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The Pioneer Families of Travis County

Did your ancestors live in Travis County before 1880? Then they are Travis County Pioneers. The Austin Genealogical Society issues Pioneer Families of Travis County certificates to descendants who prove that their ancestors were living in Travis County, Texas, prior to the close of 1880. This preserves our past and and honors our earliest settlers. All of  the information submitted provides a valuable resource to others studying the history and genealogy of Travis County.

To qualify for the certificate:

  • You must be a direct descendant of an ancestor who lived in Travis County on or before December 31, 1880.
  • You must submit verifiable proof of such descent including  birth, death, marriage certificates; probate, census, military records; obituaries and Bible records.
  • You must pay a fee of $20 to cover the costs of verification of the application.
  • You do not need to be a current Travis County resident to quality.

If you would like to apply for this certificate, download and complete the AGS Pioneer Certificate Application Form, following the included  instructions, and mail the form and your check* for $20 to Austin Genealogical Society – Pioneer Certificates, 3575 Far West Blvd, Box 28153, Austin, TX 78731-9998.  Important:  be sure to include documentation for each item on the application.

*For your convenience, you may now pay via PayPal. Please label your payment as Pioneer Certificates.

AGS Pioneer Certificate Application form

Travis County Pioneers

Reuben and Sarah Morrison Hornsby1832
Mahala Murchison Strain1839
Francis Dieterich1839
Jacob Mangrin Harrell1840
Daniel Brown1840
Elijah Sterling Clack Robertson1840
William W. Atwood and Mary C. Neely1840
Lorenzo Van Cleve1840
John Henry Lohmann1842
Hanson George Catlett1843
Jesse F Burditt, Sr. and Mildred Crain Burditt1844/1850
Sylvester and Catherine Jennings Lockwood1844
Franklin Tate Brown1846
James Gibson and Elizabeth Swisher1846
Benjamin Grumbles1848
William and Matilda Rayson Baker1850
David Alexander Harris1850
Thomas Jefferson and Catherine Hyde Johnson1850
James Sherrod Prewitt1850
Sebron Graham and Miranda Adkins Sneed1850
Addison Lane and Sally Dennis Lane1850
Henry and Jane Goldfinch (Denyer) Johnson1850
William Martin Preece Sr and Mary Giddons Preece1850
William W and Emily E Rather Ellison1850
Mary Ann Grumbles Plumley1850
Quilla James and Sarah Amelia Hill Nichols1850
John and Mary Meeks1850
Matthew and Mary Brown1850
William Buckner Burditt (son of Jesse F Burditt Sr) and Caroline Whittaker Burditt1850
Andrew W and Jane T (Scrivner) Caperton1853
John and Magdalena Henninger1853
George Fleming Moore1854
William H. Sharp1854
Carl Ludwig Nitschke & Emma Maria Bassett1856
Thomas Salathiel and Eugenia L. Phillips Thompson1856
William A. and Ritha Ann Ragsdale Townsley1856
Gustave and Mary Munson Johnson1858
William George and Mary E. Mayfield Rountree1860
R. A. and Erin Kyle Rutherford1860
William Franklin and Mary Ann (Caperton) Robertson1861
August Wilhelm and Lissette Schuelke1863
James Edward Maxey1866
Joseph Almar Roberts1866
William and Jessie McKenzie McAngus1867
Henry K/Clinger1869
James Alexander and Roxy Almeda Raney1870
Leberecht Sakewitz1870
Alexander Carson Maxwell and Cynthia Ann Owen1871
Carl August and Lovisa Carlson Snygg Peterson1871
Richard E. Stromberg and Adelina Gok1872
Dr Robert Edmondson Grant and Ann Long Snodgrass Grant1872
James T. “Jim” Plumley1872
Henry Emil Seekatz and Jane M. Halden Freland Seekatz1873
John Stevenson Farrow1874
William Frederick Ludwig Luedecke1876
Theodore F and Lillie Decker1877
Crockett J. and Caroline Gray1877
John P. Dipprey1880
Thomas Jones and Sophie Caroline Downs1880
Willis and Margaret Jackson Hopkins1880
Emma Pollock1880
Christian Nelson Houser1880
Joseph Michael Traugott1880