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Cemetery name Travis County International Cemetery
Caretaker Run by Travis County
Appearance Appearance rough
Date surveyed This project was started in November 2007 and finished in March 2008.
Directions Take HWY 183 and turn west on Martin Luther King Rd. Take 1st left on Webberville (Tannehill). Next take 1st left on Tannehill and go past Norman Page Elementary to Jackie Robinson Rd. Go left and then right on Axel. Cemetery entrance in on the right.
Submitted by Robert Sage. These records may not be reproduced in any format for profit or by any organization with out permission of Robert Sage.

If you have any information that may help complete the listings below, such as missing dates and/or persons buried there without markers, please send an email to Robert Sage. Your contributions will be acknowledged here on this page.

The information for starting the inventory of this cemetery came from the City of Austin and Travis County. The city buried people there up till 1997 or so and then Travis County took over burials and maintenance of it. Travis County charges no fees for burial but it is not called a paupers cemetery.

The list is marked by the following signs:

  • State Death Records  *
  • From old City records *1
  • Cemetery Stones **
  • Funeral Home Markers *2

All other names and dates came from Travis County Record. I included the State Death records because there were so few dates of birth and death.