist, Swenson buildingHickory st near Congress av
Wentz, J WplastererPecan st b Neches and Trinity sts
Weshter, Bstone masonres West av near Glasscock place
West, C Slawyer, of Hancock & Westres n w cor Pecan and San Antonio sts
Western Union Telegraph Office s w cor Congress av and Pecan st, up stairs
Westin & Nelsonboot and shoe makers, Taylor’s buildingCongress av near Hickory st
Westin, Eof Westin & NelsonCongress av near Hickory st
Weston, Isiahprinterres Brazos st b Pine and Cedar sts
Wheeler, T Bof Montgomery, Wheeler & Co, land agentsres Mesquit st b Trinity and Neches sts
Wheelock, E Meditor State Journalres cor Peach and San Jacinto sts
White, Peter (col)blacksmith, with J M Bennetts w cor Colorado and Pecan st
White, C Wclerk with S B BrushCongress av b Pecan and Pine sts
Whitehead , Jamesplastererres Colorado st
Whitis, C Wof Raymond & Whitis, bankersres one mile north of Capitol
WHITNEY, WILLIAMInsurance Agentsee advertisement
Whitney, Miss E Bmusic teacherres with Mrs Goodrich cor Cedar and Colorado sts
Whitten, A Hagent for F Steusy & Son, lumber dealers, near Freight Depotres East av b Pine and Cedar sts
Wilburn, Charles (col)city policeman 
Wilcox, Ocarpenterres Pecan st b Lavaca and Guadalupe sts
Wilkerson, Ed (col)barberres Brazos st b North av and Walnut st
Wilkes, Rlaborer, with Amsler & Bendrat, lumber dealersnear Freight Depot
Wilkins, Dr res s e cor Walnut and Brazos sts
Williams, John H res n e cor Water av and Colorado st
Williams, Ada res Cedar st b Lavaca and Guadalupe sts
Williams, Lou res Cedar st b Lavaca and Guadalupe sts
Williams, Newton (col)porter, City Hotel 
Willis, H B (col)shoe maker, Pecan st b Congress av and Brazos stres Peach st b Nueces and San Antonio sts
Wilson, D Mlivery and sale stable, n e cor Colorado and Cedar stres Brazos st b Willow st and Water av
Wilson, Donsalesman, with Sampson & Henricks, cor Congress av and Bois d’Arc stres Brazos st b Willow st and Water av
Wilson, Wmof Woodlief & Wilson, saloon keepersres with N B Mitchell, s w cor Pine and Lavaca sts
Wilson, Georgecarpenter, with C F MillettAsh st near Congress av
Wilson, Wm M res Red River st b Pecan and Bois d’Arc sts
Wilson, Phil (col) res n e cor Cherry and Nueces sts
Winner, C Nclerk, with C R Johns & Co, bankersCongress av opposite Avenue Hotel
Wittemann & Rostdealers in leather and shoe findings, Taylor’s buildingCongress av near Hickory st
Wittemann, Johnof Wittemann & RostCongress av near Hickory st
Withers, H Cof De Cordova & Withers, land agentsCongress av opposite Avenue Hotel
Wolf, Augcarpenterres Linden st b Congress av and Brazos st
Wolf, CharlesmerchantCongress av b Pecan and Pine sts
Wolf, Mrsdress makerTrinity st b Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts
Wolf, Christiancarriage and wagon makerwest Bois d’Arc st near Congress av
Woodburn, F Cclerk, Avenue Hotel 
Woodlief & Wilsonsaloon keepersCongress av b Bois d’Arc and Pecan sts
Woodlief, Mattof Woodlief & WilsonCongress av b Bois d’Arc and Pecan sts
Woods, Charlesbus driver, Miller’s stableeast Bois d’Arc st near Congress av
Woodson, Wlawyerwest Hickory st near Congress av
Woolbright, A Apainter, of Fitzpatrick & Woolbrightres cor Water av and Colorado st
Worthington, C Nphysicianres Rio Grande st b Pecan and Pine sts
Worthington, C Cclerk, Savings Bank of Austinwest Pecan st near Congress av
Wren, T Lof Wynne & Wren, law and land agentsCongress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts
Wright, Rev Isaac (col) res cor Peach and Neches sts
Wright, Joshua (col)wagonerres Peach st b Trinity and Neches sts
Wright, Ephraim (col)porter, with Stuart & Mair, commission merchantsn e cor Pine st and East av
Wroe, Benj F res Brazos st b Water av and Live Oak st
Wynn, C Wcontractor and builderwest Hickory st near City Market
Wynne & Wrenlaw and land agentsCongress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts
Wynne, P Wof Wynne & Wren, law and land agentsres San Antonio st b Bois d’Arc and Pecan sts
Yongue, A Wclerk with T E CaterCongress av b Bois d’Arc and Hickory sts
Young, James res Sabine st b Walnut st and North av
Young, J Mcontractor and buildern w cor Congress av and Cherry st
Youngkin, _____carpenterres Peach st b Brazos and San Jacinto sts
Youngkin, H Cdealer in produce, etcnear Freight Depot
Ziller, August res Walnut st b Guadalupe and San Antonio sts
Ziller, Henrytinner, with W F BengenerCongress av b Hickory and Ash sts
Zimpelman, G BSheriff Travis countyoffice and res Court House, cor Cedar and Guadalupe sts