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Cemetery NameĀ  Hensel Cemetery
Driving directions North on US 183 to Cedar Park, West on FM 1431 for 17.3 miles, watch for sign for Singleton Bend Road. South on Singleton Bend Road for .2 miles over bridge. Immediately on west side of road is driveway for two- story rock house. Cemetery is on grounds with house. Private residence so ask permission to visit cemetery.
Appearance Fenced cemetery in small plot on north side of grounds. Fence is ornamental white wrought iron– 4ft. House, land and Hensel Christian camp across Singleton Bend Rd. owned by Church of Christ as trustee, with condition that camp must continue to be used as Christian Children’s camp.
Transcribed by Anna Price
Please note This page is part of the Austin Genealogical Society’s Cemetery Transcription Project. This information was compiled by volunteers who either transcribed historical records or visited the cemetery to write down the names and dates. Unless noted, the volunteer is not an affiliate of the cemetery.