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Name of cemetery: Simpson Family Cemetery
Caretaker: Mrs. Dortha Sedgwick
Location: (USGS Quad: Mansfield Dam, Latitude 30.413 degrees north, longitude 97.969 west)
Driving directions: Take U.S. 183 north in Cedar Park, Texas to FM 1431. Go west on FM 1431 11.2 miles, then south on Lohman’s Ford Road 4.3 miles. Take Sylvester Ford Road east three tenths miles. Simpson Cemetery will be located on the south side of the road in a grove of trees. The cemetery is maintained by the Simpson family descendants and owned by the Simpson Family Association listed on the Travis County, Texas tax rolls. Small pink granite markers on future plots have been placed “to mark their spot.” Annual Cleanup Day occurs late in October each year on a Saturday.
Date transcribed: 2000
Transcribed by: Dortha Sedgwick, Ann Sedgwick Billings, Linda Woodworth, and Anna Houston Price.