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Cemetery Name Martin Family Cemetery
Caretaker City of Austin
Directions Cemetery is located southeast of 71 and 183 intersection. On northwest corner of Austin-Bergstrom International Airport. Approximately 140 feet north of Greenwood Cemetery.
Latitude 30°13.142N
Longitude 97°40.718W
Restrictions: Permission must be obtained to view cemetery which is behind secured fence with airport police patrolling. Homeland Security restrictions require cemetery visitors be escorted to site. Terrain is better suited to a pickup or airport will allow you to ride with them. For further information contact
Survey Date 3/22/2009; updated 7/2009
Photographed by Judy Shaw
Surveyed By Judy Shaw and Sue Shaw
Comments Headstones are broken and pieces are flat on ground.
Please Note This page is part of the Austin Genealogical Society’s Cemetery Transcription Project. This information was compiled by volunteers who either transcribed historical records or visited the cemetery to write down the names and dates. Unless noted, the volunteer is not an affiliate of the cemetery.