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Name of cemetery Nelson Family Cemetery
Location of Cemetery Southwest of Elroy, in southeast Travis County. On property owned by Gwen Wade.
Driving Directions U.S. 183 south to FM-812, left at FM-812, go 4.2 miles, right at Maha Loop, go 1.2 miles, left at Hokanson Rd, go .6 miles,left at Rawls Rd. (a private, dirt road), go .3 miles.
Date transcribed October, 2006
Transcribed by Ronnie Pitman and Suzanne Pitman
Notes The information in the first five columns below is as it appears on the gravestones or funeral home markers. Names are listed in the order that they appear in the cemetery. Names of the infants on the Nelson Infants stone are engraved on the stone; their parentage is not. The Note field expands a couple of birth and death dates. Since Nelson Cemetery is a family cemetery, the Note field also delineates family relationships. All grave markers are granite except for Anna J. Nelson and Carol Schlab, which, at the time of this transcription, are funeral home markers.
Please Note This page is part of the Austin Genealogical Society’s Cemetery Transcription Project. This information was compiled by volunteers who either transcribed historical records or visited the cemetery to write down the names and dates. Unless noted, the volunteer is not an affiliate of the cemetery.