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Name Of Cemetery Chandler-Drake Cemetery
Owner of land It is on private property (in 1977 owned by Mr. Payne)
Location of Cemetery Bitting School Road near the community of Littig, on top of Scott Hill
Driving Directions Go east on Hwy 290E past Manor to Ballerstedt Rd., turn to the right. Road dead-ends into Littig Rd., turn left. Follow to the community of Littig. Turn right on Bitting School Rd. Cemetery is .4 miles on the left. Signs to cemetery on Littig Rd and Bitting School Rd. This is a black cemetery. Elgin West Quad, 3097-132.
Date transcribed This information is from the AGS Quarterly Vol XXVIII No. 3 p 89, Sept. 1977
Transcribed by Research done by Mrs. Sellers and Mrs. Gentry.